The fastest ways to stop diarrhea

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Diarrhea makes the patient tired, uncomfortable, even physically weak. Knowing the fastest way to control diarrhea will help patients recover quickly and avoid serious complications.

1. Diarrhea at a glance

Acute diarrhea is the passage of loose stools for a few days. In addition, people with diarrhea also have other symptoms of bloating, abdominal cramps, vomiting, ... When diarrhea becomes severe, stools will be mixed with mucus, food is not digested. There are many causes of diarrhea, such as: Lamblia, Amoeba or Shigella bacteria, Salmonella, pinworms, roundworms, intestinal flukes, etc. .. Besides, diarrhea can also be caused by food allergies, alcohol abuse, laxative abuse, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, side effects of radiotherapy drugs, surgery, nutritional absorption disorders. nutrients, ... When the above agents attack the digestive system, the body will lose water, increase intestinal stimulation, and have more bowel movements. Without timely measures to control diarrhea, the disease will worsen, even lead to death.

2. Some of the fastest ways to stop diarrhea

Diarrhea may disappear after a few days. However, if you have symptoms of bloody stools, black stools, high fever for more than 24 hours, frequent vomiting, severe abdominal pain, headache, nausea, dark urine, heart palpitations, skin dry, ... then people with diarrhea should see a doctor immediately.
If you have mild diarrhea, the patient can apply the following diarrhea treatments:
2.1 Replenish water for the body Before trying to find the fastest way to stop diarrhea, the patient needs to add enough water to the body because When it comes to diarrhea, dehydration is the most common complication. Diarrhea causes the body to lose a lot of water and electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium - which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Without adequate water and electrolytes, the body may fall into a state of dehydration, experience many dangerous complications such as confusion, fatigue, severe abdominal pain, difficulty regulating body temperature, affect to kidney function, even coma,...
To treat acute diarrhea, patients should replenish lost fluids and electrolytes by drinking plenty of filtered water, fruit juices without added sugar, soups or sports drinks rich in electrolytes. At the same time, patients should absolutely avoid drinks containing caffeine, sugary drinks, prune juice, alcohol, etc.
In case of severe diarrhea, drinking water alone will not be enough. Patients should take additional fluid rehydration products to replenish water and electrolytes for the body. In addition, patients should also pay attention to observe signs of dehydration: Feeling thirsty, not wanting to urinate, dark urine, fatigue, confusion, ... for timely intervention, to avoid serious complications than.
2.2 Use probiotics to provide beneficial bacteria to the gut The gut is full of billions of bacteria, both good and bad, creating a balanced microbiome. Beneficial bacteria help protect the gut against infection. When the digestive system is overloaded by bad bacteria or the side effects of antibiotics, people can develop diarrhea. Therefore, one of the fastest and best ways to control diarrhea is to add beneficial bacteria to the body.
Foods rich in beneficial bacteria are: Yogurt, oats, dark chocolate, kimchi, kombucha tea (water ginseng tea). In addition, patients can also supplement beneficial bacteria for the digestive system by using probiotics in sachets or pills. When buying probiotics, patients should choose products that contain Saccharomyces boulardii yeast - yeast strains recommended by reputable medical organizations. In addition to the ability to balance the intestinal microflora, this yeast also enhances the activity of digestive enzymes, increases the absorption of nutrients, improves the immune system and inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria. sick.
2.3 Use of antidiarrheal medication When experiencing symptoms of diarrhea, the patient should see a doctor. If the diarrhea is not too severe, the doctor will give the patient common over-the-counter drugs such as: Loperamide, Bismuth subsalicylate,... In case of chronic diarrhea (lasting more than 14 days, due to many reasons), the patient needs to use other drugs as prescribed by the doctor. If bloody diarrhea, fever, symptoms persist for more than 7 days accompanied by severe abdominal pain or worsening diarrhea, the patient should seek medical attention immediately and follow all instructions given by the doctor.
2.4 Change the diet Many people believe that when having diarrhea, they should abstain from eating and drinking for easier digestion and quick recovery. However, this is a misconception because without adequate nutrition, the body will fall into a state of lack of nutrients, fatigue, making the disease even more serious.
When having diarrhea, the patient should choose foods low in fiber (BRAT diet). With this diet, patients should eat 4 main dishes: apples, rice, bananas, toast to help harden stools quickly. In addition to these foods, you can also eat chicken, oatmeal, potatoes (boiled or baked).
Besides, patients should limit fried, greasy and high-fiber foods because they can cause bloating. Foods that people with diarrhea should limit include: Alcohol, legumes, berries, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, green leafy vegetables, milk, peppers,...
2.5 Rest and de-stress In addition to the above measures, the fastest way to control diarrhea and help reduce symptoms is to have adequate rest. You should rest for a few days, avoid stress and do not overwork so that your body can relax. If you feel abdominal pain, you should apply a warm towel or bottle of water to your abdomen to relieve the pain.
2.6 Some tips to help stop diarrhea quickly The following are some of the fastest ways to stop diarrhea that you can apply at home:
Drink chamomile tea: In chamomile tea there are many nutrients that help treat diseases IBD. At the same time, this tea also has a good antispasmodic effect, helping to relieve symptoms of diarrhea; Drink water from green sapodilla: You prepare 15-20g of green sapodilla, put it in a pot, add 200ml, simmer until it is 100ml, then stop. Divide and drink 2 times a day, should drink 15 minutes after eating, drink about 3-5 days; Eat blueberries: In this fruit, there are anthocyanosides with antibacterial and antioxidant properties, which help fight diarrhea very well. So people with diarrhea can eat blueberries to stop diarrhea quickly; Using guava leaves, guava buds: Green guava leaves contain quercetin-type flavonoid active ingredients, which are active on acetylcholine secretion in the intestine, stimulate intestinal smooth muscle, relieve pain quickly. At the same time, guava leaves contain tannin, which reduces intestinal secretions, tones the mucosa, and has good antibacterial properties. Patients should boil young guava leaves, drink instead of water during diarrhea; Use psyllium + pineapple + salt: You put these ingredients in a pot, boil for drinking water several times a day; Drink orange peel tea: Cut the orange peel into small pieces, put in a pot, boil with boiling water, let it cool, then add honey. Diarrhea patients use orange peel tea as a daily drink. Diarrhea can be treated at home on its own if it is mild, not too serious. However, patients should note that if applying the fastest ways to control diarrhea above but not effective after 3-5 days, they should see a doctor immediately for examination and treatment. Patients are also absolutely not allowed to arbitrarily use antibiotics to avoid causing an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, leading to prolonged diarrhea.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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