What is Natizio?

Natizio is a suppository that is effective in treating vaginal yeast infections, inflammation or bacterial vaginosis. To achieve the best results, patients need to use the drug exactly as directed by the doctor about the dose and frequency of taking the drug.

1. What is Natizio?

Natizio is a pharmaceutical product of Polipharm Co., Ltd - Thailand, prepared in the form of gynecological tablets and packaged in a box of 2 blisters x 5 tablets. Each tablet of Natizio will include the following main active ingredients:
Nystatin with a content of 100,000 IU. Di-iodohydroxyquin with a strength of 100mg. Benzalkonium chloride 7mg. Other excipients are enough for one tablet, including boric acid, lactose, talc, starch, caramel, croscarmellose sodium and magnesium stearate.

2. What does Natizio do?

2.1 Indications to use the drug Natizio Natizio is usually indicated for the following specific cases:
Treatment of vaginitis caused by Trichomonas. Treatment of vaginitis caused by Candida yeast infection. Treat and reduce symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. 2.2. Contraindications The following subjects are absolutely not allowed to use Natizio, including:
Pregnant women, mothers who are breastfeeding. People who are sensitive or allergic to the active ingredients and excipients in the drug. Women who are menstruating. Subject has a fungal infection of the whole body. 2.3 Mechanism of action and action of the main pharmaceutical ingredients in Natizio 2.3.1 Pharmaceutical substance nystatin Acts as an antifungal antibiotic, helping to inhibit and destroy pathogenic / non-pathogenic fungi based on sensitivity and fungal concentrations. The effect of nystatin is promoted when it binds to sterols of sensitive fungal cell membranes, thereby altering membrane permeability and creating holes in the cell. Nystatin does not affect the normal bacteria that live in the body. 2.3.2. Pharmacotherapeutic substance di - iodohydroxyquin Acts as a halogen derivative of 8-hydroxyquinoline, has antiseptic effects against flagella, amoeba, and mild antibacterial and antifungal. Mechanism of action of di - iodohydroxyquin thanks to the formation of chelate complexes with metals on the surface of bacteria. These are all trace metals that are essential for the growth and development of bacteria. The active ingredient di - iodohydroxyquin also has a good effect on the cysts of amoebic dysentery and the protozoa in the gastrointestinal tract. Di - iodohydroxyquin is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, when reaching high concentrations in the intestine can kill dysentery at the exact site of infection. 2.3.3 Drug substance benzalkonium chloride Has a rapid local antibacterial effect, helping to kill bacteria, fungi, protozoa and some viruses. However, bacteria in the form of spores are resistant to antibiotics. The inhibitory or antibacterial activity of benzalkonium chloride is concentration dependent, and the mechanism of action may derive from its ability to inactivate the enzyme.

3. Dosage and how to use Natizio

3.1 Recommended dosage for Natizio Before using Natizio, patients need to consult the dose prescribed by the doctor. The following are the general recommended doses for vaginitis, fungal or vaginal infections treated with Natizio:
Treatment of vaginitis/infection: Place 1 tablet in the vagina 1-2 times / day, continuous use 7 days. Treatment of vaginal candidiasis: Put 1-2 tablets / day, use within 14 days. In case of severe infection, the doctor can adjust the dose accordingly for the patient. The dose can be increased depending on the severity of the infection to quickly relieve or improve symptoms, but this also carries the risk of side effects. Therefore, you need to consult with your doctor before deciding to increase the dose of Natizio.
3.2 How should Natizio be used correctly? Here are some instructions on how to use Natizio vaginal suppositories properly:
Before inserting the medicine, clean the intimate area and clean hands to ensure that the medicine is not contaminated and reduces its effectiveness. Insert the tablet deep into the vagina, preferably when lying on your back with your legs slightly bent. Put Natizio every night before going to bed. Avoid using the pill during your menstrual cycle as this can worsen vaginal infections and reduce the effectiveness of Natizio's treatment. During the treatment of vaginitis with Natizio, women should use a mild feminine hygiene solution, less fragrance and no irritation. In addition, you should also wear comfortable pants and try to keep the intimate area clean and dry.

4. How to handle overdose or forget dose of Natizio?

4.1 How to deal with overdosage of Natizio Currently, there have not been any specific reports or studies on Natizio overdose. However, overdose can lead to adverse health reactions, so patients should actively contact their doctor or go to the hospital if they suspect they have taken more than the prescribed dose. regulations.
4.2 What to do when you miss a dose of Natizio Missing a dose or taking not enough medicine as prescribed by your doctor can affect the treatment effect of Natizio. In case you miss a dose, try to take it as soon as you remember. However, patients should pay attention to the interval between 2 prescribed doses, namely at least 4 hours. Therefore, if the time to remember the missed dose is too close to the next dose, skip the missed dose and take the medicine as scheduled.
In addition, frequent missed doses can also make vaginal infections not completely treated, even putting the disease at high risk of recurrence. Therefore, you need to use the medicine according to the frequency and dose prescribed by the doctor, avoid arbitrarily making up or doubling the dose.

5. Some side effects when using Natizio

The treatment of vaginitis with Natizio can lead to some side effects for the patient, including:
Irritation at the site of the drug. Itching, burning, stinging sensation in the vagina. Vaginal bleeding. When you notice any symptoms that are suspected to be related to the use of the drug, you need to tell your doctor immediately so that the right intervention can be taken before it leads to other serious health risks.

6. Some important notes when using Natizio

6.1 What medications can Natizio interact with? In certain cases, the combination of using Natizio with other medicinal products may cause interactions. This is the reason why the effectiveness of the drugs is significantly reduced and does not bring the intended treatment effect. According to experts, Natizio can interact with the following drugs:
Birth control pills. Topical spermicide. Other vaginal suppositories. Gynecological ointment. Soap (avoid immediately before or after taking Natizio as it can destroy the action of the drug). To prevent the risk of drug interactions, you should tell your doctor about all medications or supplements and vitamins you are taking. If there is a drug interaction, the doctor may suggest that the patient prolong the use of the 2 drugs accordingly, or substitute another drug. In general, adjustments in frequency, dosage, discontinuation, or switching should only be made with the approval of a physician. Therefore, patients should avoid making changes on their own to prevent other health risk situations.
6.2 What precautions should be taken while taking Natizio? Before and during the treatment with Natizio tablets, patients need to be careful with the following:
Take medicine as directed by the doctor, do not buy medicine by yourself when the disease has not been diagnosed and the cause is determined. Specifically. Carefully check the drug information before taking, including the expiry date and quality of the pill. Avoid sex during treatment with Natizio. Clean the intimate area, avoid using cleaning solutions or cleaning products that can cause irritation. Avoid deep douching as this can cause further damage or make the infection worse. When symptoms of hypersensitivity arise, the patient should stop taking the drug and notify the doctor immediately. Based on the "strawberry fall" period to determine the appropriate time to use Natizio tablets. 6.3 Conditions for storing Natizio drugs When storing Natizio drugs, you need to follow some of the following instructions:
Store the medicine in a dry place, the temperature should not exceed 30 degrees Celsius. Avoid leaving the medicine in the contact area. Exposure to direct sunlight and high humidity such as bathrooms. Discontinue use and discard the drug if it shows signs of mold, discoloration or deterioration. The therapeutic effects of Natizio may be reduced or degraded if stored improperly. Ideally, you should carefully read the instructions attached to the medicine or consult your doctor to know how to store it properly.

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