Uses of Fulton Anti Douleur

Anti Douleur drug has anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving ability, is used in some cases such as runny nose, sinusitis... In order for the drug to work best, patients need to use it under the guidance of a specialist doctor. department.

1. What disease does Anti Douleur cure?

Anti Douleur is a product manufactured by Fulton Medicinali S.P.A Company, licensed for circulation in Vietnam market. The product contains the main ingredients including Propyphenazone, Diphenylhydramine HCl, Adiphenyl HCl and just enough excipients.
This is an anti-inflammatory, pain reliever that works to treat problems such as runny nose, stuffy nose, rhinitis, sinusitis ... At the same time, the product also supports mild and moderate pain relief in some cases. .

2. When is Anti Douleur contraindicated?

The product is contraindicated in some cases such as:
People who are sensitive to any component of the drug such as Propyphenazon; Diphenylhydramine HCl; Adiphenyl HCl. People with severe liver and kidney failure. Use caution when using Anti Douleur for pregnant and lactating women.

3. Some common side effects of Anti Douleur

During the use of Anti Douleur drug, some common external side effects include:
Allergies, skin rash. Abdominal pain with nausea and diarrhea. Headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances make the body tired. Side effects of the drug may soon go away when the medication is stopped. In case the above symptoms appear for a long time, the patient needs to visit a medical facility for timely treatment.

4. What to do when using Anti Douleur overdose or forget to take the medicine?

When using Anti Douleur drug overdose, you need to monitor the abnormal signs of the body. If you notice that your body is tired, fever, headache, dizziness, dizziness, nausea, etc., you need to see a doctor soon.
In case of forgetting to take the medicine, the patient needs to take the supplement as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, you should skip that dose and take your medicine as usual. Never use 2 doses of the drug at the same time.

5. Some notes when using drugs

In the process of using Anti Douleur, patients should pay attention:
Store Anti Douleur in a cool place, avoid direct sunlight or humid places such as bathrooms, refrigerators. Do not use the medicine when it is expired, has signs of color change, unusual scent. Use the drug in the correct dose as recommended by the specialist, do not increase or decrease the dose on your own. Above is some information about Anti Douleur products. In addition to the commonly used oral product, currently on the market there is also an Anti Douleur gel, which is used for people with sprains, sports bruises, hematomas, muscle aches, and swelling. . Depending on the needs of use, users can consider choosing the most suitable product.

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