Uses of the drug Cerecozin

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Celecozin drug with main ingredient is citicolin, indicated to support improvement of memory in patients with alzheimer, memory loss, head injury. Let's learn about how to use Cerecozin 500 in the article below.

1. Uses of the drug Cerecozin 500

Celecozin is a group of drugs that stimulate the nerves and brain with the main ingredient being Citicoline - an essential precursor in the synthesis of lecithin (phosphatidylcholine) and other phospholipids. Citicolin is used to restore cell membranes and nerve function in cases of ischemic injury.
Celecozin is indicated in the treatment of:
Support to improve memory in Alzheimer's patients, people with memory loss, head trauma. Loss of consciousness due to brain damage, head injury or brain surgery, cerebral ischemia, memory problems in the elderly, and stroke.

2. Contraindications of the drug Cerecozin 500

Celecozin is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to citicolin or to any of its components, patients with hypertonia of the parasympathetic nervous system.

3. How to use Cerecozin 500

Usage: oral use. You can take the medicine with water or add it to 10-15 ml of water, shake it to disperse completely, then drink and take the medicine before meals.
Loss of consciousness due to brain damage or brain surgery, cerebral ischemia, memory problems of the elderly and stroke: 1 tablet / time x 1-2 times / day. Support to improve memory in patients with alzheimer, memory loss, head injury: 2 tablets / time / day, treatment for 2 consecutive weeks.

4. Side effects of the drug Cerecozin 500

When using Celecozin, you may experience side effects such as: Insomnia, headache, dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue. Some rare side effects of Cerecozin 500 include rash, seizures, abnormal liver function tests, double vision, facial flushing, transient drop in blood pressure.

5. Be careful when using the drug Cerecozin 500

Patients with impaired consciousness during the acute phase of ischemic stroke should receive citicoline injection for 2 weeks after the stroke.
Excipients of the drug contain aspartame and mannitol. Aspartame is hydrolyzed in the gastrointestinal tract after oral administration to produce phenylalanine. Use with caution in patients with phenylketonuria. Mannitol has a mild laxative effect.
Ability to drive and use machines: Cerecozin 500 may cause headache, dizziness, convulsions. Therefore, if you are taking Cerecozin 500, be careful when driving or operating machinery.
Pregnancy and lactation: Do not use Cerecozin 500 for pregnant women and lactating women.
The information above is not a substitute for medical advice. It is important for patients to consult a professional and use according to the indicated indications.

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