Why do you vomit a lot after drinking?

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Nausea after drinking is a common manifestation. Especially those who drink large amounts of alcohol. So, why do you feel nauseous after drinking alcohol? How to treat nausea after drinking alcohol?

1. What is nausea after drinking alcohol?

Nausea and vomiting are reflexes of the body to protect and eliminate toxins in the stomach. It is stimulated by the nervous and humoral systems. Nausea after drinking alcohol is a condition in which the vomiting control center is activated. This center is located on either side of the floor of the 4th ventricle, close to the postrema region.
Nausea after drinking alcohol appears after about 1-2 minutes when there is the presence of gastric slow wave increase. Accompanied by an increase in blood indicators such as:
Cortisol; Beta endorphins; Epinephrine; Norepinephrine;

2. Why do you feel nauseous after drinking alcohol?

There are different reasons why you might feel nauseous after drinking alcohol. The liver is the place of detoxification, when it cannot process the amount of alcohol in the body. At this point, vomiting will be the best way to help remove alcohol from the body.
Some subjects do not drink much alcohol, they may be poisoned if they drink too much. Some symptoms of alcohol poisoning such as:
Vomiting; Confusion; Convulsion; Loss of coordination; Irregular breathing; Fainting; Vomiting blood. So why nausea after drinking alcohol? Nausea when drinking alcohol can come from:
Imbalance: When drinking, stimulants cause the nervous system to be affected. Alcohol throws you off balance, causing nausea and vomiting. Irregular heartbeat: Alcohol can affect your heart rate and breathing. You may find your heart beats faster when you drink alcohol. Hypothermia: The body temperature is lowered after drinking alcohol, this is also the cause of feeling nauseous and vomiting. Irritated Stomach: Alcohol can cause stomach irritation. You may feel nauseous and uncomfortable in your stomach, causing nausea and vomiting. Nervous problems: Alcohol contains stimulants, alcohol,... Therefore, it can affect your nerves, causing you to vomit, convulsions,... Dehydration: Alcohol also makes you dehydrated. , can affect the brain in the long term. This is also the reason why you feel dry mouth, want to drink water, feel nauseous after drinking alcohol.

3. Nausea after drinking alcohol should not be subjective

Although vomiting and nausea after drinking are very common. Even many people think that when vomiting will help them sober up quickly. However, if you experience persistent vomiting while drinking alcohol, then caution should be exercised. Because it can warn of health problems such as:
Mild gastroparesis: This disease occurs due to the effects of food moving from the stomach to the intestines. Alcohol affects the speed of digestion in the stomach. The digestion of food will be slower, the protein in the stomach begins to break down, creating toxins that cause vomiting. Alcohol poisoning: This can be a manifestation of alcohol poisoning. This condition can cause many health hazards. Ketoacidosis: This is also the leading cause of nausea after drinking alcohol. While the body's cells need sugar and insulin, alcohol causes the pancreas to stop producing insulin. This will make you nauseous, vomiting continuously after drinking alcohol.

4. How to treat nausea after drinking alcohol

Nausea after drinking cannot be taken lightly. Some ways to get rid of nausea after drinking alcohol you can apply such as:
Drink ginger tea: Ginger has a spicy, warm taste, which helps reduce nausea very well. You can buy a packet of ginger tea or mix a few slices of fresh ginger into a cup of warm water to drink. Do not eat for 1-2 hours: The way to treat nausea after drinking alcohol is that you should not eat anything for 1-2 hours after drinking alcohol. You can drink boiled water to cool down in small sips to relax. Avoid citrus drinks: Juices from oranges, grapefruits, lemons, kumquats, ... should not be used while drunk because it can easily cause vomiting and stomach damage. Eat foods that are easy to digest: If you feel nauseous after drinking alcohol but do not vomit, to reduce this situation, you can eat a slice of dry bread, hot porridge,... Also, to treat nausea after drinking alcohol you need to monitor the next day. You can add foods rich in potassium and calcium such as:
Bananas; Potato; Milk without sugar; Dark green vegetables; Bean; Shrimp; Oysters. If there are unusual signs of alcohol poisoning, take the initiative to seek medical attention.

5. Prevention of nausea after drinking

To prevent nausea after drinking alcohol you need to pay attention:
Eat before drinking alcohol; Do not drink too much alcohol; Must eat more food while drinking; Do not drink continuously, the cup is full; Do not mix soft drinks, other drinks with alcohol; After drinking alcohol, you should drink a lot of water. This helps limit the effects of alcohol on the body. Thus, nausea after drinking alcohol is a common condition. How to treat nausea after drinking such as drinking ginger tea, resting, eating easy to digest food... is a simple and easy method to implement. In addition, nausea after drinking alcohol if accompanied by other unusual symptoms, you need to see a doctor soon for appropriate treatment.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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