Instructions for using the correct pinworm dewormer

Anyone is at risk of pinworms from childhood to adulthood. Pinworms can cause symptoms that range from mild to life-threatening. Therefore, taking deworming drugs should be done periodically and properly.

1. What is pinworm infection?

Pinworms, also known as Enterobius vermicularis, are very small and about the length of a stapler. This is a parasite that lives in the intestines and rectum of the body.
Humans can be infected with pinworms through eating or improper hand hygiene, which is also a condition for the eggs of this parasite to enter the intestines. The pinworm eggs then hatch and develop in the intestinal tract. Female worms usually come to the anus and lay eggs in the surrounding skin.
Anyone is at risk of pinworms but children are most susceptible to this parasite. Because young children are not aware of personal hygiene as well as protect themselves from agents that cause pinworm infection.

2. Causes and symptoms of pinworm infection

2.1 Causes of pinworm infection

Touch the anus then continue to touch food or household items. You may not know, pinworms have the ability to survive on the surface of living tools for up to 14 days. The living environment is humid and cramped. People living in temperate climates are at higher risk of pinworms than in other climates.
giun kim
Giun kim có thể xâm nhập vào cơ thể thông qua đường thức ăn

2.2 Symptoms

Each person will show different symptoms when infected with pinworms, but most of them experience some of the following signs:
Itching, discomfort in the buttocks or anus. The itching is more intense at night. Insomnia Vaginal itching Abdominal pain Loss of appetite Crying baby.

3. Some dewormers

Taking a pinworm dewormer is considered an effective and quick way to treat pinworms. Here are some medications that are effective against this type of worm. Albendazol is a highly effective pinworm dewormer in the treatment of helminths. The drug has only a single dose, applicable to both adults and children over two years of age. Mebendazol is also one of the highly effective drugs in the treatment of pinworms. Mebendazole comes in a single dose of 100mg. The most effective way to use the drug is to chew it instead of drinking it with water. Pyrantel pamoat may also be prescribed to treat pinworms. However, the drug can cause some unwanted side effects such as: Digestive disturbances, headache, dizziness, nausea, etc. Creams or topicals can improve itching and discomfort. caused by pinworms. Each type of pinworm dewormer will have different doses, uses and side effects. Therefore, to ensure safety, you need to consult your doctor and follow the doctor's instructions. Examination for signs of pinworm infection should also be considered. Through the diagnosis, the doctor will rule out diseases with similar signs such as: Fungal infections, allergies, hemorrhoids, proctitis, rectal fissure....
thuốc tẩy giun kim
Thuốc tẩy giun kim cần sử dụng theo chỉ định của bác sĩ

4. How to prevent pinworms

According to experts, you can be infected with pinworms through daily habits and activities. Therefore, the application of a suitable and scientific lifestyle will help you prevent pinworms:
Deworming every 6 months Instruct children to wash their hands with soap properly, especially After using the toilet, before eating or touching unclean areas Always keep your child's fingernails clean, neatly trimmed Bathe your child every day to limit bacteria Change bed sheets weekly Wash and wipe dry dishes Always clean and disinfect toys for children. Because this is a favorable environment for the eggs of the pinworm to attach. Hopefully, the above useful information will help protect you and your family from pinworm infection.

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