Uses of Amivantamab

Amivantamab is a new drug that has been put into use in the treatment of patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Medicines are used in cases where other treatments have not been effective, helping to control the disease and increase life expectancy.

1. What is Amivantamab? How does it work?

Amivantamab is a newly licensed drug for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer, which is available as an intravenous injection. Lung cancer is a dangerous disease with a high mortality rate and a relatively low 5-year survival rate. Therefore, the methods of treating lung cancer are of great interest to scientists. In particular, researchers recently introduced the drug Amivantamab, a monoclonal antibody in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer when other treatments have not worked.
Amivantamab monoclonal antibody works therapeutically by killing EGFR cells. In addition, these monoclonal antibodies also stimulate the body's immune system to destroy abnormal cells.

2. How to use Amivantamab?

Amivantamab is prepared as an intravenous injection, so the patient will be injected intravenously by the medical staff. This medication is given by slow injection over several hours.
Dosage: Patients usually take it every 2 to 4 weeks.

3. Side effects when taking Amivantamab

When taking Amivantamab medicine may experience side effects when taking the drug.
Severe hypersensitivity reactions may occur with manifestations such as rash, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face or throat. Severe skin reactions such as fever, sore throat, burning eyes, skin pain, red or purple skin rash with blistering and peeling. When you have these symptoms, you need immediate medical attention. Side effects that may occur during the injection such as nausea, dizziness, trouble breathing, chills or fever, or chest discomfort should be told immediately to the healthcare provider administering the injection. Some other reactions may occur such as: Eye pain or redness, itching, tearing, sensitivity to light... Note that if you experience some of the side effects below, the treatment with Amivantamab may be possible. temporary or permanent discontinuation: Severe reaction to injection; have a cough or trouble breathing; feeling very tired a lot; rash; skin infections or around the nails; swelling in the body...

4. Notes when taking Amivantamab

Before taking this medicine you need to tell your doctor if you have a history of allergy to any of its ingredients, do not use the medicine if you have a history of allergy to the drug. Tell your doctor if you have ever had lung problems other than lung cancer.
During the use of the drug should not breast-feed and at least 3 months after using the drug.
When taking medication your doctor may prescribe other medicines to help prevent serious side effects or the risk of an allergic reaction. Prescribed medications should be continued until your doctor tells you to stop taking them.
The drug may cause rash, itching and dryness of the skin. You should only use alcohol-free creams or lotions to treat or support dry skin.
Drug Interactions: Other drugs may affect Amivantamab, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Therefore, it is important to tell your doctor about all other medicines you take.
Above is some information about Amivantamab, you should ask your doctor about its effectiveness and any risks of taking it.

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