Uses of Bacivit

Bacivit H medicine is made in the form of a powder, with the main ingredient being Lactobacillus acidophilus. The drug is used to prevent and treat digestive disorders.

1. Uses of Bacivit

What is Bacivit H? Bacivit-H medicine contains the main ingredient Lactobacillus acidophilus. This is a gram-positive, very hydrophilic bacteria that grows in low pH (below 5.0) environmental conditions. In humans and animals, Lactobacillus acidophilus mainly lives in the gastrointestinal tract and mouth. In addition, Lactobacillus acidophilus also has the ability to ferment sugar and produce lactic acid.
Studies show that Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria have many effects on the digestive system, helping to stimulate the intestinal tract, increasing absorption and easier digestion of food. This effect is because when ingested, these beneficial bacteria will immediately bind to the intestinal wall, re-establish the balance of beneficial - harmful bacteria in the intestine, helping to fight pathogens.
Bacivit H is indicated for: Prophylaxis and treatment of disorders related to intestinal microflora imbalance such as:
Diarrhea when treated with intestinal bacteria killers, antibiotics or other chemotherapy methods; Abnormalities of fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract due to stress, infection, alcohol,...; Symptoms due to bloating, flatulence, indigestion, constipation; Passing raw feces or people with prolonged diarrhea causes loss of beneficial bacteria.

2. Instructions for using Bacivit

Usage: Bacivit drug is prepared in the form of lyophilized powder, suitable for oral use. Users should dissolve the drug with a sufficient amount of water, use boiled water to cool. Do not mix the medicine with milk, juice or soft drinks. Bacivit should be taken before or after each meal. Patients should take the drug regularly to get the best treatment effect.
Usual dose:
Adults take 1 pack/time x 3 times/day; Children: Take 1-2 sachets/day; Diarrhea: Drink 4 - 8 sachets/day; Constipation: Drink 6 sachets/day. Dosage for people with digestive disorders due to antibiotic use:
Prophylactic dose: Take 2 packs/day; Dosage treatment: Take 4 - 8 sachets/day until the symptoms of the disease are gone. Note: Dosage of Bacivit - H may change based on subjects of different ages (depending on health conditions and effective response during drug use). Therefore, patients should consult their doctor about the dosage.
Overdose: In case of an emergency or overdose, the patient should call 911 immediately or go to the nearest hospital for timely treatment.
Missed dose: If a dose of Bacivit is forgotten, the patient should take it as soon as possible. If it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and take the next dose at the scheduled time. At the same time, should limit the missed dose, do not forget more than 2 times during the course of treatment.

3. Side effects of Bacivit

When using Bacivit, patients may experience some side effects such as:
When first taking the drug, there is gas production in the intestines, but this phenomenon will gradually decrease during treatment. Generally, Bacivit H is well tolerated, with no adverse reactions. However, if strange reactions occur when taking the drug, the patient should immediately notify the doctor to receive the most appropriate advice.

4. Notes when using Bacivit

Contraindications: Bacivit is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to the drug's components.
Some notes when using Bacivit:
If you have diarrhea, in addition to treatment with Bacivit H, the patient needs to be rehydrated and electrolytes for the body; Use caution when using Bacivit for pregnant and lactating women. Use the drug only when prescribed by a doctor and monitor your health during use; Strictly follow the doctor's instructions, use drugs rationally and safely; Keep the medicine out of the reach of children; Check the drug before use, stop using it if the medicine has a different smell, color, watery, lumpy,...; Combined with taking Bacivit is a healthy diet, full of essential nutrients for the body.

5. Bacivit drug interactions

Clinically, there has been an interaction between Bacivit and tetracycline when combined. Specifically, Bacivit reduces the absorption of tetracyclines from the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the concomitant use of these two drugs should be avoided or the dose of tetracycline should be increased as prescribed by the physician to achieve the desired therapeutic effect.
Bacivit H is a group of gastrointestinal drugs, used to treat diseases related to digestive disorders. The drug is suitable for many different ages and is relatively safe to use. In case of an adverse reaction when using the drug, the patient should notify the doctor immediately.

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