The Complete Guide to Pec . Implants

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Plastic surgery is one of the issues that men are quite concerned about, including Pec implants. Artificial male breast implants or “Pec implants” are defined as ways to increase the contour of the breasts. This method can be used during reconstructive surgery after an injury, improve appearance faster than exercise, or to confirm female to male gender.
Here is the basic information for you to complete the Pec implantation steps:

1. Preparing for Pec Transplant

When preparing for Pec implant surgery, you should make sure you know what it will cost before proceeding with the procedure, whether or not it is covered by insurance. At the same time, it is essential that you learn "all" information about this method, reputable technical implementation address, doctor's skills...

2. Surgical consultation

The esthetician will review your medical history and take your bust measurements. Will you have a conversation about your expectations and together decide if you are a good candidate for a Pec implant?
The esthetician will probably show you before and after photos of the male breast implant and choose the right implant size.

3. Plan before and after surgery

Should stop smoking, drinking alcohol to facilitate wound healing after surgery. If men are taking blood thinners, they should be stopped for 2 weeks before surgery and compared with the potential risk of blood clots. You will need to fast the night before your surgery unless your doctor tells you otherwise. You will be under general anesthesia and you may feel pain when you wake up. Therefore, patients need to go with relatives and friends to be taken home, not to drive vehicles by themselves right after the surgery is over. After surgery, you need to rest, avoid working for 1 to 2 weeks afterward.

4. Pec . Implant Procedure

4.1. Preparation before surgery Your chest area will be shaved when you enter the operating room. You'll be given either local or general anesthesia, so you won't feel anything during the surgery.
3.1. The surgical process To begin with, the surgeon will make an incision in the center of the breast adjacent to the small line - right at the crease of the armpit. An implant made of solid silicone gel will be inserted underneath your skin between these two muscles. The doctor will then close the incision with small stitches, doing so to minimize visible scarring. It usually takes 1 to 2 hours to perform an artificial male breast implant. At the end of the surgery, you will be taken to the waiting room for the effects of the anesthetic to wear off. If the patient wakes up well, the patient can go home the same day.

5. Recovery after Pec . Transplant

After Pec implant surgery, you will experience some of the following problems:
Swelling Inflammation Inflammation Bruising Drainage from the incision area Pain and swelling symptoms may continue until the incision heals , takes about 14 days. Your doctor may order you to use drains to drain fluid out of the wound as it begins to heal. These drains are temporary and are usually removed within a few days or up to 1 week. You will be given instructions on how to care for the drains. You may also need to wear compression clothing for up to 6 weeks to reduce swelling in the area of ​​the intervention While recovering, you will need to avoid the following activities:
Elevate your arms overhead Lifting heavy things Exercising at the gym Use underarm deodorant for the first 7 to 14 days Besides, to help recover quickly, remember these tips:
Drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet with different types of foods. foods high in fiber, which can help speed recovery and keep you from feeling tired at rest. Gentle exercise, such as going for a walk, can also help drain inflammation and swelling. Follow your doctor's instructions exactly and take any medications as prescribed. Wearing a compression garment over the chest area during healing At your 2 weeks post-surgery follow-up visit, your doctor will assess how well your wound is healing and your ability to resume normal daily activities as before. In some cases, it may take several months to resume lifting weights and doing high-intensity upper body workouts. Pec implants have a lifespan of about 10 years. After that time, you will need to consult your doctor about removal or replacement.

6. Potential complications from Pec . implant

6.1. Infection This is a complication that can occur up to 30 days later. To prevent infection, the patient should note:
Always keep the perioperative area clean Maintain hygiene during recovery Follow your doctor's advice about when to resume normal activities Your doctor can You may prescribe antibiotics to take after surgery to help reduce the risk of infection. You should call your doctor or seek immediate medical attention if you suspect an infection such as a fever or a cloudy discharge from the wound. 6.2. Other complications Other potential complications include:
Hematoma and serum under the skin Muscle spasms and numbness in the arm Keloids, bad healing scars Asymmetry between the two sides of the implant site Movement of the graft from Initial site Capsular contracture, which is a thickening of scar tissue around the implant that can cause pain, displacement, and increased visibility of the implant margin In summary, Pec implantation is a fairly common surgery. and has been routinely performed for decades, for chest wall reconstruction and sex determination. Accordingly, be open and honest with your esthetician about the look you hope to achieve and do your research before choosing to have it done to quickly get the attractive masculine look you want.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference source: healthline
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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