Uses of Barole 20

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Barole drug 20mg is indicated for use in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease,... The article will introduce to readers the uses, usage and notes when using it. Use Barole 20mg.

1. Ingredients of Barole 20mg

Barole 20 contains the main ingredient Rabeprazole sodium 20 mg. Barole is available in capsule form. Used orally and completely dissolved in the intestine.

2. What diseases does Barole 20 treat?

2.1. The effect of the drug Barole 20 Active ingredient Rabeprazole sodium is a group of derivatives of Benzimidazole. They act by specifically inhibiting the acid or proton pump enzyme (H+/K+-ATPase) in the parietal cells of the stomach, so the effect of Barole 20 is to prevent gastric acid secretion. Thereby protecting the mucosa, preventing gastric and duodenal ulcers.
2.2. Indications for use of Barole 20 The drug is used in the following specific cases:
Support and treatment of symptoms of ulcers caused by gastroesophageal reflux. This case uses a maximum of 4 - 8 weeks. Helps speed healing and minimizes the recurrence rate of burning ulcer symptoms in gastroesophageal reflux disease. Only use the drug for a period of 4 weeks, healing and reducing symptoms for peptic ulcer, H.pylori appearance. Treatment of excess acid production, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

3. Usage and dosage of Barole 20

3.1. How to use Barole 20 In order to promote the good treatment of the disease, the issue of "Barole 20 taken before or after meals" needs to be noted. Because it is a capsule and is taken orally,
Barole 20 is used before or 1 hour after a meal. When taking, the tablet should be taken with water (do not chew, crush or cut the tablet). 3.2. Dosage of Barole 20 For the treatment of ulcers caused by gastroesophageal reflux - oesophagitis: the maximum dose is 20mg / 1 tablet / day. Dosage is maintained for 4-8 weeks. For the maintenance treatment of ulcers caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease: the maximum dose is 20mg/1 tablet/day. Maximum use is 20mg/tablet/day. Usually 1 month of treatment will cure. Treatment of excess acid production and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: the first dose can be taken orally 60mg/3 tablets/day. However, depending on the condition of the disease, the dose can be increased to 120mg/day and divided into 2 oral doses.

4. Contraindications to the drug Barole 20

Barole 20 oral tablet is contraindicated for use in the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to Rabeprazole, benzimidazole derivatives or to any component of Barole. Do NOT use for pregnant. Not for use by nursing mothers. Do not use while driving or operating machinery.

5. Barole 20 . side effects

Besides the effects that the drug brings, patients treated with Barole 20mg may also experience some side effects as follows:
Infection; Insomnia; Headache, dizziness and lightheadedness; Pharyngitis , rhinitis; Diarrhea; Nausea and vomiting; Backache; Asthenia ; Drowsiness; Bronchitis ; Sinusitis; Rash; Chills; Urinary tract infections; Increase liver enzymes; Decrease or increase in white blood cells; Anorexia; Hepatitis, jaundice; Interstitial nephritis. When experiencing the side effects of the drug Barole 20 . You need to stop taking the drug and see your doctor for timely treatment.

6. Notes when using Barole 20

In the course of drug use, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of things as follows:
Use the correct drug and the full dose prescribed on the instruction sheet and prescribed by the doctor or pharmacist. Keep Barole 20 out of the reach of small children. When you want to stop taking the drug, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist. Never stop taking the medicine suddenly without consulting your doctor. The article provides information on what Barole 20 has, how to use it and how to use it. All information in this article is for reference only. The use of the drug must follow the instructions of a specialist doctor to ensure safety for health.

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