What's wrong with heart palpitations, shortness of breath when excited?

Hello doctor! Every time I get excited by something I want and don't go with it, my heart beats fast and I can't think of anything. In addition, accompanied by symptoms of shortness of breath. So the doctor told me what to do with my heart beating fast, shortness of breath when agitated? Ask your doctor for advice. I would like to thank you.
Nguyen Minh Quang, 1996
Hello! The doctor would like to answer the question: "What's wrong with heart palpitations, difficulty breathing when agitated?" Your body is as follows:
The human body is controlled by the autonomic nervous system and the active nervous system at the same time. In a state of excitement, your autonomic nervous system will activate the circuit, transmitting stimulating impulses that make the heart beat faster and feel uncomfortable.
To avoid these phenomena, you try to avoid being agitated, try to control your emotions, stay calm, relax your body to master yourself.
Thank you for sending your trust and questions to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!
Answered by Master, Doctor Tran Hong Nhat - Interventional Cardiologist - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
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