Uses of Vinaralgin 325

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Drug Vinaralgin 325 is a pain reliever, antipyretic, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The drug is made in the form of tablets, with the main ingredient being Acetaminophen. For more detailed information about the use of Vinaralgin 325, you can refer to the article below.

1. Main ingredients of Vinaralgin 32

Main ingredients: Acetaminophen and other excipients
Content: 325mg
Dosage form: Tablets

2. Indications for taking Vinaralgin 325

The drug is indicated in the following medical conditions:
Fever, Flu, Headache, Sore throat, Musculoskeletal pain, Menstrual pain, Toothache, Migraine

3. Uses and mechanism of Vinaralgin 325

Acetaminophen helps reduce body temperature in febrile patients and rarely lowers body temperature in normal people, because the drug acts on the hypothalamus to cause hypothermia, increased heat production due to vasodilation and increased peripheral blood flow.
Active ingredient Acetaminophen or N - acetyl - p - aminophenol is an active metabolite of phenacetin, an effective analgesic and antipyretic that can replace aspirin.
Vinaralgin 325 drug with therapeutic doses has little impact on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, does not change the acid - base balance, does not cause irritation or stomach bleeding as when using salicylates. Because the drug has no effect on systemic cyclooxygenase, only central nervous system cyclooxygenase/prostaglandin.
Vinaralgin 325 has no effect on platelets or bleeding time. Absorption is rapid and almost complete from the gastrointestinal tract, peaking in plasma about 30 to 60 minutes after oral administration of therapeutic doses. The drug is excreted in the urine mainly as metabolites, with a half-life. Elimination of the drug is about 2.5 hours.

4. Dosage and how to use Vinaralgin 325

How to use: Vinaralgin 325 is best taken orally, the drug is not affected by food.
Dosage: Children from 6 to 12 years old: Take 1 tablet / time at least 4-6 hours apart and not more than 6 tablets in 24 hours.

5. Contraindications to taking Vinaralgin 325

Patients with hypersensitivity or allergy to Vinaralgin 325 drug components.
Patients with severe liver failure, progressive viral hepatitis.
Patient has severe renal failure.

6.Vinaralgin 325 drug interactions

Long-term use of high-dose drugs with hepatotoxicity increases the risk of hepatotoxicity.
Anticoagulants when used concurrently with vinaralgin will increase the anticoagulant effect.

7.Side effects when taking Vinaralgin 325

Some possible side effects when taking Vinaralgin 325 such as:
Allergies Urticaria Rash: erythema Decreased neutrophils Thrombocytopenia Decreased whole blood cells Nausea, vomiting Anemia

8. Notes when using Vinaralgin 325

Be careful when using the drug for the following subjects:
Patients with liver failure, kidney failure. Old people, children. Pregnant women, lactating women. Vinaralgin 325 should not be used for self-administration of pain for more than 10 days in adults or more than 5 days in children, unless directed by a physician. Because of the severe pain, or the continuous high fever that does not go down and lasts so long, it needs to be controlled by a doctor or medical staff.
Do not use Vinaralgin 325 for adults and children to treat high fever above 39.5 degrees Celsius, fever lasting more than 3 days or recurrent fever, unless directed by a physician.
To minimize the risk of an overdose, children should not be given more than 5 doses of acetaminophen for pain or fever in 24 hours, unless directed to do so by a doctor/physician.
When overdosing on Vinaralgin 325, patients may experience symptoms including: hypersensitivity, irritation, bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash. In rare cases, the patient may react strongly with anaphylaxis, coma or difficulty breathing. Call 911 immediately.
Vinaralgin 325 can be taken in about 1-2 hours compared to the plan in the prescription. Except for the case of other drugs with strict regulations on the duration of use, it is necessary to strictly follow the indications. However, the dosing interval of Vinaralgin 325 should be every 4-6 hours and no more than 6 tablets should be taken in 24 hours. If the time is too far from the time you need to take Vinaralgin 325, you should not make up for it, because it can be dangerous to the body. Please take the correct dose or consult your doctor before deciding to take a medicine if you miss a dose.
In summary, Vinaralgin 325 is an antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, treatment of diseases caused by toothache, headache, muscle pain, menstrual pain, low back pain, ....or used to reduce fever. . To ensure that the drug is used safely, at the right dose, according to the indications and to avoid other adverse interactions, the patient needs to follow the doctor's prescription. If you have any further questions regarding vinaralgin 325, please consult your doctor/pharmacist for advice.

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