Uses of the drug Tetracaine 0.5%

Tetracaine 0.5% is an eye drop with the main ingredient in each 10ml of the drug solution is 50mg of Tetracaine hydrochloride. So, how much should Tetracaine be used?

1. What is Tetracaine?

Tetracaine 0.5% drug belongs to the group of anesthetics and anesthetics. Tetracaine 0.5% is prepared as an eye drop solution.
Tetracaine is indicated in the following cases:
Cases requiring surface anesthesia in ophthalmology. Tetracaine is contraindicated in the following cases:
People who are sensitive to one of the components of the drug Tetracaine 0.5%. Persons sensitive to ester local anesthetics or para aminobenzoic acid and their derivatives.

2. Dosage and how to use Tetracaine 0.5%

Tetracaine 0.5% is used as eye drops for anesthesia, usually by medical staff.
The dose of Tetracaine 0.5% should be according to the prescription of a specialist. The dose of Tetracaine 0.5% is recommended in the following specific cases:
Deep anesthesia in cataract surgery : Use 1 drop/time, eye drops every 5 - 10 minutes, repeat 5 - 7 times. Suture removal: Use 1-2 drops of eye drops, at 2-3 minutes before suture removal. Removal of foreign bodies in the eye: Use 1-2 drops in the eye before the procedure. Measurement of intraocular pressure : Use 1-2 drops in the eye immediately before measuring intraocular pressure. Note when using Tetracain 0.5%:
Tetracain eye drops should not be used for a long time, because it can cause severe conjunctivitis, corneal opacities, and scarring. Do not rub your eyes while there is still 0.5% Tetracaine in the eye. Use with caution in pregnant and lactating women. Protect the eyes from dust entering the eyes and avoid bacterial infection until ocular sensation is restored.

3. Side effects of the drug Tetracaine 0.5%

When using Tetracain 0.5% eye drops, you may experience some side effects of the drug, including:
Burning sensation Burning sensation Red eyes Allergic reactions. If you see any unusual symptoms when using Tetracaine 0.5%, you should immediately notify a medical staff for timely treatment.

4. Interaction of Tetracaine 0.5% with other drugs

In the body, Tetracaine is hydrolyzed to paraaminobenzoic acid and can antagonize the action of sulfonamide drugs.
Cholinesterase inhibitors may inhibit the metabolism of tetracaine, leading to an increased risk of systemic toxicity.
Above are the uses of Tetracaine 0.5%, the correct use of the drug, the dose will bring good results in the treatment of patients. If you have any other questions, you should talk to your doctor directly for appropriate advice.

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