What is Bentarcin used for?

Thymomodulin is by nature a modulator or booster of the immune system, which has been weakened by various causes. This active ingredient is in the drug Bentarcin. So what is Bentarcin used for and how should it be used?

1. What is Bentarcin 80mg?

The main active ingredient of Bentarcin is Thymomodulin 80mg. So what is Bentarcin? This is an immunomodulatory product, more specifically, strengthening the immune system when it is weakened by various causes. Therefore, Bentarcin is mainly used in the treatment of cancer, dermatitis, allergic rhinitis or symptomatic treatment in HIV/AIDS patients.

2. What are the uses of Bentarcin?

Indications of Bentarcin in the following cases:
Treatment of cancers with the aim of supporting the immune system; Bentarcin treatment of diseases such as atopic dermatitis , systemic lupus erythematosus , psoriasis , scleroderma , interstitial nail or autoimmune disorders; Treatment of allergic rhinitis; Assist in the prevention of recurrence of food allergies; Support to improve clinical symptoms in HIV/AIDS patients; In addition, the drug Bentarcin is also used for the purpose of supporting a weakened immune system in certain cases.

3. Pharmacological characteristics of the drug Bentarcin

3.1. Pharmacodynamics The active ingredient Thymomodulin in Bentarcin provides immunomodulatory effects in experimental models. This active ingredient is extracted and purified from the thymus fluid of the calf, because it is a protein, so it has a high biological activity. The results of a number of clinical studies in vitro and in vivo show that thymomodulin can support the enhancement of the function of mature T lymphocytes, macrophages and even B lymphocytes.
Besides, Bentarcin also has the effect of stimulating an increase in the number of white blood cells, stimulating the bone marrow to produce antibodies, thereby promoting the immune system against pathogens (including allergens, bacteria, viruses...)
Thanks to the useful effects of Thymomodulin, doctors often prescribe Bentarcin to treat patients with weakened immune systems or the inability to produce antibodies. At the same time, Bentarcin is also used in cases of respiratory infections caused by viruses or bacteria.
3.2. Pharmacokinetics According to studies, when appointing Bentarcin to people over 70 years old, the active ingredient Thymomodulin has an effect similar to FTS (Facteur Thymine Serique) when the maximum concentration after 2-6 hours, can be maintained until 12 hours and completely eliminated after 48 hours of use. In addition, the single administration of Bentarcin at different doses (80, 160, 320) showed dose-dependent effects.
At higher doses, FTS levels can be maintained longer. In humans, the above data suggest that oral administration of Bentarcin results in the appearance of serum substances with a modulating effect on T-cell maturation and the intestinal absorption of Thymomodulin which is also effective in elderly subjects. age.

4. Instructions for using Bentarcin

Dosage of Bentarcin in adults:
Cancer treatment: Bentarcin 80mg 2 tablets/day, used for about 1-2 months; Treatment of dermatological problems such as atopic dermatitis, lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, scleroderma, interstitial nails, autoimmune disorders: Bentarcin 80mg 2 tablets/day for 4-6 months; Support to prevent recurrence of respiratory infections in children and adults: Bentarcin 80mg 2 tablets/day for 4-6 months; Treatment of allergic rhinitis: 160mg/day equivalent to 2 tablets of Bentarcin 80mg, used for 4 months; Support to prevent recurrence of food allergy: 2 tablets of Bentarcin 80mg per day, used for 3-6 months; Support treatment of clinical symptoms in HIV/AIDS patients: 160mg/day equivalent to 2 tablets of Bentarcin 80mg, used for 50 days; Support to strengthen the weakened immune system, hepatitis: 160mg/day equivalent to 2 tablets of Bentarcin 80mg, used for 6 weeks. Bentarcin overdose and treatment:
Studies have shown that Bentarcin has little or no toxicity when used at high doses; If the patient shows unusual symptoms after using an overdose of Bentarcin, the patient should stop the drug and quickly go to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment.

5. Bentarcin side effects

Similar to many other drugs, when using Bentarcin, patients are fully capable of experiencing unwanted effects (ADRs).
Uncommon side effects of Bentarcin (1/1000 < ADR < 1/100):
Skin redness, urticaria, skin rash; Cold people; Sweating ; Headache; Feeling tired; Dizziness, tinnitus; Trembling limbs, sometimes out of control; Gastrointestinal disturbances, abdominal pain, diarrhea with low frequency. Rare adverse effects of Bentarcin (ADR < 1/1000):
Convulsions; Faint; Persistent cough; Dehydration a lot; Tired of people. When experiencing any undesirable effects of Bentarcin, the patient should quickly stop the drug and notify the doctor or quickly go to the nearest hospital for appropriate treatment.

6. Some notes when using Bentarcin

Before using Bentarcin, patients should carefully read the instructions for use of the drug, discuss with their doctor or refer to the information below.
Cases of contraindications to Bentarcin when there is a history of allergy to the active ingredients and ingredients in the drug.
Some issues need to be cautious when using Bentarcin:
Drug reactions may occur if the patient is hypersensitive to the active ingredient Thymomodulin; The active ingredient Thymomodulin is essentially an extract from the thymus of the calf, however, it is not recommended to use Bentarcin as a nutritional supplement; Ability to drive and use machines: There is no evidence that Bentarcin affects the user's ability to drive and use machines; Pregnancy and lactation: The safety of using Bentarcin has not been established in these subjects. The active ingredient Bentarcin is thymomodulin 80mg. This is an immunomodulatory product, which helps to strengthen the immune system when it is weakened by various causes. Bentarcin is mainly used in the treatment of cancer, dermatitis, allergic rhinitis or as a symptomatic treatment for HIV/AIDS patients. To ensure effective use and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
Follow Vinmec International General Hospital website to get more health, nutrition and beauty information to protect the health of yourself and your loved ones in your family.

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