Instructions on how to make fried chicken with mushrooms

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Stir-fried chicken with mushrooms is a delicious dish and provides a lot of nutritional value. Try to refer to the 3 ways to make stir-fried chicken with mushrooms below to increase the variety in your family's meals.

1. How to make stir-fried chicken with shiitake mushrooms

Ingredients for making stir-fried chicken with shiitake mushrooms include:
500g of chicken (you can choose chicken breast or chicken thighs). 10 shiitake mushrooms, can be dried or fresh. With dry mushrooms, you should choose mushrooms with a light brown cap, no white mold, and no broken mushrooms. With fresh mushrooms, you should choose mushrooms that are not crushed, the mushroom caps are yellow-brown, the mushrooms have a natural aroma. Ginger, garlic, red onion, seasoning, salt, tapioca starch, oyster sauce, cooking oil. Before making fried chicken with mushrooms, it is necessary to prepare the ingredients as follows:
Wash and soak the shiitake mushrooms with water for 30 - 60 minutes to soften the mushrooms. Then cut off the bottom of the mushroom and cut the mushrooms into 4 pieces. Wash the ginger, remove the skin, and cut into pieces. Minced garlic, sliced ​​onion. After the chicken has removed the skin, rub it with salt, then wash it and dry it. Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces and marinate with seasoning and salt for about 30 minutes. How to make stir-fried chicken with shiitake mushrooms includes the following steps:
Step 1: Put the pan on the stove, add cooking oil, wait until the oil is hot, then add minced garlic and sliced ​​ginger and fry until fragrant. Step 2: Put the whole chicken and shiitake mushrooms into the pan and stir-fry on high heat until the meat and mushrooms are hunted. Mix 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce and 1 tablespoon of water, then add to the pan, stir well so that the meat and mushrooms are infused with the spices. Step 3: Add the sliced ​​onions and stir well for 2 minutes, on high heat. Step 4: Mix 3 tablespoons of water and 1.5 tablespoons of tapioca starch and then add it to the chicken pan and stir quickly and evenly until the water thickens, turn off the heat. This is a basic way of making fried chicken with shiitake mushrooms, you can "variable" by adding other ingredients to the dish such as cat mushrooms (sliced), carrots (trimmed flowers, cut slices) for a variety of colors. and delicious.
Stir-fried chicken with mushrooms can also be prepared this way. You can also substitute with black fungus or enoki mushrooms.

Cách làm thịt gà xào nấm rất đơn giản nhưng không phải ai cũng biết
Cách làm thịt gà xào nấm rất đơn giản nhưng không phải ai cũng biết

2. Instructions on how to make stir-fried chicken with mushrooms and chicken thighs

Ingredients for making stir-fried chicken with mushrooms and chicken thighs include:
500g of chicken (you can choose chicken breast or chicken thighs). 3 chicken thighs. To buy delicious mushrooms, you should choose mushrooms with large, white, firm bodies, brown mushroom caps, mushrooms with natural aroma. Green onions, sugar, soy sauce, chili sauce, unsalted butter, salt. Before making stir-fried chicken thighs with mushrooms, it is necessary to prepare the ingredients as follows:
Wash and soak chicken thighs with salted water for 5-10 minutes. Then cut along the mushroom body into 4-6 pieces, depending on the size of the mushroom. Wash the scallions and cut them into small pieces. After removing the skin, the chicken is washed with diluted salt water, rinsed with water and drained. Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces and marinate with soy sauce, sugar, and chili sauce for about 30 minutes. How to make stir-fried chicken with mushrooms and chicken thighs includes the following steps:
Step 1: Put the pan on the stove, add unsalted butter, wait until the butter melts, then add the chicken and stir-fry for about 3-5 minutes with high heat so that the meat is hunted again. . Step 2: Put all the chicken thighs in and stir-fry on the pan with high heat, until the meat and mushrooms are cooked. Step 3: Add scallions and stir quickly for 1 minute, then turn off the heat.

Nguyên liệu trong cách làm thịt gà xào nấm là đùi hoặc ức gà
Nguyên liệu trong cách làm thịt gà xào nấm là đùi hoặc ức gà

3. How to make fried chicken with abalone mushrooms

Ingredients for making fried chicken with abalone mushrooms include:
200g of chicken (can choose chicken breast or chicken thighs). 100g abalone mushrooms. To buy delicious mushrooms, you should choose mushrooms with large, long, hard bodies, brown mushroom caps, and non-viscous mushrooms. Onion, carrot, bell pepper, sugar, soy sauce, seasoning, ginger, cooking oil, salt. Before making fried chicken with abalone mushrooms, it is necessary to prepare the ingredients as follows:
Wash and soak abalone mushrooms with salted water for about 15 minutes, then take them out, squeeze dry and dry. For small mushrooms, leave them whole, large mushrooms can be cut in half or in three. depending on mushroom size. Wash bell peppers, remove seeds and cut into thin slices. Peel the carrots and cut them into small pieces. Sliced ​​onion, minced purple onion. After removing the skin, the chicken should be scrubbed with salt and ginger, then washed and drained. Cut chicken into bite-sized cubes and marinate with soy sauce, sugar, seasoning seeds, minced shallot for about 10-15 minutes. How to make fried chicken with abalone mushrooms includes the following steps:
Step 1: Put the pan on the stove, add cooking oil, wait until the oil is hot, then add the purple onion. Step 2: Put the whole chicken into the pan and stir over high heat, until the meat is hunted again. Step 3: Add abalone mushrooms, onions, carrots and sauté over high heat until cooked. Step 4: Add bell peppers and seasoning seeds and stir for 1 minute, then turn off the heat. Stir-fried chicken with mushrooms can be eaten with hot rice, the taste is very good, the chicken is firm and the mushrooms are tough and crispy. Chicken provides protein, while mushrooms provide fiber and vitamins. Therefore, this is an indispensable nutritious dish in family meals.

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