Causes, symptoms and principles of nutrition for patients with anemia

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When it comes to anemia, many people will immediately think of dizziness, fatigue, lightheadedness... These are the warning signs that you are at risk of anemia. But in addition, anemia has a different manifestation that makes it not easy for you to recognize. This is very dangerous because if not detected early, it will make anemia worse, affecting health.

1. Causes of anemia

Bone marrow does not produce blood or the blood produced is destroyed: Need to see a hematologist for advice and treatment The body has bleeding somewhere: Due to hemorrhoids, stomach bleeding, bleeding gastrointestinal bleeding, menorrhagia. Iron deficiency: Iron deficiency anemia is common in women. Most anemia is caused by a lack of iron in the body. Women are more susceptible to anemia than men due to menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth. Inadequate nutrition is also a cause of anemia. Other anemias not caused by iron deficiency should be carefully examined and checked with a hematologist.
Nguyên nhân, triệu chứng và nguyên tắc dinh dưỡng cho người bệnh thiếu máu
Phụ nữ dễ bị thiếu máu hơn nam giới do kinh nguyệt, mang thai, sinh nở

2. Symptoms of anemia

When climbing stairs, it's easier to run out of breath than other people Easy to get tired and sluggish Nails are easy to break, grow crooked, yellowish or pale, Instant sleep, swollen or numb limbs. Hair falls out easily , an increase in the amount of red or white hair. Menstrual irregularities, 2-3 months without, or excessive menstrual flow.
Nguyên nhân, triệu chứng và nguyên tắc dinh dưỡng cho người bệnh thiếu máu
Da vàng vọt, xanh xao là một trong những triệu chứng của thiếu máu

3. Principles of nutrition in anemia

Make sure the diet provides adequate nutrients, especially protein. The ratio of animal protein/total protein is >50% Daily iron supplementation (if anemia is caused by iron deficiency) Limit the use of substances that inhibit iron absorption: Tea, coffee, beans with skin, calcium , vegetarian Eat foods that enhance iron absorption: Animal protein, vitamin c.
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