Why do you keep getting boils?

Boils begin with signs of infection in the skin and develop into soft lumps. After four to seven days, these lumps often turn white as pus accumulates beneath the skin. Boils most frequently appear on the face, neck, armpits, shoulders, and buttocks. When a boil forms on the eyelid, it is known as a stye. In some cases, boils can appear all over the body.

1. Are boils caused by heat in the body?

The primary cause of boils is the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. These germs can enter the body through small cuts or breaks in the skin, or they may travel down the hair to the hair follicles. Certain health issues can make individuals more susceptible to skin infections:

  • Diabetes,
  • People with immunodeficiency,
  • Poor nutrition,
  • Poor hygiene,
  • Frequent, prolonged contact with strong cleaning chemicals or other skin irritants,...

In addition to the causes mentioned, individuals may experience severe acne or boils on their bodies due to excess heat. This heat can manifest as a constant feeling of discomfort throughout the day, resulting in numerous boils, sweaty hands and feet, and insomnia at night. Often, these symptoms are linked to impaired liver function, which reduces the body's ability to filter out toxins, leading to their accumulation.

2. Symptoms of boils

Boils begin as small, red, slightly firm spots on the skin, roughly 1 cm in size, which can be painful. Over the next few days, these spots may grow larger, become softer, and increase in pain. Eventually, a pocket of pus will form at the top of the boils.

Here are the signs of a severe infection: 

  • The skin around the boil is swollen, hot, red, and painful, which indicates a more serious infection.
  • Multiple pimples and boils may develop around the original spot.
  • You may experience a fever.
  • Lymph nodes near the boil can become swollen due to an inflammatory reaction.
  • There may be boils all over the body. 

A significant amount of acne can be caused by excess heat in the body.
A significant amount of acne can be caused by excess heat in the body.

3. Why do you have recurring boils all over your body or keep getting boils?

Many people feel extremely uncomfortable when they have boils all over their bodies, especially if they keep returning. The presence of the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria is the main cause of these recurring boils, not an increase in body heat. A study conducted in 2015 found that approximately 10% of individuals with boils experience repeat infections within a year.

Although this percentage is relatively low, it’s important to note that the study relied on medical records. Many individuals with recurrent boils may not seek medical attention for each outbreak, so the actual number of recurrences could be higher than reported.

You may be at greater risk of developing recurring boils or having multiple boils all over your body if you: 

  • Have an autoimmune disease
  • Have diabetes
  • Currently undergoing chemotherapy, etc.

4. How to Treat Boils?

You can often treat boils at home by following these general guidelines: 

  • Keep the affected area clean and avoid harsh detergents or substances that may irritate.
  • Do not attempt to pop a boil yourself, as this can increase the risk of further infection or worsen the condition.
  • Applying warm compresses to the area several times a day can help promote healing. 

Patients with multiple boils should seek early examination and treatment.
Patients with multiple boils should seek early examination and treatment.

5. Preventing boils from recurring or spreading

To prevent boils from recurring or spreading all over your body, it's essential to maintain good personal hygiene habits. Here are some effective strategies to consider:

  • Cover existing boils with a clean bandage to prevent further irritation and spread.
  • If you have a skin wound, be diligent in cleaning and treating it properly to avoid infection.
  • Wash the clothes, bedding, and towels of anyone in your household who has boils. This helps eliminate any bacteria that could lead to further outbreaks.
  • Do not share towels, washcloths, or razors with others to minimize the risk of spreading bacteria.
  • Frequently clean bathtubs, toilets, and other surfaces that are often touched.
  • After engaging in activities that cause sweating, wash yourself thoroughly to keep your body dry and limit humidity and stuffiness.
  • Focus on good personal hygiene, boosting your body's resistance, and maintaining optimal health.

Boils can recur or spread. If you experience recurring boils or have multiple boils all over your body, it's important to contact your doctor to determine the underlying cause and find a solution. Your doctor can recommend appropriate treatments for the boils and suggest preventive measures, such as changes in lifestyle habits, personal hygiene practices, or possibly prescribing antibiotics treatment.

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