What medicine to take for intestinal dysbacteriosis?

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What drugs do intestinal dysbacteriosis take? At that time, a lot of people who bought it themselves were abusing antibiotics, or digestive enzymes for treatment. So is this method scientifically correct or not? The following article will help you understand what is the nature of intestinal dysbiosis? How to treat intestinal dysbiosis? What medicine to take to treat intestinal bacterial disorders...to have a suitable treatment in this case.

1. What is intestinal dysbacteriosis?

Intestinal dysbiosis is a term that refers to a condition in which the microflora in the intestines is out of balance. In the gut, there are always good bacteria and bad bacteria living together. At this time, harmful bacteria are taking advantage, causing digestive disorders. If prolonged, can cause malnutrition, reduce absorption of vitamins and minerals. Both adults and children are at risk for gut bacteria.
When intestinal dysbiosis will have many different symptoms. In adults, there are often manifestations:
Diarrhea or vice versa constipation; Flatulence; Distention; Stomachache ; Nausea and vomiting. Manifestations of intestinal bacterial disorders in young children include:
Anorexia ; Stomachache; Distention; Vomit; Diarrhea or constipation; Poor immunity, so often sick, Long-term intestinal dysbiosis and not effectively treated can cause:
Vitamin deficiency; Osteoporosis ; Kidney stones; There are many factors leading to intestinal dysbacteriosis, but mainly due to:
Improper nutrition; Long-term antibiotic use; Abuse of alcohol;

2. How to cure intestinal bacteria disorder

Disturbances of gut bacteria can be acute or chronic. Depending on the situation, there will be appropriate treatment as below.
2.1. Treatment of acute bacterial disorders Acute intestinal dysbacteriosis will occur in 3-5 days and may resolve on its own. During this time, you can apply the following ways to treat intestinal bacteria disorders as follows:
Change your diet: Process thoroughly, choose fresh, sourced foods. Eat green vegetables, tubers, fruits, drink enough water. Do not eat foods that cause bloating, carbonated drinks, alcohol, tea, ... Adjust living habits: Exercise depending on health conditions to strengthen the digestive system; Do not stay up late; These activities are intended to create conditions for beneficial bacteria to grow again and restore the balance in the intestinal microflora. However, if after 3-5 days of applying this method, the condition does not improve, or there are unusual problems, see a gastroenterologist for advice.
2.2. How to cure chronic bacterial disorders For chronic cases, you need to take medicine under the direction of your doctor. Usually the doctor will prescribe and guide some appropriate diet, with the ultimate goal still to restore the balance of the intestinal microflora. The following section will talk in detail about the drugs used to treat intestinal dysbiosis.

3. What drugs do you take for intestinal dysbacteriosis?

Some drugs used in the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis include:
3.1. Antibiotics - treat intestinal disorders There are many types of intestinal antibiotics produced with the purpose of treating diseases, improving problems in the intestines. However, when using these groups of drugs, it is necessary to be cautious and adhere to the prescribed dose to be effective and avoid drug resistance. Antibiotics to treat intestinal disorders are prescribed:
Amoxicillin - medicine to treat disorders of intestinal bacteria: Amoxicillin is the most commonly used antibiotic. It can be used to treat various types of intestinal infections. If you are allergic to the drug or its ingredients, you must consult a doctor when using it. Sulfamide drug group: Sulfamide is a common intestinal antibiotic prescribed by doctors. The drug has an effective bactericidal effect but also has many side effects. Therefore, when using, you need to have instructions and prescriptions from your doctor/pharmacist. Quinolone group: Quinolone is also a group of intestinal antibiotics, popular among which are some products: Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin,... This group of antibiotics is effective with intestinal dysbacteriosis problems. 5-Aminosalicylic acid (referred to as 5-ASA) helps interfere with the production of prostaglandins and leukotrienes. The drug works in the intestinal lumen, so it is highly effective in the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis. Some drugs in this group include: Sulfasalazine, Olsalazine,... Corticosteroids: Corticosteroids are effective in outbreaks of infections. This group includes drugs: Hydrocortisone, Budesonide, ... When using Corticosteroid group for subjects with intestinal bacterial disorders, it is necessary to add vitamin D and calcium. Antibiotics in the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis used according to the instructions. You should not self-medicate, because it can cause many other risks.
3.2. Group of immunomodulatory drugs Immunosuppressive drugs are used in combination with biological drugs to treat intestinal dysbiosis. These drugs include: Azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine, Methotrexate, Cyclosporine, Tacrolimus,...
3.3. Biologics This class of drugs is to be taken as directed. Including some drugs such as:
Anti-TNF drugs such as: Infliximab, Ertolizumab, Adalimumab, Golimumab,... Other biological drugs include: Vedolizumab, Natalizumab, Ustekinumab,... Other small molecule agents such as Tofacitinib, .. The group of biological drugs used in the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis should be guided/instructed by a doctor/pharmacist.
3.4. Probiotics This is a type of digestive enzyme that is used to support digestion and reduce symptoms caused by intestinal bacteria disorders. Some popular types on the market such as:
Neopeptine ; Lactomin; Enterogemina ; ... In general, there are many drugs used in the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis. The drug is prescribed according to the instructions. What drugs do you take for intestinal dysbacteriosis? Often digestive enzymes, probiotics will be prioritized. With severe infections, it is possible to use a combination of antibiotics, immunomodulatory drugs, biological drugs ... with digestive enzymes, probiotics to complement each other.
The purpose of using antibiotics in treating intestinal dysbiosis is to kill bacteria. And digestive enzymes, probiotics ... are used to supplement and help stabilize the microflora in the intestinal tract. Understanding this issue will help you to take medicine for intestinal dysbiosis safely.
Above are the drugs to treat intestinal dysbacteriosis. You can consult, if used, need guidance, advice, and prescriptions from a doctor/pharmacist.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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