What does Hepasyzin do?

Hepasyzin has the main ingredients Cardus marianus, Thiamin nitrate, Pyridoxine hydrochloride, Nicotinamide used in the treatment of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver, liver toxicity. Carefully read the instructions for use to help limit unwanted effects of the drug.

1. What is Hepasyzin?

Hepasyzin drug has the main ingredients: Cao Cardus marianus (equivalent to 140 mg Silymarin, 60mg Silybin) 200 mg; Thiamine nitrate 4mg; Pyridoxine hydrochloride 4mg; Nicotinamide 12mg; Calcium pantothenate 8mg; Cyanocobalamin 1.2 mcg.

2. What are the effects of hepasyzin?

Hepasyzin is indicated for use in cases of liver dysfunction such as:
Chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis. Steatosis . Hepatotoxicity (such as fatty liver, mushroom poisoning, carbon tetrachloride poisoning...).

3. Instructions for using Hepasyzin

A few notes when using Hepasyzin
Usual dosage: 1 tablet/time, 2 times/day Specific dosage depends on the medical condition of each patient. To get the right dose, you need to consult your doctor. How to use: take the drug after eating. Tablets should be swallowed whole with 1 glass of water, do not break, chew or crush the medicine.

4. Notes when using Hepasyzin

There have been no reports of adverse effects of the drug in clinical practice. A few cases of diarrhea, headache in the first days of taking the drug. If you experience side effects after using the drug, contact your doctor immediately for timely treatment.
In the composition of the drug contains color excipients (yellow number 5), which can cause allergic reactions.
The drug has soybean oil as an excipient, so if the patient is allergic to soy, do not use this medicine.
For pregnant and lactating women: The safety of this drug has not been established. Therefore, the drug should only be used when the benefit of the drug has been weighed against the possible risk to the fetus.
The drug ingredient contains vitamin B6 so it should not be used concomitantly with Levodopa to avoid drug interactions.
Hopefully, the above sharing will help you better understand Hepasyzin and how to use it effectively and safely.

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