Are autonomic disorders dangerous?

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Hello doctor,
Recently, I have been having trouble breathing and fast heart rate and feeling dizzy. The doctor diagnosed her with a neurological disorder. I took the prescribed medicine but my condition did not improve. The doctor asked me: Is the autonomic nervous system dangerous?
Le Anh Thi (2004)
To the question “Are neurovegetative disorders dangerous?” , the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Heart palpitations, shortness of breath are common symptoms in life that can be caused by many different causes. Healthy people with intense exercise or unstable mood, intense emotions can also experience heart palpitations and shortness of breath. However, it can also be a warning sign of some diseases, the most common of which is cardiovascular disease.
Depending on the cause of the heart palpitations, shortness of breath and the patient's health status to determine whether it is a warning sign of a dangerous pathology or just a normal physiological manifestation, not worrisome. Ideally, if you experience heart palpitations, shortness of breath occurring frequently, you should see a doctor for advice appropriate to your health condition.
In terms of autonomic nervous system disorders, the autonomic nervous system is the organs in the body that are under the control of automatic nervous systems such as the digestive organs, the muscles and the digestive system. respiratory organs, cardiac activity... A disorder of the autonomic nervous system is an imbalance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. When one of the two systems is disturbed, it will lead to autonomic nervous system disorder. These two nervous systems control the activities of the organs in the body, not under the control of the brain. Although the disease is not fatal, it significantly reduces the patient's quality of life, causing discomfort for the patient, causing psychological changes. Treatment of autonomic dysfunction is mainly to treat the cause of the disease. Some manifestations of autonomic dysfunction have not been found the cause, there is no way to cure it completely. Currently, doctors will assign patients to use sedatives, antidepressants, drugs to treat insomnia, drugs to reduce sweating, regulate bladder spasms to treat urinary disorders. .You should strictly follow the instructions of qualified doctors. It is possible to combine the treatment process with psychological examination methods to help the treatment results to be more effective and faster.
If you still have questions about autonomic nervous system disorders, you can go to a hospital under Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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Answered by Dr., Doctor Truong Ngoc Hai - General Internal Medicine - Emergency Department - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

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