What happens when you lose weight fast in a short time?

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Losing weight to get in shape can lead to many changes in both your personal life and your health. The following article will introduce you to the effects of the body when losing weight quickly in a short time.

1. Have a good night's sleep

Losing a lot of weight can help improve your sleep somewhat. Overweight people often experience sleep disorders because sleep apnea makes them feel short of breath and wake up in the middle of the night. Therefore, when the weight is reduced, the breathing difficulties also gradually disappear and you fall asleep more easily. Having a good night's sleep will help you feel more alert and focused for work the next day.
2. Better mood Losing weight not only makes your body feel good, but it also improves mood and mental health. In a study of obese older adults after 3 months of significant weight loss, they felt less stressed, depressed, angry or tired. This is explained that when the weight is kept at a reasonable level, it will have an impact on the psychology of making the body feel more comfortable and at ease. A good mood and a healthy weight go hand in hand.
3. Increased taste ability Obese patients often have a reduced ability to taste than normal people and even loss of taste. Studies show that people who lose a lot of weight, especially after weight loss surgery, don't then taste everything the same way. Sweet and fatty meals may not be to their taste. So after the surgery they will start to eat more healthy foods and absorb fewer calories.
giảm cân nhanh trong thời gian ngắn
Bạn sẽ có những giấc ngủ ngon khi giảm cân nhanh trong thời gian ngắn

4. Good for the brain Obese people often have trouble with memory, thinking skills and overall brain function. One study in 20 overweight women found that their brains functioned in different ways, too. Although it was only a small study, it did show that after losing weight, these women performed better on memory tests. Certain parts of their brains were also more active after losing weight.
5. Improve sex life Obese people often report that they are less interested in sex or have little interest in sex life. Overweight men can have more trouble with erectile dysfunction. A review of 16 studies on weight loss found that when they lost weight, their quality of sex life improved.
6. Reduce health risks Obesity increases the risk of many health problems and is the cause of diseases such as high blood pressure, blood cholesterol, diabetes, stroke. Losing weight can reduce the likelihood of these diseases as well as improve symptoms for people who already have them.
7. Reduce the risk of cancer Obese people who accumulate a lot of body fat are more prone to many types of cancer than normal. Weight loss can reduce the risk of cancers in organs such as the breast, endometrium, colon, prostate, and several others. Even if you have cancer, a healthy weight will help your body fight the disease better.

8. Sagging skin due to weight loss This is a less desirable side effect of weight loss. If you have lost weight quickly in a short time, it will be difficult for your skin to return to the way it was before. On the body will appear folds in the abdomen, thighs, arms, chin or chest as a result of loose skin due to a lot of weight loss. Plastic surgeons can perform surgery to remove excess tissue to improve the condition.
giảm cân nhanh trong thời gian ngắn
Tăng khả năng vị giác khi giảm cân nhanh trong thời gian ngắn

9. Metabolism slows down You will probably lose weight after eating less and this makes the digestive system work slower. This can make it difficult to keep losing weight after you've lost some. To ensure a normal metabolism and maintain an ideal weight, you should exercise more, including strength training to build muscle mass.
10. Biological clocks change Fixed mealtimes can help adjust the biological clock accordingly. If you've changed your eating times to help you lose weight, your bedtime and wake-up times will also change. Therefore, the time of eating plays a very important role. For example, overweight and obese women may lose more weight when they eat more for breakfast and less for dinner even when the total calories for the day are the same.

11. Change Your Body Temperature Scientists have linked basal body temperature to obesity in postmenopausal men and women. The figures show that a higher body mass index (BMI) is directly proportional to body temperature. If you lose more weight than before, you may feel your body cooler.
Thus, fast weight loss in a short time will bring a lot of health benefits. You should build a healthy, reasonable diet to maintain a suitable body mass.
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Reference source: webmd.com

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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