Manifestations of resistance to antibiotics to treat HP virus and bile reflux

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Hello doctor, at the beginning of July, I went for a general health check and a gastroscopy. Her results were positive for HP virus and bile reflux. I have been taking medicine for a month to treat HP bacteria and that disease. I forgot to take my medicine for a few days and came back to take it again. In the last few days, after eating and drinking, I have indigestion, chest pain and sometimes difficulty breathing. Because it is not convenient to go back to the doctor, I would like to ask if I have symptoms of resistance to antibiotics to treat HP virus and bile reflux due to skipping medication for a few days? And what should I do next? I thank you.
Trang Le (2000)
Your symptoms are not thought of as "resistance" to antibiotics to treat HP virus and bile reflux. I should go back and get some advice on my new condition. In specific cases, a specialist doctor will advise you on the right treatment for HP bacteria and bile reflux.
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Answered by Master, Doctor Vu Huy Binh - Digestive Endoscopy Doctor - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

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