Uses of Gastropin

Gastropin is an antacid, used to neutralize acid in gastric juice and reduce muscle spasms in cases of stomach ulcers and digestive disorders. However, people may not understand the dosage and effects of the drug. The following article will summarize and give knowledge about the uses of Gastropin.

1. What is Gastropin?

Gastropin is a medicine for the digestive system, specifically the stomach. The drug is manufactured by DANAFA Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company, prepared in the form of tablets, 1 bottle includes 100 tablets.
Gastropin drug belongs to the group of antacids, against stomach ulcers with the presence of three main active ingredients including Aluminum Hydroxide, Magnesium Hydroxide and Atropin Sulfate. The first two are strong antacids, with Aluminum Hydroxide (aka Aluminum Hydroxyd) being a slow acting antacid. In contrast, Magnesium Hydroxide (or Magnesium Hydroxide) is a fast acting antacid. Atropin Sulfate is used to inhibit the activity of the central nervous system parasympathetic, leading to decreased secretion of gastric acid, decreased colon spasms...

2. What are the effects of Gastropin?

Gastropin drug includes pharmaceutical ingredients Aluminum Hydroxyd, Magnesium Hydroxyd and Atropin Sulfate and other excipients just enough for one tablet. The effect of these drugs in the drug is to inhibit the increase of gastric acid, reduce stomach spasms.
Can explain the mechanism of action of two main drugs:
For Aluminum Hydroxyd: In the stomach, Aluminum Hydroxyd reacts slowly with Hydrochloric Acid in gastric juice to produce aluminum chloride with water. In people with normal kidney function, aluminum chloride will be excreted in the urine at levels ranging from 17 to 30%. Small amounts of aluminum chloride will be absorbed into the body. According to the doctor's prescription, patients using Gastropin after eating will slow down the digestive process from the stomach to the small intestine, increase aluminum chloride due to the prolonged reaction between Aluminum Hydroxyd and Hydrochloric Acid occurring in the stomach. .
In the small intestine, aluminum chloride is converted to an insoluble alkaline aluminum salt. This form of alkaline aluminum salt has poor absorption, where it reacts with phosphorus to produce aluminum phosphate, this compound is insoluble in the intestines and is excreted by the body in the feces.
Aluminum phosphate has properties such as reducing excess gastric acid, thereby reducing acidity in the stomach. This active ingredient helps relieve symptoms that often occur in peptic ulcers such as heartburn, heartburn, bloating or gastroesophageal reflux. However, aluminum phosphate can cause constipation, so it is often combined with magnesium hydroxide to have a laxative effect.
For Magnesium Hydroxyd: The dissolution reaction of magnesium in gastric acid produces ions that have the effect of neutralizing the acid, making a protective film for the gastric mucosa, but these ions do not affect the production of magnesium. gastric secretion. Therefore, gastric pH increases, decreases acidity. This active ingredient also helps to reduce acid in the esophagus, leading to relief of heartburn, heartburn and reducing the effect of the enzyme pepsin. Magnesium is metabolized and excreted by the kidneys fairly quickly, so with an absorption rate of 5 to 10%, this active substance does not cause a systemic alkalinization reaction, but causes alkalinity in the urine.
Gastropin medicine is indicated for people who are suffering from digestive disorders and facing cases of gastrointestinal diseases as follows:
Patients with acute gastric and duodenal ulcers Patients with disorders Digestive disorders Helps to soothe and inhibit symptoms that appear due to increased stomach acid such as heartburn, belching, indigestion, bloating Prevention of ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding due to stress. Treatment of symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease - oesophagitis. Patients should adhere to the use of the drug according to the instructions for use listed on the instruction sheet for Gastropin or the doctor's prescription.

3. Usage of Gastropin

3.1. How to use Gastropin For this drug, patients can use it orally. Antacids, liquid or oral suspension, are more effective than solids or powders.
For Gastropin, doctors recommend chewing the tablet before swallowing it down the esophagus, because there is a chance that the drug has not completely dissolved in the stomach before entering the small intestine.
3.2. Dosage of Gastropin Anti-acid Treatment: The dose of oral medication for each patient will be different because the amount of active ingredient needed to neutralize stomach acid varies depending on the level of acid secreted and the body's ability to neutralize acid. Therefore, the dose of Gastropin will be different based on your doctor's prescription.
Soothe symptoms of digestive disorders, indigestion: Patients should not use the drug for more than 2 weeks. Treatment of peptic ulcer disease: For the active ingredients in Gastropin to be most effective, patients should take antacids from 1 to 3 hours after meals and at bedtime to help neutralize the acid for longer. Patients should continue to take antacids for at least 4-6 weeks after symptoms resolve. Treatment of stomach ulcers: Chew 2 tablets thoroughly, 3 times a day, divided into 1 to 3 hours after eating or when the stomach has painful symptoms. 3.3. Handling when forgetting, overdosing Missed dose:
In case of missed dose, need to take Gastropin as soon as you remember. In case it is almost time for the next dose, the patient can skip the missed dose and take the next dose as prescribed. Never take double the prescribed dose.
In case a patient overdoses on Gastropin and develops serious symptoms that are suspected to be related to an overdose of the product, contact 911 immediately or go to a medical facility. nearest to see a doctor and get advice.
3.4. Contraindications Patients with hypersensitivity to any component of the drug Gastropin Patients with renal failure, depending on the degree of use of the drug may have aluminum toxicity or alkalinization of urine Children due to the risk Hypermagnesemia and aluminum toxicity In patients with renal failure and chronic dialysis, consideration should be given to the aluminum content of Gastropin because of the risk of aluminum toxicity or accumulation of aluminum in the brain. Consult a doctor when using for pregnant women and women who are breast-feeding

4. Notes when using the drug Gastropin

Do not use the drug on an empty stomach, because when the stomach is empty, the drug can be digested too quickly without showing its pharmacodynamics.
Gastropin side effects
When using Gastropin, patients may experience side effects including:
High dose and long-term treatment can cause constipation, dry mouth. Long-term use or with high doses can cause phosphorus loss in the body Drug Interactions Gastropin
When using Gastropin drugs, it is possible to reduce the absorption of pharmacodynamics of the oral drug groups through the gastrointestinal tract. May reduce the binding of resins to potassium, increasing the risk of metabolic alkalosis in patients with renal failure.
Gastropin storage
Gastropin storage in a cool, dry place; Do not expose to direct sunlight.
The appropriate storage temperature for Gastropin is between 20 degrees and 25 degrees Celsius.
Store the tablets in the manufacturer's vial. Do not place the medicine in a humid environment such as a bathroom.
Patients must not use the product after the expiry date printed on the package, color change, or taste change.
Keep out of reach of children and pets.
Gastropin is a prescription drug, so when a patient needs to buy, a prescription has been prescribed from a doctor. Patients should remember absolutely not to buy Gastropin for treatment without consulting a doctor.

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