Uses of myleran 400

Gabapentin is a psychotropic active ingredient, indicated in epilepsy or cases requiring neuropathic pain relief. This active ingredient is in the medicine Myleran 400. So what is Myleran 400 and what are the special notes when using it?

1. What is Myleran 400?

Myleran 400 is a psychotropic drug, produced by JSC SPM - Vietnam. The main active ingredient in Myleran 400 is Gabapentin 400mg, which is made in the form of hard capsules for oral use.
Gabapentin is structurally related to a neurotransmitter in the human body GABA (g-aminobutyric acid), however, the mechanism of action of Gabapentin is different when compared to some active substances that interact with other substances. GABA synapses, including Valproate, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, GABA transaminase inhibitors, GABA reuptake inhibitors, GABA receptor agonists, and GABA precursors.
The active ingredient Gabapentin in Myleran 400 at clinically effective doses does not bind to the receptors of other common drugs or to brain neurotransmitters including GABA-A, GABA-B, Benzodiazepine, Glutamate , Glycine or N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors. In vitro, Gabapentin does not interact with sodium channels and as such it differs from Phenytoin and Carbamazepine.
Myleran 400 partially attenuated the responses to glutamate N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) agonists in some in vitro assay systems, but only at concentrations above 100 mcM where concentrations This cannot be achieved on invivo. Besides, Gabapentin also has the effect of mildly reducing the release of monoamine neurotransmitters in vitro.

2. Instructions for using Myleran 400

Myleran 400 is indicated for use in the treatment of:
Epilepsy; Nerve pain relief. Patients need to follow the instructions for use stated on the instruction sheet for Myleran 400 or as directed by the doctor.
Dosage of the drug Myleran 400 :
Partial seizures with or without secondary generalization in adults and children over 12 years of age: Initiate gabapentin at a dose of 300 mg/time, 3 times/day, with may be increased to a maximum of 3600mg/day. Note that the maximum interval between doses of Myleran 400 should not exceed 12 hours; Support in the treatment of partial seizures with or without secondary generalization in children 3-12 years old: Gabapentin dose is 25-35 mg/kg/day, divided into 3 oral doses; Pain relief of neurogenic origin in adults over 18 years of age: The starting dose of Gabapentin is 300mg/time, 3 times/day, can be adjusted as needed to a maximum dose of 3600mg/day; Patients with renal impairment with creatinine clearance less than 80mL/min need to adjust the dose of Myleran 400. Patients need to use Myleran 400 exactly according to the recommended dose on the package, instruction sheet or instructions of a doctor or pharmacist. Patients absolutely do not arbitrarily change the dose of Myleran 400 without the consent of the doctor.
Overdose of Myleran 400 and treatment:
In case of overdose of Myleran 400, the patient should stop taking the drug and immediately notify the doctor or pharmacist when there are abnormal symptoms; Patients and relatives need to bring medical records, all prescriptions that have been and are being used so that doctors can quickly diagnose and treat Myleran 400 poisoning. Missed dose of Myleran 400 and how to handle it:
Most drugs can be used 1-2 hours from the time specified in the prescription, unless the patient is strictly prescribed by the doctor. use; If the time to remember the forgotten dose of Myleran 400 is too far from the usual time, the patient should not take the supplement because it can be dangerous to health.

3. Contraindications of Myleran 400

Myleran 400 should not be used in the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to Gabapentin or any of its ingredients; Normally, people with a hypersensitivity or allergy to any of the active ingredients in Myleran 400 should absolutely not use this preparation. Besides, a number of other contraindications will be specified in the drug instruction leaflet or the doctor's instructions; Contraindications to Myleran 400 must be understood as absolute contraindications, that is, for no other reason that can be flexible to use this drug.

4. Side effects of the drug Myleran 400

Some side effects may occur during treatment with Myleran 400:
Abdominal pain, headache, back pain; Tired; Fever, viral infection; Vasodilation; Digestive disorders ; Leukopenia; Edema; Weight gain; Increased risk of bone fractures; Muscle pain; Lost memory; Ataxia, confusion; Depression; Dizzy; Disturbance of speech; Insomnia . Usually, the side effects or unwanted effects of Myleran 400 will be relieved or completely gone when the patient stops taking the drug. In case of rare side effects that are not mentioned in the Myleran 400 user manual, patients should immediately notify their doctor for appropriate advice and intervention.

5. Some notes and cautions when using Myleran 400

When Myleran 400 is used for epilepsy and requires a dose reduction or discontinuation, the patient should be tapered off gradually over a minimum of 1 week.
Some special subjects to note before using Myleran 400:
Elderly patients, pregnant or lactating; Children under 15 years old; Patients with impaired liver and kidney function; Persons sensitive to Gabapentin; Patients with myasthenia gravis, hepatic coma or gastric ulcer. Pregnant patients should consider and consult their doctor or pharmacist before using Myleran 400. It should be noted that although the drug has been tested to be safe for pregnancy, there is still a risk of harm to the fetus when used.
Nursing patients need to carefully weigh the benefits and risks for both mother and baby before using Myleran 400, absolutely do not arbitrarily use the drug without carefully reading the instructions for use and instructions of the doctor. doctor.

6. Myleran 400 . Drug Interactions

Drug interactions are a matter of concern when using any drug. The interaction of Myleran 400 with other drugs is often quite complicated due to the influence of many active ingredients in the drug. Studies or recommendations usually only state common interactions when used, so patients should not arbitrarily apply information about Myleran 400 drug interactions unless they are the researcher, doctor or person in charge. medical.
Patients should consider taking Myleran 400 together with alcohol, beer, tobacco, alcoholic beverages or fermented beverages. The above agents can change the ingredients in Myleran 400, patients need to refer to the package insert or consult a doctor or pharmacist for more details.

7. Preserving medicine Myleran 400

Patients should carefully read the instructions for storing the medicine on the package and the instruction sheet for Myleran 400 medicine. Also, check the expiration date before taking Myleran 400. When the drug is not used or has expired, the patient should dispose of the drug according to the manufacturer's or physician's instructions. Common medicines, including Myleran 400 should be stored at room temperature, away from direct sunlight or high temperature.
Myleran 400 is a psychotropic drug. The main active ingredient in Myleran 400 is Gabapentin 400mg, which is made in the form of hard capsules for oral use. The drug is indicated for the treatment of epilepsy and for the relief of neuropathic pain. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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