Uses of the drug Phildomina

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Phildomina is a drug to treat dermatological diseases that is used to bleach slowly in cases of hyperpigmentation such as melasma, freckles, dark spots, moles. Let's learn about Phildomina through the article below.

1. What is Phildomina?

Phildomina has Hydroquinone as an ingredient. The drug is produced in the form of a topical cream with a concentration of 400mg. Hydroquinone has the effect of inhibiting the oxidation of tyrosin to 3,4-didihydrophenylamine (dopa), thereby eliminating skin pigmentation, and inhibiting other metabolic processes of melanocytes.

2. Uses of the drug Phildomina

Phildomina in the form of a cream is used to gradually whiten the skin in cases of hyperpigmentation such as: Melasma, melasma, freckles, moles (small spots that appear on the skin almost like freckles) and other areas of skin hyperpigmentation. When using the product and exposing the skin to the sun, it will reverse the bleaching effect of the product. Therefore, the product is recommended to be used at night or on protected areas. When using Phildomina, users should take measures to avoid sunlight such as using sunscreen, sun-protective clothing to protect the bleached skin, and avoid hyperpigmentation on the skin there.

3. Dosage and how to use Phildomina

How to use: Preparation Phildomina is produced in the form of a topical drug, so it should be used on the skin. The product is recommended to be used at night or on covered areas; In case of daytime use, protective measures should be taken to prevent further skin damage. Dosage: Apply the drug evenly to the affected skin area once a day in the evening. When using the product for children under 12 years old, it is necessary to consult a qualified doctor. Note: The dosage of the drug Phildomina is for reference only. The actual dose also depends on the condition of the skin lesions, the patient's condition and the degree of disease progression. Therefore, when using the product, it is necessary to consult and obtain the consent of a professional doctor.

4. Contraindications of Phildomina

Do not use Phidomina cream for patients with a history of hypersensitivity or allergy to the ingredients of the drug. The safety of using Phildomina in pregnant women or children under 12 years of age has not been established. Use caution when using Phildomina in the following cases:
Avoid contact with eyes Phildomina Stop the drug after 2 months of treatment without effective as the skin appears red, blistered, inflamed too strong.

5. Undesirable effects when using Phildomina

Although Phidomina very rarely experiences side effects, but when using the product, if the patient still needs to be aware of allergic symptoms such as skin redness, itching, and acne, they need to stop the drug and report it to the doctor immediately. treatment or go to the nearest medical facility for examination

6. Phildomina overdose

Phildomina is a benign topical drug that does not show toxicity even in the case of adults using it for 3-5 months at a dose of 300-500 mg of Hydroquinone/day.
Above are the uses, doses and notes when using Phildomina. Users need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a dermatologist before use.

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