Uses of Dizantan

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Dizantan belongs to the group of cardiovascular drugs, often used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, heart failure,... For more detailed information about Dizantan drugs, please read the article below. this.

1. What is Dizantan?

Dizantan belongs to the group of cardiovascular drugs, with the main ingredient being Valsartan 80mg. Dizantan is prepared in the form of tablets, each 80mg, 1 box has 3 blisters x 10 tablets. Valsartan is an antagonist of the AT1 receptor of Angiotensin II (Ang II). Ang II is a hormone produced by the kidneys that is involved in the regulation of blood pressure by constricting blood vessels, causing a series of changes that lead to salt and water retention, resulting in an increase in blood pressure. Valsartan inhibits Ang II's AT1 receptor, which will have the effect of dilating blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and reducing the workload on the heart.
After oral administration, the drug Dizantan is absorbed very quickly, in the blood up to 94-97% of the absorbed drug is bound to plasma albumin. Dizantan is eliminated by the kidneys.

2. What are the effects of Dizantan?

Dizantan drug is effective in the treatment of the following diseases:
Hypertension. Heart failure unresponsive to ACE inhibitors. Antihypertensive drugs Dizantan can be used in combination with ACE inhibitors in the treatment of heart failure unresponsive to beta-blockers. Patients with renal failure have hypertension with diabetes and have microalbuminuria or in people with full-blown kidney disease.

3. Dosage, how to use Dizantan

How to use: Dizantan is taken orally with a full glass of water. Drink at the same time each day to avoid forgetting the medicine. Dizantan can be taken before or after meals as you like, but you should take it before eating because food can reduce the absorption of the drug.
Dosage: Dizantan is used as prescribed by the doctor, the dose depends on the type of disease, age, gender, background disease, ... of each patient. However, if you want to understand better, you can refer to the manufacturer's recommended dose below:
For hypertension: The usual dose is 80mg/time/day, in case of uncontrolled hypertension, The dose can be increased to 160mg/time/day or in combination with other antihypertensive drugs. No dose adjustment of Dizantan is required in patients with renal impairment or in patients with non-biliary liver failure. For heart failure: The recommended starting dose is 40mg/time, twice a day. The maximum dose that can be used is from 80 to 160mg / time, 2 times a day. When Dizantan is used with diuretics, the dose should be reduced. No dose adjustment is required in the elderly.

4. Contraindications of Dizantan

Dizantan is contraindicated in the following cases:
People with hypersensitivity or irritation to any ingredient of Dizantan. Absolutely do not use Dizantan for pregnant women or nursing mothers because the drug has the potential to cause adverse effects on the fetus. Therefore, if you are pregnant, you need to stop using the drug immediately, then tell your doctor to closely monitor the development of the fetus. Dizantan should not be used in patients with a history of severe aortic stenosis. Dizantan should not be used in patients with a history of renal artery stenosis or lesions leading to renal artery stenosis.

5. Undesirable effects when using Dizantan

There may be some unwanted symptoms when using Dizantan in the first time, but these symptoms will disappear when used or after stopping the drug. Unexpected symptoms may be encountered when using Dizatan such as:
Headache, dizziness, upper respiratory tract infection, cough, sore throat, back pain, joint pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea,... These symptoms you should monitor, if this condition occurs continuously and makes you uncomfortable, tell your doctor to have those disadvantages resolved. In addition, there are some unwanted symptoms that have not yet been clearly tested whether they are caused by Dizantan or not, but you also need to pay attention to early detection and timely treatment. Those symptoms include: physiological weakness, edema, dizziness, insomnia, body weakness. In the process of using Dizantan, if you experience any unwanted symptoms, please contact your pharmacist or doctor for advice and support in handling.

6. Notes when using Dizantan

When using Dizantan, you should note the following points:
Dizantan is not recommended to treat people under 18 years of age. There have been very rare cases of severe salt or fluid loss with Dizantan in the early stages of symptomatic hypotension. In this case you need to solve the salt and fluid loss problem before starting treatment with Dizantan. Monitor your blood pressure carefully in the beginning to make sure it's safe to use the drug. In case you have renal artery stenosis on one or both sides and still have indications to use Dizantan, you should pay attention to regularly monitor blood pressure, blood urea, and blood creatinine to ensure safety. You need to tell your doctor your medical history and medications you are taking, especially cardiovascular diseases, drugs that can increase blood potassium such as potassium-sparing diuretics, potassium supplements. body or salt substitutes containing potassium. Your doctor will monitor the extent of the disease and monitor the effectiveness and safety of the treatment while taking Dizantan for you. If you work to drive or operate machinery, tell your doctor to consider using Dizantan for treatment. Above is information about uses, dosage and precautions when using Dizantan. To ensure safety for your health and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment, you need to take Dizantan exactly as directed by your doctor.

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