Removal of tumors and polyps in the rectum through the anus

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Ngoc Thang - Gastroenterologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital. The doctor has 17 years of experience in the field of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary surgery.
Although rectal polyps are one of the benign tumors, people with rectal polyps still have a high risk of cancer. Resection of rectal polyps and rectal polyps is a solution to prevent colon cancer.

1. What is rectal polyp?

Rectal polyp is a papillary tumor in the rectum (the end of the large intestine before emptying through the anus) that causes functional disorders for the patient's digestive system, making it difficult for patients. during their activities. This is a disease in which a tumor appears on the surface of the large intestine.
Normally, rectal polyps are not dangerous diseases. With the disease, a person will likely have one or more polyps in the colon. Most of these tumors are benign colon tumors, only a few rare cases are malignant colon tumors and if not treated early, they will progress to colon cancer.

2. Identification signs

Rectal polyps often have no obvious symptoms. However, if the patient experiences the following symptoms, the disease can be recognized early.

2.1 Goes out with blood

Fresh blood can be seen in streaks on stools or stools with dark brown bloody mucus or thanks to fish blood. Having loose stools or constipation that persists for more than a week for no apparent reason. For polyps located in the lower rectum near the anus, especially when the polyps are large or ulcerated, they cause irritable bowel symptoms such as frequent urination, sometimes cramping pain, straining, so they can easily confused with dysentery syndrome.

2.2 Abdominal pain

Đau bụng là dấu hiệu của polyp trực tràng
Đau bụng là dấu hiệu của polyp trực tràng
There are cases of polyps that are too large to cause symptoms of semi-obstruction or complete obstruction, then the typical manifestation is pain due to intestinal obstruction, accompanied by vomiting and bowel obstruction. When seeing signs of colon polyps, patients need to be very attentive. Do not be subjective with the disease that affects your health and makes the disease worse. It is best to see a doctor for early diagnosis and treatment.

3. Causes of Rectal Polyps

There are many causes of rectal polyps, including the following 3 main causes:

3.1 Improper diet

The first cause of rectal polyps is the use of unhygienic food containing many toxic chemicals. It may also be due to the habit of using too much oil when preparing dishes.

3.2 Constantly under stress

The second cause of rectal polyps is psychological, this is an important factor to determine your health. If you are often stressed or tired, the likelihood of colon polyps is relatively high.

3.3 Due to heredity

Heredity is also one of the factors that cause the disease. If a family member or previous generations has had rectal polyps, there is also an increased risk of developing this disease.
In addition, there are factors that are more likely to cause cancer than usual, such as eating a lot of foods containing a lot of fat, fatty meat, red meat, low-fiber foods, unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, not having a healthy diet. movement or have symptoms of rectal polyps, ulcerative colitis.

4. Treatment methods for rectal polyps

Several non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are being tested for their ability to destroy polyps caused by tumors. However, the effect of the drug is only temporary, polyps will slowly start to grow again if you stop taking the medicine.
The most commonly recommended method is surgical removal of rectal polyps. Resection of polyps, rectal polyps in the anus is a solution to prevent colon cancer by removing polyp adenomas. The lesion after resection will be sent for histopathological examination, to determine whether this is a benign tumor or has turned to cancer, for the earliest and most effective treatment plan.
To cut these polyps, doctors will use endoscopic methods and remove them without pain for the patient. For polyps with large stalks, high risk when cutting by endoscopic gastrointestinal, polypectomy surgery through the anus is applied, to ensure the complete removal of the lesion, the most effective and safest for the patient. patient.

Phương pháp nội soi được sử dụng trong việc cắt polyp trực tràng
Phương pháp nội soi được sử dụng trong việc cắt polyp trực tràng

4.1 Advantages of rectal polyp removal technique

Over 95% success rate. Relatively low cost compared to other treatment techniques. There is no pain during and after the surgery. Patients recover quickly, do not need to stay in the hospital for a long time. Currently, Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital has been applying the most advanced rectal polyp removal techniques suitable for each patient. The method is performed safely with the most modern laparoscopic / laparoscopic surgery equipment and experienced doctors.

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