Uses of Vaklonal

Vaklonal drug with Vancomycin hydrochloride ingredient is used in the treatment of osteomyelitis, pneumonia, skin & blood infections, arthritis, meningitis,... Let's find out more details about its uses and usage. Vaklonal drug through the following article.

1. What does Vaklonal do?

Vaklonal drug is used in the following cases:
Treatment of endocarditis, pneumonia, pyogenic pneumonia, empyema. Arthritis, osteomyelitis, sepsis, skin infection, peritonitis, meningitis. Vaklonal drug should not be used in cases of patients with a history of allergy, hypersensitivity to Vancomycin hydrochloride, other antibiotics or to any of the ingredients in the drug.

2. Dosage - How to take Vaklonal

Vaklonal drug is made in the form of a powder for injection for injection. Dosage of Vaklonal refer to the following:
Adults IV dose: 500 mg Vancomycin hydrochloride for 6 hours or 1g Vancomycin hydrochloride for 12 hours. Children IV dose: 10mg Vancomycin hydrochloride/kg FOR 6 hours. Infants and young children IV dose: 10 - 15 mg Vancomycin hydrochloride/kg in 12 hours.

3. Vaklonal drug interactions with other drugs

Vaklonal drug when combined with some drugs below may occur drug interactions such as:
Anesthesia. Drugs that are toxic on the nervous system & kidneys such as: Colistin, Amphotericin B, Aminoglycoside, Viomycin, Bacitracin, Polymixin B, Cisplatin. To ensure safety when using Vaklonal for treatment, patients should list all the drugs they are taking and other medical conditions they are having to their doctor, to have the most effective and safest direction to use Vaklonal.

4. Pay attention to the drug Vaklonal

Vaklonal drugs are prescribed by doctors, patients do not arbitrarily use Vaklonal drugs without indications. Vaklonal must be infused IV as a diluent for no less than 60 minutes to avoid rapid infusion reactions. Vaklonal should be used with caution in patients with renal failure. In this case, the dose of Vancomycin should be reduced. Avoid taking Vaklonal with a history of hearing loss, pregnant and lactating women, premature infants, young children and the elderly. Hopefully, the information provided in the article can help readers have more useful information about the Vaklonal drug line. Always consult your doctor/pharmacist before taking Vaklonal.

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