What is Redbama 40mg?

Redbama medicine 40mg is one of the drugs used for the treatment of stomach ulcers. Pantoprazol is a proton pump inhibitor of the gastric mucosa. In this article, we will learn about the ingredients and uses of Redbama.

1. What are the ingredients of Redbana?

What is Redbama 40mg drug? Redbama medicine 40mg contains the main active ingredient Pantoprazol 40mg. This is a drug with a proton pump inhibitor mechanism to reduce acid secretion in the stomach to help treat stomach ulcers. In addition, the composition of Redbana tablets also has other excipients with a sufficient amount of one tablet.
Redbama medicine 40mg is made in the form of tablets.

2. Effects and indications for treatment of Redbama 40mg

2.1 The effect of the drug Redbama 40mg In some stomach diseases, there is an increase in gastric acid secretion. Pantoprazole has a mechanism of action by inhibiting the proton pump of gastric parietal cells, which are acid-secreting cells, thereby reducing the pH level in the stomach. The drug has a different mechanism from other proton pump inhibitors. Omeprazole, Pantoprazol selectively and irreversibly inhibits the proton pump, so the drug will have a faster effect and more effective in the treatment of gastric ulcers. or gastroesophageal reflux as well as help prevent related complications. After a course of ulcer treatment, up to 95% of ulcers are restored.
2.2 Indications of the drug Redbama 40mg Based on the mechanism of action, Redbama 40mg is the main drug used in the treatment of patients with increased gastric acid secretion, increased pH of gastric juice. stomach leading to peptic ulcer, or causing gastroesophageal reflux. Some patients taking drugs that have adverse effects on the lining of the gastrointestinal tract such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or complications of gastric ulcer in Zollinger-Ellison syndrome may be able to use Redbama for prophylaxis. Prevention of these side effects
In addition, in patients experiencing stomach ulcers caused by H.pylori bacteria, Redbama 40mg can be recommended in the combination treatment regimen with antibiotic groups. specific birth. Using a combination of proton pump inhibitors helps to treat ulcers much more effectively than either alone.

3. Dosage and how to use Redbama 40mg

3.1. Dosage of Redbama 40mg Dosage in patients with peptic ulcer disease is recommended to take 1 tablet daily with a concentration of 40mg, the duration of treatment needs to be maintained from 4 to 8 weeks. For patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, the dose used is 1 tablet of 40mg per day and the treatment period lasts for 8 weeks. Some cases have maintained the treatment time for 8 weeks but the stomach ulcer condition has not improved, can continue to be maintained for the next 8 weeks. 3.2 How to use Redbama 40mg effectively Redbama drugs are manufactured and manufactured in the form of tablets, so patients who use the drug by mouth directly use the whole tablet.

4. Contraindications Redbama 40mg

The drug is contraindicated in patients with a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in the drug.

5. Redbama 40mg side effects

Besides the effects of the drug, patients during treatment with Redbama 40mg may also appear some unwanted effects:
Neuropsychiatric symptoms such as fatigue, headache, dizziness face, trouble sleeping, tinnitus. Skin symptoms such as itchy rash, redness or hives, dermatitis, hair loss. Symptoms of digestive disorders such as feeling of fullness, bloating, stomatitis. Changes in blood count tests such as increased bleeding time have the effect of reducing platelets, reducing white blood cells, causing infections. Symptoms of liver dysfunction, kidney function.

6. Drug interactions Redbama 40mg

During the use of the drug, there may be competition or interaction between Redbama and: Ketoconazole antifungal, Ampicillin antibiotic, Warfarin anticoagulant, and Sucralfate to protect the stomach lining.

7. Notes when using and storing Redbama 40mg

7.1 Notes and cautions If you have to take long-term drug treatment for more than 1 year, it is best to consult your treating doctor so that you can monitor and adjust the dose appropriately. To prevent the risk of fracture during treatment with Redbama 40mg, it is necessary to reduce the risk factors that can lead to fracture. The ulcer masking effect may affect the diagnostic results of the risk of malignant ulceration. Caution should be exercised in patients with impaired liver function and in patients under 18 years of age. 7.2 Precautions for use in pregnant women and nursing mothers Caution should be exercised in pregnant and lactating women. Consult a doctor before use.
7.3 Storage Store the medicine in a cool, dry place, the temperature is below 30 degrees Celsius. Do not leave the medicine in a place with direct sunlight or high humidity. Check the expiration date carefully before using the medicine. If the medicine has an expiry date but shows signs of discoloration, watery, musty smell, it should not continue to be used. Redbama medicine 40mg is one of the drugs used for the treatment of stomach ulcers. Pantoprazol is a proton pump inhibitor of the gastric mucosa. To ensure effective treatment and avoid side effects, patients need to take the drug exactly as directed by the doctor.
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