Uses of Lyhynax

Lyhynax is a vaginal suppository, used in cases of fungal and parasitic infections in the vagina and vulva. To use it safely and effectively, you need to know the uses of Lyhynax, as well as how to use it, and how to use it. Let's learn more about Lyhynax drug and related information.

1. What is Lyhynax?

Lyhynax is the brand name of the drug placed in the vagina. Lyhynax belongs to the group of drugs that treat parasites, infections, viruses and fungi. Therefore, often the drug is used to treat infections caused by fungi, parasites ... in the vagina, vulva in women.
Ingredients of Lyhynax include:
Econazole nitrate; Lecithin; Gelatin; Sorbitol; Vanillin; Nipazin; Nipazol; Palm oil; Soybean oil; Sunset yellow BHT; Alcohol 96 degrees; Pure water. Lyhynax is manufactured by Me Di Sun Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (Vietnam), packaged in a box of 1 blister x 10 soft capsules. Rectangular box, white red orange, red purple.

2. Uses – Indications for Lyhynax

Lyhynax drug has the main use of treating fungal infections of the vulva - vagina. Therefore, the drug is also indicated in cases such as:
Vaginitis caused by fungi; Fungal vulvovaginitis; Vaginal - vulva infections; Lyhynax drug is used to treat the above cases.

3. Dosage, how to use Lyhynax

Recommended dosage Lyhynax 1 tablet / time. Order 2 tablets 12 hours apart, time can be placed continuously from 3 to 5 days depending on the indication.
How to use Lyhynax as follows:
Clean the vagina - vulva with clean water or suitable solution; Wash hands or disinfect hands with a specialized solution; Supine in obstetric position (supine, legs apart, knees flexed); Slowly use your hands (can wear a condom or use medical gloves) to push the pill deep into the vagina; Lie still in one position for about 15 minutes; Please make the correct prescription to ensure effective use.

4. Contraindications to the drug Lyhynax

Lyhynax is contraindicated in the following cases:
Have allergy or hypersensitivity to imidazole or any of the ingredients in Lyhynax; Have a history of allergy to other antifungal drugs; Children under 16 years old or elderly people (from 60 years old and above); In addition, you should also be cautious when using Lyhynax in cases such as:
7 days of drug use but no reduction in clinical manifestations; 04 weeks of taking the drug, the clinical manifestations reappeared; 06 months after taking the drug, there were 2 relapses; You should also not use Lyhynax when there are clinical manifestations such as:
Vaginal bleeding outside the period; Vaginal discharge containing blood; Unusual pain in the vagina; Vaginal ulcers, blisters...; Pain in the lower abdomen; Difficulty urinating; Although it is a commonly used vaginal tablet, when using Lyhynax, patients also need to be very careful.

5. Lyhynax side effects

Lyhynax drugs usually cause few side effects. Side effects are very rare because the ingredients and excipients are all very benign. Some side effects are warned by the manufacturer such as:
Feeling hot; Mild irritation; These symptoms are common after you put the medicine and will quickly go away on their own. Mainly at the first order
Need to be noted: Tell the doctor about any unusual symptoms when ordering the medicine for advice and effective treatment.

6. Interactions when taking Lyhynax

Lyhynax drug often has some interactions as follows:
Reduces effectiveness of birth control methods: condoms, vaginal membranes, spermicides ...; Soap has an acidic pH, because it promotes the growth of Candida albicans in the vagina; Efficacy may decrease when the patient is taking anticoagulants; Patients should inform the doctor about the drugs they are using, the contraceptive method (if any) when using Lyhynax.

7. Some notes when using Lyhynax

During the use of Lyhynax, patients should note:
Lyhynax is a vaginal medication, not to be taken; Consider alternative birth control methods if you are using condoms, diaphragms, spermicides; Do not take with other antifungal drugs; Stop placing the drug when there are manifestations of excessive irritation; Note, in the process of taking Lyhynax drug, it is necessary to use the right dose, at the end of the dose, because it directly affects the effectiveness. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, inform your doctor before taking it.
Although, there have been no studies showing the effect of Econazole on pregnant women, but similar to other imidazoles against other fungi, only used when absolutely necessary. When used, caution should be exercised, weighing the benefits and risks. There are no specific data on whether econazole is excreted in human milk.

8. Overdose and treatment when taking Lyhynax

There are no specific reports of overdose, however, if the drug is used in high doses and the patient has clinical symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, it is necessary to go to a medical facility for examination and advice. . The doctor can intervene with gastric lavage or symptomatic treatment.
Lyhynax is in a box at room temperature. Avoid exposure to high temperatures or direct sunlight, as chemical composition may change. Under good storage conditions, the drug has a shelf life of 3 years.
The above information may partly help you know what Lyhynax is, how to use it, how to use it. When prescribed medication, follow the instructions exactly. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.
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