Uses of the drug AlphaDHG

AlphaDHG drug contains Chymotrypsin, anti-inflammatory effect, treatment of edema after trauma, surgery or burns. However, it is necessary to use the drug correctly to limit the side effects and maximize the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of the disease. Learn more about Alphadhg through the article below.

1. What is AlphaDHG?

Alphadhg has the main ingredient Alphachymotrypsine, which belongs to the group of enzyme anti-inflammatory drugs. Prepared in the form of tablets with a content of 4.2 grams.
The drug is indicated for anti-inflammatory and edema reduction for patients with trauma after accidents, patients after surgery, patients with burns, sprains, soft tissue injuries, ... The drug is also indicated. Support treatment for patients with acute / chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, rhinitis, mastitis, orchitis...
The drug is indicated for anti-inflammatory in general from internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology. , eyes, ears, nose and throat, .. In addition, the drug can also support digestion similar to probiotics, but it is necessary to have indications and instructions of a doctor when taking drugs for this purpose.

2. Uses of AlphaDHG

2.1. Contraindications of AlphaDHG Drug Patients who are allergic to any ingredient of AlphaDHG drug Patients with typical alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), patients with nephrotic syndrome, .. Patients with coagulopathy, severe liver and kidney disease, increased vitreous pressure, and congenital cataracts. 2.2. Undesirable side effects Alphadhg is a drug with few side effects even when used for a long time. The most common side effects are related to digestive problems such as digestive disorders, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, irregular constipation, change in stool color, changes in skin pigmentation, weight change. undefined reason.
However, all of the above symptoms are mild and occur at a very low rate in subjects using the drug
The drug can cause sudden or transient increase in intraocular pressure due to severed and destroyed ligament fragments clog the wire harness. In addition, it can also cause mild uveitis, corneal edema... In high doses, the drug can cause allergic reactions, mild redness, urticaria. When you notice any side effects of the drug, you should immediately notify the treating doctor for the appropriate solution.
2.3. Drug interactions AlphaDHG drugs when used together with some other drugs can cause drug interactions that patients need to be aware of:
Some drugs also have an enzyme structure, so they will increase the effectiveness of each other's treatment, the This drug can be used in combination to increase the effect as well as the effectiveness of treatment. Should not be used in combination with anticoagulants because AlphaDHG increases the effect of anticoagulants. Concomitant use of AlphaDHG with products containing Acetylcysteine ​​will increase protein breakdown. During the time of taking the drug, do not use vitamin K and foods containing a lot of vitamin K to achieve optimal therapeutic effect. However, in patients at risk for hemophilia, it may be necessary to combine vitamin K with vitamin K to reduce the risk of bleeding. AlphaDHG can and should be used in combination with other enzymes to increase the effectiveness of the drug. drug Do not take the drug with alcohol or alcoholic beverages, which may affect the absorption and metabolism of the drug, affecting the therapeutic effect of the drug. For the safe and effective use of the drug, you should inform your doctor about the medicines you are taking. At that time, the doctor will advise on the use of drugs and give the most appropriate treatment for your condition.
2.4. Note when taking the drug AlphaDHG The drug has negligible side effects, however, the patient should not abuse the drug excessively and must use the drug strictly according to the doctor's instructions
The drug causes adverse effects on the eyes (fluid loss). glasses) should not be used in cataract surgery. Especially for patients under 20 years of age undergoing cataract surgery, patients with increased vitreous pressure, congenital cataracts and open wounds are recommended not to use drugs containing Chymotrypsin.
Do not arbitrarily use the drug, increase or decrease the dose yourself without the permission of the treating doctor.
For pregnant and lactating women: not recommended, however in case of necessity, the benefits and risks can be weighed
For children: because children are often sensitive to the effects Side effects of the drug than adults, therefore, caution should be exercised when using AlphaDHG for children
For the elderly: due to a decrease in the mechanism of regulation of homeostasis and changes in pharmacokinetics, the elderly are more likely to have adverse effects. Excessive response to the drug when used, so it is necessary to adjust the dose to achieve optimal effect and closely monitor possible side effects to have the most timely and effective treatment measures.

3. How to use AlphaDHG drugs effectively

The drug has 2 ways to use:
One is: the drug is taken orally with plenty of water to increase the activity of the enzyme Chymotrypsin, can be taken before or during a meal Second is: the drug is taken under the tongue to allow the drug to dissolve naturally. in your oral cavity Dosage:
For adults: Take 1-2 tablets each time, 3 to 4 times a day. For children: because the drug is rarely used for children, it is necessary to have specific instructions and advice from a doctor to get the correct dose for each drug user Sublingual: 4 to 6 tablets per day. days, divided several times. AlphaDHG drug overdose
Overdose is uncommon because this is not a drug with a very low dose and has a small therapeutic index, however, overdose can also be caused by taking large amounts of the drug by mistake or when used for children. without adult control. The symptoms of drug overdose are currently not fully accounted for, but there may be some manifestations such as severe digestive disorders, allergies, erythema, etc. When overdose, the patient should be taken to the hospital. Go to a medical facility for examination, monitoring and treatment by specialist doctors
Missed dose of AlphaDHG
When a dose is missed, the patient should take the medicine as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and take the next dose as usual. The patient should not take the previous dose to make up for the next dose. If you have any questions, you should consult your doctor for advice.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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