Uses of Zaverucin

What is Zaverucin? Zaverucin belongs to the group of anti-cancer drugs and acts on the body's immune system. It is used in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia in adults and in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children.

1. What does Zaverucin do?

Zaverucin contains the main active ingredient is Idarubicin hydrochloride combined with the excipient latose monohydrate. Zaverucin possesses anti-cancer chemotherapeutic effects, inhibits the synthesis of nucleic acids, resists cell division, thereby stopping or slowing down the growth stage of cancer cells present in the body. Zaverucin is an effective agent for the control of acute myeloid leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, lymphoma, breast cancer and some other tumors.
As recommended, Zaverucin is indicated in the following cases:
Treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in untreated and relapsed or refractory patients and myelogenous leukemia acute lymphocytic relapse (ALL) in adults. First line therapy of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), possibly in combination with the drug cytarabine for the induction of remission and recurrent acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in children em.

2. Dosage and usage of the drug Zaverucin

2.1. How to use the drug Zaverucin Zaverucin is prepared in the form of a vial of lyophilized powder for injection and is only used under the prescription of a doctor. Therefore, patients are not allowed to arbitrarily mix and administer drugs at home, but must go to a medical facility for a doctor's examination and to have their prescription performed by a doctor. If you need more information about the drug, please contact a specialist.
When the patient is injected and infused with Zaverucin, if the drug is out of the blood vessel, stop the injection, infusion, apply ice at the location of the extravasation for 30-60 minutes, remove and reapply every 15 minutes. Applying ice will help reduce blistering symptoms. Absolutely do not use sodium bicarbonate solution or apply heat because it can cause local tissue damage.
2.2. Dosage of Zaverucin The dose of Zaverucin is calculated based on body surface area (mg/m2) for intravenous administration.
For adults with acute myeloid leukemia: 12mg/m2/day for 3 days, slow intravenous injection (10-15 minutes), in combination with Cytosin arabinoside. Or use a dose of 8mg/m2/day, for 5 days, by slow intravenous injection (10-15 minutes), as a single dose or in combination. Children with acute non-lymphoid leukemia (AML) or acute lymphocytic leukemia: 10-12 mg/m2 body surface area, once daily, for 3 days, repeated every 3 weeks once. Adjust dose for patients with liver failure, kidney failure.

3. Undesirable effects of the drug Zaverucin

Treatment with Zaverucin very often causes unwanted effects. Some side effects are so severe that close monitoring of the patient during and after treatment is required. The following are common undesirable effects:
Cardiovascular system: Severe heart failure, severe acute arrhythmia or cardiomyopathy can be life-threatening. Cardiotoxicity may occur during treatment or several weeks after treatment has been discontinued. Systemic: The risk of infection can be severe and sometimes fatal with Zaverucin alone or in combination with cytosin arabinoside. Nervous system: Headache, convulsions, peripheral neuropathy. Gastrointestinal system: Oral mucositis usually appears within 3-10 days after starting treatment, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. On the Liver: increased liver enzymes. Skin: Alopecia, erythema, urticaria, the site of infusion may have erythema band, blistering, skin necrosis. Blood: Bone marrow suppression, bone marrow depletion, anemia, bleeding, leukopenia (lowest from 8-29 days). If you experience any of the above undesirable effects during and after treatment, you should immediately notify a specialist for timely treatment.

4. Contraindications of the drug Zaverucin

Zaverucin should not be used in the following cases:
The patient has previously had allergic reactions to the ingredients of Zaverucin. Patients with Child-Pugh C cirrhosis, severe renal failure (creatinine clearance <30ml/min). The patient has an uncontrolled infection. The patient has severe heart failure. The patient had a recent myocardial infarction. The patient has a severe arrhythmia. The patient has prolonged bone marrow failure.

5. Precautions when using Zaverucin

Cases needing caution when using Zaverucin:
Elderly people are more sensitive and prone to unwanted side effects than younger people. Before and during treatment, patients need to repeatedly check liver and kidney function, and regularly check blood and heart function. For people with pre-existing heart disease, or with bone marrow failure, prior radiotherapy to the mediastinum, liver disease, or severe renal failure are risk factors for aggravation of the condition. These cases require chest X-ray, electrocardiogram, echocardiography and daily repeat blood tests to assess the disease status. Women of childbearing potential should be advised not to become pregnant during treatment with Zaverucin and to use adequate contraceptive measures for the duration of treatment as recommended by their physician. Patients who wish to have children after completion of therapy should receive genetic counseling first. If the patient becomes pregnant while being treated with Zaverucin, the patient should consult a hematologist or obstetrician for advice on whether to continue taking the drug or not. Zacerucin is used during pregnancy if the potential benefit outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. Breast-feeding: No studies have shown whether the drug is excreted in breast milk, but due to the potential for serious adverse effects in the infant, breastfeeding should be discontinued prior to administration. For people to drive and use machines: It is not known whether Zacerucin affects the ability to drive or use machines. However, the drug can cause headaches and a feeling of fatigue after chemotherapy, so patients taking Zacerucin should not drive or operate machinery. When prescribed to use Zacerucin, the patient should follow all instructions of the specialist. This will ensure effective treatment and reduce the risk of serious side effects for the patient.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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