Are damaged stents covered by warranty?

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Hello doctor, I asked for an acquaintance, is the case of stent placement, but is the next process covered by the warranty when the stent is damaged?
Pham Van Ngan (Hanoi)
Hello! You did not say what condition your acquaintance had stenting to treat (cerebral artery stent, coronary artery stent, renal artery or peripheral artery...). Normally, after stenting the artery, the doctor usually advises the patient to have a monthly checkup, at least for the first 12 months to closely monitor the condition of the disease so that there will be an appropriate treatment for each situation. You should advise your acquaintances to follow the instructions of the attending physician.
Master, Doctor Pham Van Hung - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital

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