What does Banitase do?

Banitase is a drug indicated in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders such as dyspepsia, acid secretion disorders or pancreatic, irritable bowel syndrome. Besides, Banitase drug also contains antispasmodics, pancreatic enzyme-like substances and bile acids along with many other active ingredients. So what does Banitase do?

1. The effect of the drug Banitase

What is Banitase? Banitase is a combination of several active ingredients including pancreatin, trimebutin maleate, dehydrocholic acid, bromelain and simethicone. In particular, the use of each ingredient is as follows:
Dehydrocholic acid is an acid similar to bile acids that works to temporarily relieve constipation and stimulate the biliary tract. Pancreatin contains different enzymes such as lipase, amylase, protease that have the same effect as pancreatic juice. When used for patients with pancreatic insufficiency, Banitase helps improve the ability to metabolize starch, fat and protein. Trimebutin is an antispasmodic drug that acts on muscles, helping to regulate gastrointestinal motility. In particular, Banitase can stimulate bowel and gastric motility and can inhibit this movement if stimulated before. Bromelain: helps increase fibrinolytic activity, directly degrades fibrin and fibrinogen, inhibits fibrinogen synthesis. In addition, bromelain has anti-inflammatory effects and may be effective in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Simethicone: helps reduce surface tension and deflate gas bubbles in the lining of the digestive tract. Banitase drug also helps to expel gas in the digestive tract and reduce bloating. Banitase is indicated for the treatment of the following conditions:
Indigestion in the intestines and stomach Disorders of secretion of pancreatic acid or bile Indigestion after cholecystectomy or gastric surgery Irritable bowel syndrome constipation atony or peristalsis Indigestion due to gastrointestinal motility disorders Functional diarrhea In addition, some other drug effects not listed on the approved drug label, but some Your doctor may prescribe Banitase when the benefits have been weighed. Therefore, before taking the medicine, consult your doctor.

2. How to use Banitase

Banitase drug is made in the form of film-coated tablets. Dosage will be based on the condition and age of the patient. Usual dose for adults take 2 tablets / time, 3 times a day. Banitase is taken before meals. However, to reduce stomach irritation you can take it with food and need to swallow the tablet whole with a full glass of water, do not chew or break the tablet.
To use the drug safely, take Banitase exactly as directed by your doctor, do not use more than the recommended dose, smaller or longer than prescribed. Take Banitase regularly to get the most benefit from it and you can stop taking it if any new symptoms appear or your condition does not improve after 7 days. Patients absolutely do not abuse the drug for too long for a long time. This does not make the patient's condition better, but also increases the risk of unwanted effects.

3. Undesirable effects when using the drug Banitase

Banitase medicine can cause some unwanted and common side effects that can be mentioned as:
Digestion: diarrhea or constipation, indigestion, nausea, dry mouth Circulation: tachycardia Nervous: feeling hot or cold, fatigue, irritability, dizziness, headache, or mild hypnosis. Liver dysfunction, increased got, gpt Before prescribing the drug, the doctor always considers the benefits and effectiveness that Banitase brings. However, when using Banitase can still occur unwanted effects. Therefore, when unusual symptoms are present, especially when a severe allergic reaction occurs with accompanying signs such as severe dizziness, difficulty breathing, rash, anxiety, cognitive impairment , respiratory failure and coma, the patient should immediately notify the doctor or nurse for immediate medical intervention.

4. Some notes when using Banitase

Some notes when using Banitase include:
Allergy notice with Banitase hypersensitivity reaction to any other allergy. Banitase may contain inactive ingredients and could cause an allergic reaction or other serious problems. Report any medications you are taking including prescription and nonprescription drugs, herbs and supplements, foods, dyes or preservatives. Banitase should be used with caution in the elderly or in patients with impaired renal function. For pregnant and lactating women: There are currently no specific studies on the safety of Banitase in pregnant women, so before using it, you should consult your doctor to be sure. evaluate the benefits and risks of the drug. At the same time, avoid using the drug during lactation, unless it is necessary to stop breastfeeding. If you forget to take a dose of Banitase, take it as soon as possible. However, if it is close to the time of your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue taking or injecting the medicine as scheduled. Do not use more drug than prescribed treatment. Banitase overdose or ingestion can cause serious symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, fainting,...

5. Drug interactions

Drug interactions can reduce the effectiveness of Banitase, or increase the effect of unwanted effects. Tell your doctor about all other medicines you are taking including over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, prescription drugs, and herbal products. Do not start, stop or change the dose of any medicine without your doctor's consent.
Some drugs that can interact with Banitase include:
Cisaprid: may lose the effect of Banitase in regulating intestinal motility when used together. Procainamide: May increase the antivagal effect on nerve conduction in the atrioventricular node.

6. How to store Banitase

Store Banitase with film-coated tablets at room temperature below 30 degrees Celsius, protect from light and avoid humid places. Do not store Banitase in a humid place or in the freezer and keep it away from heat and open flames. Different medicines will have different storage methods, so read the Banitase storage instructions carefully on the packaging, or ask your pharmacist. Keep Banitase out of the reach of children and family pets. When the medicine has expired or is damaged and cannot be used anymore, dispose of it and dispose of it properly. Do not arbitrarily dispose of Banitase medicine into the environment such as water pipes or toilets unless requested. Please consult your waste disposal company or pharmacist on how to safely dispose of Banitase to help protect the environment.
In summary, the drug Banitase is effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders such as dyspepsia, acid secretion disorders or pancreatic, irritable bowel syndrome, functional diarrhea,... However, Banitase has May cause some unwanted effects and drug interactions, so tell your doctor what medicines you are taking to reduce the risk of unwanted effects and at the same time increase the effectiveness of the process. treatment.
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