Severe epigastric pain: Warning symptom of stomach bleeding

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Gastrointestinal bleeding is a dangerous disease, patients can die or experience many complications if not treated promptly. Fortunately, the symptoms of stomach bleeding are fairly easy to spot. One of them is severe epigastric pain that you need to pay special attention to.

1. What is stomach bleeding?

Gastrointestinal bleeding is a condition in which the lining of the stomach is bleeding leading to vomiting blood or blood in the stools. Gastrointestinal bleeding is a very dangerous acute complication related to stomach diseases.
Stomach bleeding is a dangerous condition that can lead to death if not treated quickly and in time. In addition, the wound in the stomach is mainly caused by gastric ulcer, so it is difficult to stop bleeding.
Men have a higher rate of stomach bleeding than women. The age group most affected by the disease is between 20 and 50 years old. In addition, young children and infants can also have stomach bleeding caused by bacteria and viruses.

2. Symptoms of stomach bleeding disease

2.1 Epigastric pain Stomach bleeding due to damaged gastric mucosa can cause severe upper abdominal pain (corresponding to the position of the stomach) and spreading throughout the abdomen. Severe abdominal pain, abdominal distension that makes the patient pale, cold sweat ... These are dangerous signs, the patient needs to be taken to the emergency room as soon as possible.
2.2 Vomiting Blood Patients with stomach bleeding often have a feeling of nausea, accompanied by a feeling of discomfort in the throat.
Vomiting blood or a brown substance like coffee is considered one of the classic symptoms of stomach bleeding. The patient may vomit fresh or black blood, and sometimes food is in it. Or vomit black blood mixed with blood clots, because this is blood that stays in the stomach for a while before vomiting out.
Vomiting blood is one of the classic symptoms of stomach bleeding. When you see this danger sign, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible for timely treatment.
2.3 Change in skin color Stomach bleeding is a complication of stomach problems, such as ulcers or infections, so the ability to metabolize nutrients can also be affected. Before that, the patient may have light bleeding leading to blood loss, making the patient weak, tired, pale skin, lack of vitality.

Đau thượng vị là một trong các triệu chứng xuất huyết dạ dày
Đau thượng vị là một trong các triệu chứng xuất huyết dạ dày

2.4 Bloody stools Bloody stools are caused by bleeding in the stomach, blood mixed with food will flow into the intestines and be excreted in the stool. Observation will see the stool is black like coffee grounds. However, because stools are mixed with broken blood, they can cause stools to have an extremely unpleasant fishy odor.
Severe stomach bleeding can cause bright red blood in the stool. This is also a symptom of typical gastrointestinal bleeding. The doctor will rely on the liquid stools mixed with fresh blood or black blood to make a clinical diagnosis of stomach bleeding.
2.5 Fatigue due to anemia Heavy stomach bleeding for a long time will cause the body to become anemic, and a series of symptoms will appear such as: Dizziness, dizziness, fatigue, low blood pressure, sweating bad smell...
If you have symptoms of upper stomach bleeding, go to the hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible.

3. Why does severe epigastric pain warn of stomach bleeding?

The epigastrium is the area of ​​the abdomen from the navel to below the breastbone. Epigastric abdominal pain may be frequent. In some cases, this sign is a warning that the body is suffering from a number of diseases such as esophagitis, gastric reflux, stomach ulcers and especially this is a symptom of stomach bleeding that you should not ignore. ..
Therefore, when there is tension in the upper abdomen, you cannot assume that you must go to the doctor immediately to find out the cause of the pain in the upper abdomen. From there, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate and effective treatment method. Especially in the case of severe upper abdominal pain, unlike other digestive diseases, severe pain is common in patients with gastric bleeding. So you need to pay more attention to this sign.

Sau đau thượng vị dữ dội là triệu chứng của bệnh xuất huyết dạ dày
Sau đau thượng vị dữ dội là triệu chứng của bệnh xuất huyết dạ dày

4. Stomach bleeding and treatment

Most cases of stomach bleeding are very sudden (acute) and require immediate treatment. However, there are also many cases of chronic stomach bleeding occurring infrequently and lastingly, affecting the patient's life. Especially for chronic cases, the symptoms are often not obvious, so it is difficult to recognize. Therefore, the patient must pay more attention to the symptoms of gastric bleeding.
If you experience the symptoms of stomach bleeding as mentioned above, especially severe epigastric pain, you need to see a doctor immediately for an accurate diagnosis and timely and effective treatment.
For mild bleeding cases, the patient is usually prescribed by a doctor to take medicine and use treatment and monitoring at home.
In case of severe bleeding, the patient should be stopped immediately to avoid excessive blood loss. In cases of massive blood loss, the patient may go into complete shock, with signs of tachycardia, abnormally low blood pressure, confusion, sweating, and even rapid death.
As soon as the symptoms of upper stomach bleeding appear, the patient should be taken immediately to the nearest medical facility or hospital for timely emergency. Especially family members who do not voluntarily treat or delay treatment will be very dangerous to the patient's life. In addition, in order to effectively treat stomach bleeding, patients need to absolutely follow the doctor's instructions, take the drug to treat it completely, at the right dose, and regularly visit the patient's condition on time.
Stomach bleeding is a dangerous disease, especially in acute cases requiring immediate medical assistance. Recognizing the symptoms of stomach bleeding helps patients quickly go to the hospital for examination and timely treatment.

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