Uses of Cordarone 150mg/3ml

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Cordarone medicine 150mg/3ml is prepared as an injectable solution containing the active ingredient Amiodarone. The drug is often indicated in the treatment of certain cardiovascular diseases. What are the specific uses of Cordarone, please refer to the article below.

1. The effects and indications for using Cordarone

The ingredient Amiodarone contained in the drug is one of the most powerful and effective anti-arrhythmic active ingredients. The effect of the drug is based on the mechanism of prolonging the repolarization time, reducing the heart rate thereby helping to stabilize the heart rate.
Cordarone medicine 150mg/3ml is indicated in cases of patients falling into cardiac arrhythmias, atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. In addition, the drug is also used for emergency treatment in cases of sudden cardiac arrest, unresponsive to electric shock or other measures.

2. Usage and dosage of the drug Cordarone

Because the drug Cordarone 150mg/3ml is prepared in the form of a solution, it will be used by injection or infusion depending on the condition of each person.
Some recommended doses of Cordarone 150mg/3ml:
In case of emergency:
Mix 5mg of the drug per 1 kg of body weight into 250ml of D5% solution; Then intravenous infusion for 20- 120 minutes; The total dose used in 1 day should not exceed 15 mg of the drug calculated on a 1 kg body weight basis. In case of very critical patient:
Use 1-2 ampoules equivalent to 150mg to 300mg mixed in from 10ml to 20ml of D5% solution; Then inject intravenously for 1-2 minutes.

3. Contraindications of Cordarone 150mg/3ml

Cordarone 150mg/3ml drug is not applicable to the following cases:
Do not use the drug for people who are allergic or hypersensitive to any of the ingredients in the drug. Do not use the drug for people with bradycardia, atrioventricular block, severe hypotension, thyroid disease, cardiovascular collapse because the drug has a role in reducing heart rate; Do not use the drug for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

4. Some side effects of Cordarone 150mg/3ml

Cordarone 150mg/3ml medicine can cause some side effects such as:
Increased skin's sensitivity to sunlight, tanning; Thyroid and liver dysfunction causing jaundice; Sensory and motor disorders, muscle diseases, interstitial pneumonia, bradycardia, conduction disturbances.

5. Cordarone 150mg/3ml drug interactions

Drugs to avoid, not to be used with Cordarone 150mg/3ml such as: Digitalis heart drugs, Bepridil calcium channel blockers, drugs to reduce blood clotting time, anti-epileptic Phenytoin, hypokalemic drugs, treatment for arrhythmias other heart (Sotalol).

6. Notes during use and storage

When the body absorbs the drug, there will be signs such as abnormally long QT interval, appearance of U wave on electrocardiogram; Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight and appropriate sun protection measures must be taken during application. Remember to check the expiry date of the medicine before using it. If you see any unusual signs such as discoloration, change in smell, do not continue to use it. The drug should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, at a temperature below 30 degrees Celsius. Above is all information about the drug Cordarone 150mg/3ml. Patients should carefully read the instructions for use before use.

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