Uses of Medi silymarin

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Medi silymarin is a drug belonging to the group of drugs known as cholestasis, gallstone dissolution, liver protection. The following article will introduce more information about this drug as well as its uses.

1. What is Medi Silymarin?

Medi Silymarin has the main ingredient is Cardus marianus 100 mg. In particular, Cao Cardus marianus is extracted from milk thistle (Milk Thistle, Silybum marianum, Cardus marianus), whose main active ingredient is silymarin, a mixture of flavonoids including silydianin, silybin, silychristine; in which silybin has the strongest biological effect.
Cardus marianus extract has the effect of inhibiting the destruction of hepatocytes:
Stabilizes the membranes of liver cells and microsomes by inhibiting lipid peroxidation in the cell membranes. Has the effect of increasing metabolism in the liver, Stimulates the activity of RNA - polymerase in ribosomes leading to increased protein synthesis in hepatocytes. Increases the detoxifying effect in the liver. Reduces glutathione oxidation in mitochondria and liver caused by iron overload, chelating iron, reducing the activity of tumor-generating agents, stabilizing mast cell membranes against inhibition DNA and RNA synthesis in spleen and liver induced by radiation, hepatotoxic drugs.

2. What are the uses of Medi Silymarin?

Silymarin has the effect of enhancing the detoxification ability of the liver, enhancing the immune response, and stimulating the regeneration of liver cells. Besides, the most prominent effect of silymarin is to protect the liver from damage caused by alcohol or hepatotoxic drugs (acetaminophen, antibiotics...). Medi Silymarin is indicated for the following cases:
Acute and chronic hepatitis, fatty liver, liver failure, viral hepatitis. Protect and restore liver function for people who drink alcohol, food poisoning or chemicals. People who are taking drugs that are toxic to the liver, such as drugs for tuberculosis, cancer treatment, diabetes, chemicals, radiation, antibiotics... People with liver dysfunction with symptoms of anorexia, difficulty digestion, fatigue, jaundice, constipation ... Prevention and support of cirrhosis and liver cancer. Poor detoxification function of the liver causes boils, acne, itchy skin sores, chronic allergies. Do not use Medi Silymarin in the following patients:
Hypersensitivity to silymarin or any component of the drug. Patient has biliary obstruction. Children under 12 years old. People with diabetes.

3. Dosage - How to take Medi Silymarin:

Patients can take Medi Silymarin with food or after meals, not on an empty stomach. The usual dose in adults is 1-2 tablets (100mg Silymarin) x 3 times/day.
In case of emergency or overdose causing dangerous symptoms, immediately seek medical attention. If you forget to take a dose of Medi Silymarin, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it is almost time for your next dose to remember, skip the missed dose and take your next dose as scheduled.

4. Drug interactions

As a recommendation, do not take Medi Silymarin with Levodopa. In addition, food, tobacco, and alcohol can interact with some drugs, so before using Medi Silymarin, patients should consult their doctor. Patients should not drink alcohol while taking the drug.

5. Pay attention to precautions

During the use of the drug, the patient may experience some side effects such as: Digestive disorders, allergic skin rashes, headaches ... If you encounter any unusual signs while taking the drug. medication, tell your doctor right away. Pregnant and lactating women need to consult a doctor before use. Take the medicine exactly as prescribed and directed. Patients with jaundice should consult a doctor before using the drug. If the symptoms of the disease do not improve after a long time using the drug, or after 1 month, it is necessary to see a doctor again. Silymarin should be stored at room temperature, in a dry place, away from direct light. Keep the medicine out of reach of children and pets.

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