Uses of Potassium Chloride Proamp

Potassium Chloride Proamp is indicated in the treatment of hypokalemia, and at the same time correcting blood chlorine levels caused by hypokalemia. Using Potassium Chloride Proamp medicine exactly as prescribed by your doctor will help you ensure safety for your health and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment.

1. What is Potassium Chloride Proamp?

Potassium Chloride Proamp belongs to the group of mineral and vitamin drugs, prepared in the form of a concentrated solution to make an infusion solution, packing specifications: Box of 50 PP ampoules. The main ingredient of Potassium Chloride Proamp is Potassium Chloride (Potassium), which is essential for maintaining Acid-Base balance, isotonicity and cell electromobility.
In many enzyme reactions, Potassium Chloride is an important activator. Potassium Chloride content in intracellular fluid is usually high (150-160 mmol/l) and low in extracellular fluid (3.5-5 mmol/l). The difference in K+ balance between the inside and outside of the cell is essential for nerve impulse conduction, which helps to maintain normal kidney function.

2. Indications of Potassium Chloride Proamp

Potassium Chloride Proamp is used in the treatment of hypokalemia, adjusting the chlorine concentration due to hypokalemia in the following subjects:
Reducing blood potassium levels in patients taking diuretics to treat high blood idiopathic pressure; Patients using Digitalis have severe arrhythmias; People who are following a diet at risk of potassium depletion; People with cirrhosis have normal kidney function; Cases of diarrhea, prolonged vomiting, Bartter's syndrome, kidney disease causing potassium loss...

3. Dosage of Potassium Chloride Proamp

Dosage of Potassium Chloride Proamp in adults:
Prevention in diuretic therapy: Use a dose of 40mmol/day; For people with uncomplicated hypertension, edema, outpatient treatment, if serum potassium is less than 3 mmol/liter, a dose of 50-60 mmol potassium/day should be used; For patients with edema, use a dose of 40 - 80 mmol/day (mild deficiency) or 100 - 120 mmol/day (severe deficiency); Peripheral intravenous drip at a rate of 10-20 mmol/hour. The infusion rate will be faster for emergencies, repeated every 2 to 3 hours if necessary, but the potassium concentration in the infusion fluid should not exceed a maximum of 40 mmol/litre. Dosage of Potassium Chloride Proamp for children:
Using a dose of Potassium Chloride Proamp 1 - 2mmol/kg in diuretic therapy, renal function decreased in the elderly; Dosage of Potassium Chloride Proamp for other cases:
The maintenance dose will be based on whether there is kidney damage or heart block, if so, the infusion rate must be reduced by half and should not exceed 5 - 10 mmol / hours. The dosage of Potassium Chloride Proamp above is for reference only. The specific dose of Potassium Chloride Proamp will depend on your condition and disease progression. To get the right dose of Potassium Chloride Proamp, you need to consult with your doctor or pharmacist.

4. Contraindications to Potassium Chloride Proamp

Potassium Chloride is contraindicated in the following cases:
People who are sensitive to any ingredient of Potassium Chloride Proamp; People with hyperkalemia and blood cholesterol; People with oliguria due to impaired kidney function; People with primary adrenal insufficiency, hyperazotemia syndrome; People with acute dehydration, heat cramps; The patient has just had surgery and has no urine.

5. Side effects of the drug Potassium Chloride Proamp

When using Potassium Chloride Proamp, patients may experience some side effects such as:
Pain and inflammation of the veins at the injection site; Long-term use of Potassium Chloride Proamp can cause hyperkalemia; Some common side effects are diarrhea , nausea , vomiting , stomach pain , bloating ; Less common conditions are irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, cramps, bloody stools. If the patient appears abnormal during the infusion, it is necessary to immediately notify the treating doctor to take timely measures to avoid prolonged exposure, which can be life-threatening.

6. Interactions with other drugs

Potassium Chloride Proamp may interact when used concurrently with the following drugs:
ACE inhibitors; Angiotensin II receptor antagonists; Glucose solution; Cyclosporin. In order to avoid unwanted interactions, patients need to list to the treating doctor the drugs and supplements they are using.

7. Notes when using and storing Potassium Chloride Proamp

When using Potassium Chloride Proamp, it should be noted in the following cases:
Continuous monitoring and supervision when infusion for people with renal and adrenal insufficiency, heart disease, acute dehydration; Potassium Chloride Proamp should be used with caution in patients taking drugs that cause hyperkalemia such as Amiloride, Triamteren...; Before injecting Potassium Chloride Proamp, it is necessary to disinfect the hands of the patient and the injector to avoid infection; Within 30 minutes from the start of the infusion, the patient should be monitored to promptly handle abnormal conditions if they occur; Check the expiration date of the drug Potassium Chloride Proamp before use, if it is expired, it should be recalled and handed over to a qualified person for handling; Before using Potassium Chloride Proamp, check whether the ampoule is leaking, check the clarity of the injection solution; Pregnant women who are prescribed drugs need to be closely monitored; Breastfeeding women can use Potassium Chloride Proamp to maintain blood potassium levels at physiological levels. Store Potassium Chloride Proamp:
Store Potassium Chloride Proamp in a cool, dry place, below 25 degrees Celsius; Avoid freezing or exposing Potassium Chloride Proamp to direct sunlight because it may change its activity; Store the drug in a sealed package to avoid collisions that cause the injection solution to become contaminated; Keep Potassium Chloride Proamp out of the reach of children. The article has provided information about the uses, dosage and precautions when using Potassium Chloride Proamp. To ensure safety for your health and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment, you need to take the medicine exactly as directed by your doctor, do not increase or decrease the dose on your own, or give the prescription to others to use.

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