Uses of Zykadia

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What is Zykadia? Zykadia contains the active ingredient Ceritinib which is a targeted therapy in the treatment of cancer. Zykadia is used to treat non-small cell lung cancer that has a mutation in the ALK gene and has not responded to crizotinib.

1. What is Zykadia?

Ceritinib is a targeted cancer therapy through tyrosine kinase inhibition. Ceritinib contained in the drug Zykadia blocks receptors on cancer cells, thereby inhibiting the ability of tumors to grow. Zykadia is active specifically on tumors with mutations in the ALK (Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase) gene. Oncologists need to check the patient's cancer cells for ALK mutations before prescribing Zykadia.
What does Zykadia do? This product is used as monotherapy to treat non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that has tested positive for ALK and has not responded to crizotinib.

2. How to use Zykadia

Zykadia is in the form of capsules to be used once a day orally. The patient should swallow the tablet whole, do not break or chew it, and take it on an empty stomach (1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal). If a patient accidentally misses a dose, the patient may miss the missed dose of Zykadia as soon as they remember it if it is more than 12 hours after the next dose. If the time of remembering is less than 12 hours after the next dose, the patient should not take the missed dose and absolutely should not take 2 doses of Zykadia at the same time to make up for the missed dose.
Ceritinib blood levels may be affected when Zykadia is taken concurrently with certain foods and medications (thus should be avoided), including grapefruit, grapefruit juice, antifungal Ketoconazole, antibiotic Rifampin, Phenytoin, antibiotic East Warfarin and Fentanyl.
Zykadia should be stored in the manufacturer's packaging, labeled on the outside, and stored in a dry, room temperature place.

3. Zykadia side effects

3.1. Ceritinib causes vomiting The active ingredient in Zykadia can make patients nausea or vomiting during use. Therefore, people experiencing this side effect should talk to their doctor to get a prescription for the right symptom control medication. In addition, people should change their diet and limit factors that make vomiting worse, such as limiting overeating, avoiding fatty foods, spicy or acidic foods. acid.
3.2. Zykadia causes diarrhea Diarrhea can be a serious side effect of Zykadia because of the risk of dehydration. Patients should inform their treating physician if they develop diarrhea during treatment with this product.
Oncologists can recommend medications to control diarrhea. In addition, patients should change their diet to limit this side effect, including avoiding foods high in fiber, limiting fruits or vegetables, nuts and increasing foods containing soluble fiber. melt. Besides, patients need to pay attention to drink enough water (about 8-10 glasses per day, do not drink alcohol, or caffeine to prevent dehydration
3.3. Anemia The number of red blood cells can be decreased by Zykadia , which in turn affects the body's ability to carry oxygen to other organs Manifestations of anemia may include fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath or chest pain. Severe illness while taking Zykadia may require additional blood transfusion
3.4 Increased risk of infection White blood cells play an important role in protecting the body from bacterial or viral agents. Zykadia can lower a patient's white blood cell count and put them at risk of opportunistic infections.If there are symptoms of infection such as fever, sore throat, cough, difficulty breathing, burning in urine, or slow healing of sores. ... the patient should inform the doctor immediately
Some measures to reduce the risk of infection while taking Zykadia:
Wash your hands often to prevent infection. prevent the spread of infectious agents; Limit going to crowded places or contact with people with infectious diseases; Wear protective clothing when working outdoors; Do not directly handle pet waste with your hands; Keep the sore or wound clean; Personal hygiene and regular dental care. Consult your doctor before having dental procedures or vaccinations. 3.5. Fatigue Fatigue is a very common manifestation of patients during cancer treatment. While taking Zykadia and also after stopping the drug, patients who want to control this fatigue may need to adjust their daily routine, spend more time resting and save energy. for more important activities. Patients can also do some exercise to improve fatigue, which can be as simple as going for a walk with a loved one or friend every day
3.6. Nutrition is an extremely important element in the treatment and care of cancer patients. However, people taking cancer drugs, such as Zykadia, sometimes have an effect on their appetite, and in some cases this side effect can make it difficult to eat.
Some measures to improve the patient's appetite while taking Zykadia:
Break the main meal into several small meals; Use nutritional supplements when the patient cannot eat much; Limit foods that have an unpleasant odor or are unfamiliar to the mouth; Enhance the flavor of the dish with spices or marinade. 3.7. Ceritinib causes constipation There are a number of steps patients can take to prevent or treat constipation caused by Zykadia, including increasing fiber from fruits/vegetables, staying hydrated, and avoiding use alcohol and try to stay active during the day. Some patients can take stool softeners to prevent constipation caused by Zykadia. If there is still no bowel movement for 2-3 days, the patient should contact the doctor for recommendations on measures to relieve constipation.
3.8. Zykadia causes liver damage Oncologists know this and can monitor patients through appropriate blood tests. If liver function tests are abnormal, your doctor may need to reduce your dose or stop Zykadia. It is the patient's duty to notify the physician when there are symptoms of functional impairment such as jaundice, yellowing of the eyes, dark urine or right upper quadrant pain...
3.9. Rash Some patients taking Zykadia may develop a skin rash, crusting, or red bumps as a side effect. If this is the case, the patient should use an alcohol-free moisturizer, and avoid using products with fragrance on the skin. Your doctor may prescribe a topical medication if the itching is bothersome. If the skin cracks or bleeds, the patient must try to keep the skin clean to avoid superinfection.
3.10. Important but uncommon side effects Lung problems: Patients may develop pneumonia while taking Zykadia . Therefore patients should notify their doctor immediately if any symptoms of pneumonia such as rapid breathing, shortness of breath, cough or fever develop; Injection problems: Zykadia can cause bradycardia, arrhythmias, or QT prolongation. Patients should contact their doctor immediately if there are signs of arrhythmia, dizziness or fainting; Hyperglycemia: Zykadia can cause a patient's blood sugar to rise, regardless of a history of diabetes. The doctor will monitor the patient's blood sugar periodically. If you have symptoms such as increased thirst, increased urination or hunger, blurred vision, headache, or breath that has a major fruity odor, notify your doctor immediately. Diabetics taking Zykadia should closely monitor their blood sugar and report the increase to the doctor (if any); Pancreatitis: Symptoms include increased levels of pancreatic enzymes in the blood and epigastric pain that radiates to the back, which worsens after eating. Patients should inform their doctor if any abdominal pain occurs while taking Zykadia; Skin Hypersensitivity to Light: This side effect of Zykadia may persist even after treatment ends. Patients should avoid sun exposure for 10 to 14 hours, wear sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) to protect skin from UVA/UVB rays, and wear sunglasses with UVA/UVB protection. UVB rays, wear a hat and long clothing when outside and try to find shade whenever possible.

4. Does Zykadia affect fertility?

If the patient becomes pregnant while taking Zykadia medicine, it will expose the fetus to the drug and increase the risk of birth defects. Therefore, patients should not become pregnant or father a child while being treated with Zykadia. Implementation of effective forms of birth control is necessary during treatment and for at least 6 months after the last dose for women and 3 months for men.
Breastfeeding mothers should not breastfeed while taking Zykadia and for at least 2 weeks after the last dose.

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