Uses of Perfalgan

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Perfalgan drugs have analgesic and antipyretic effects for difficult cases. When taking the drug, you need to have the instructions and instructions of your doctor to ensure that your body is compatible with the drug and to minimize unwanted side effects. Here are a few shares to help readers understand what Perfalgan does.

1. What does Perfalgan do?

Perfalgan medicine not only brings fever-reducing effect but also helps you relieve pain to prevent pain that leads to high fever. Usually, mild to moderate fevers can be treated with Perfalgan.
After using the drug 5-10 minutes the pain will begin to tend to decrease. The effectiveness of the drug will depend on its ability to absorb and last from 1 to 6 hours after each use. If the drug is used to reduce fever, it will take effect after 30 minutes. And for at least the next 6 hours you will not have a fever again.
Pain after surgery can also be used Perfalgan medicine. In addition, doctors can use Perfalgan to combine short-term treatment for a certain disease that is not in the indications.
On the other hand, Perfalgan is not allowed to be prescribed in the following cases:
Patients with a history of allergy to Paracetamol or any of its components Patients with severe liver disease Patients with hepatocellular insufficiency People with clearance rate less than 30ml/min Patients with unscientific eating habits or experiencing malnutrition The body is dehydrated with anemia Patients with Glucose-6 enzyme deficiency -Phosphate- Dehydrogenase

2. Dosage and how to use Perfalgan

2.1. How to use Perfalgan solution is given by injection or intravenous infusion. With infusion, the doctor will not limit the infusion time of about 15 minutes and continuously monitor the patient's progress. Especially when the infusion is about to end, the doctor will monitor the patient more closely to assess the patient's condition after taking the drug. Glass infusion vials should not be used and the standard dosage should be determined in milliliters to ensure the desired effect.
2.2. Dosage The dosage of Perfalgan can be changed according to the doctor's prescription. The main reason that affects the dosage of Perfalgan to use is the health of the patient. You can refer to some commonly prescribed doses:
Patients weighing more than 50 kg take 1000 mg per infusion. A patient can use up to 4000mg a day. In patients with a body weight in the range of 33 - 50 kg dosing is calculated by weight. Most doctors usually prescribe 15mg/kg for a single dose. Can be adjusted up to 60 mg/kg depending on the patient's health. However, patients in this weight range should not take more than 3000mg per day. Patients with hepatic or renal impairment require at least 6 hours between doses. Furthermore, a day's total drug use should not exceed 3000mg. Missing doses are more common, but they are the cause of an overdose. You should pay attention to take the medicine on time as directed to avoid missed dose.
If you accidentally overdose, you need to tell your doctor immediately. If you do not know that you have overdosed, you can recognize it by signs of liver damage or unusual health decline. In 2-6 days, signs will begin to appear if you overdose. Therefore, regular health check-ups to compare indicators will limit the risk of accidentally taking undetected drug overdoses leading to death.

3. Precautions before taking Perfalgan

Perfalgan medicine should be stored at a cool temperature below 30 degrees. The place to put the medicine should be dry and protected from direct sunlight. In addition, you should always check the expiration date of the medicine when using it and keep it in a place where children and pets cannot get it.
Women who are pregnant or nursing a small child should not use Perfalgan. Although there is no conclusion, researchers are still concerned that Perfalgan affects the development of babies.

4. Perfalgan side effects

According to the results of laboratory studies, Perfalgan has a low risk of side effects after treatment. But drug users themselves should not be subjective. You can refer to a few side effects after taking Perfalgan to prevent:
Irritation or allergy to the ingredients of Perfalgan Increase Transaminase levels in the liver Lower blood pressure Ease of mood swings Decrease white blood cells and neutrophils Thrombocytopenia Increased heart rate Vomiting Liver failure Hepatitis Liver necrosis Rash Itching Anaphylaxis Any side effect can be dangerous to your health. Although the probability of side effects is not high and rare, it is still advisable to pay attention to health monitoring to ensure the health of the patient.

5. Interaction with Perfalgan

Perfalgan drugs used with Phenytoin at high doses and for a long time can increase the risk of liver toxicity. Probenecid when used with drugs containing Paracetamol will reduce the clearance rate of Salicylamide, making the half-life of Paracetamol prolonged. To ensure that you do not encounter Perfalgan drug interactions, you should inform your doctor about your specific health situation. Also provide complete information about all medications being used to assess the risk of drug interactions.
Above are the sharing of Perfalgan drug for readers' reference. If you want to know more information about Perfalgan, you can go to the hospital for a health check to get specific instructions and advice about the drug from your doctor.

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