Uses of Gelactive Sucra

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Gelactive Sucra belongs to the group of gastrointestinal drugs, is prepared in the form of mixed powder for oral administration, containing different ingredients and excipients. Let's learn more about Gelactive Sucra's uses, usage, dosage,... in the following article.

1. What is Gelactive Sucra?

Gelactive Sucra belongs to the list of gastrointestinal drugs. The drug is manufactured by HASAN - DERMAPHARM - Vietnam Joint Venture Co., Ltd., registration number VD - 30841 - 18, according to basic standards.
Gelactive Sucra has the main ingredients including Sucralfate and excipients just enough:
Sorbitol 70%; Glycerin; Sodium Citrate; Sorbic Acid; Acid Cyclamate; Sodium saccharin; Xanthan gum; The smell of caramel; Methylparaben; Propylparaben. Gelactive Sucra is packaged in 30 aluminum sachets containing 5ml oral mixture. White horizontal rectangular pill box, drug name and green stomach icon.

2. Uses of Gelactive Sucra

Gelactive Sucra medicine contains the main ingredient is Sucralfate. This active ingredient has the main function of protecting the stomach lining. The mechanism of action of the drug is to form complexes with substances such as albumin and fibrinogen from the exudate, which binds with the ulcer to form a protective barrier, preventing the effects of acids, pepsin, and bile. In addition, Sucralfate is an ingredient in Gelactive Sucra that also inhibits the activity of pepsin, binds to bile salts, increases the production of prostaglandin E, gastric mucus. The drug is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, excreted in feces and urine.

3. Indications for use of Gelactive Sucra

Gelactive Sucra is indicated for the following subjects:
Peptic ulcer; Chronic gastritis ; Benign gastric ulcer; Prevention of duodenal ulcers caused by stress. Gelactive Sucra is indicated for subjects with stomach and duodenal problems under the guidance of a doctor/pharmacist.

4. Dosage, how to use Gelactive Sucra

Gelactive Sucra is a medicine used in the treatment of stomach - duodenum problems. Take the medicine directly on an empty stomach. Dosage of Gelactive Sucra as recommended by the manufacturer is as follows:
Duodenal ulcer: For this group of subjects, the dose of Gelactive Sucra is 2g/time x 2 times a day in the morning and evening before bed. A course of treatment lasts from 4 to 8 weeks according to the condition of duodenal ulcer.
Benign gastric ulcer: The drug is used 1g / time x 4 times / day for adults. Treatment should be continued until the ulcer is completely healed (endoscopic examination). A course of treatment lasts from 6 to 8 weeks. In addition, you can also be treated to eliminate minimal Hp bacteria with Metronidazol and Amoxicillin, with sucralfate and an anti-acid medicine such as an H2-histaminic inhibitor or a proton pump inhibitor.
Prevention of duodenal ulcer recurrence: Gelactive Sucra dose for subjects to prevent recurrence of duodenal ulcer is 1g/time x 2 times/day. One course should not last more than 6 months. In addition, to rule out the recurrence of duodenal ulcer caused by HP bacteria, the doctor may prescribe a combination of antibiotics.
Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease: The dose of Gelactive Sucra as recommended by the manufacturer for this group of subjects is 1g/time x 4 times/day. Use 1 hour before meals or at bedtime.

5. Contraindications to the use of Gelactive Sucra

Gelactive Sucra is not used for subjects who are sensitive or allergic to any of the ingredients and excipients in Gelactive Sucra.

6. Gelactive Sucra Precautions and Warnings

Gelactive Sucra should be used with caution in subjects with renal impairment due to the risk of increased serum concentrations. Especially when taking Gelactive Sucra for a long time.
The group of pregnant and lactating subjects has not yet determined the harmful effects, but they should not use it or only use it when prescribed by a doctor/pharmacist.
Subjects who drive and operate machines need to be careful because when using Gelactive Sucra can cause drowsiness, dizziness...

7. Gelactive Sucra . side effects

When using Gelactive Sucra medicine can cause side effects but are rare. However, the manufacturer also gives some side effects that are noted when using Gelactive Sucra such as:
Diarrhea; Nausea; Dizziness; Insomnia; Backache; Headache ; Itchy; Erythema; Dry mouth; Flatulence; Medal ; Quincke's edema; Shortness of breath; Rhinitis; Stomach foreign body; Laryngeal spasm; Facial swelling;

8. Interactions with other drugs

Gelactive Sucra can be used with Antacids in the treatment of duodenal ulcers to relieve pain. However, it should not be taken at the same time because Antacids can affect the binding of sucralfate on the mucosa. Therefore, when taking together, it is necessary to take Antacid before or after taking Sucralfate (the ingredient in Gelactive Sucra) half an hour.
Drugs such as:
Cimetidine; Ranitidine; Ciprofloxacin; Norfloxacin; Ofloxacin; Digoxin; Warfarin; Phenytoin; Theophylline; Tetracyclines; When used with Gelactive Sucra may be reduced absorption. Therefore, it is necessary to take these drugs 2 hours before or after taking Gelactive Sucra.
Gelactive Sucra is a medicine for gastrointestinal problems such as stomach, duodenum, ... Gelactive Sucra is made in the form of an oral solution that is easy to use. To make sure it's safe to take your medicine, you need to follow the safety instructions. If you have any questions while taking Gelactive Sucra, ask your doctor/pharmacist for further advice.

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