Uses of Alloflam 300

Alloflam 300 is used to treat diseases such as arthritis, kidney stones, ... Alloflam 300 has the main ingredient Allopurinol. The following article would like to send readers detailed information about Alloflam 300.

1. What is Alloflam 300?

Alloflam 300 belongs to the group of pain relievers, antipyretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs for the treatment of Gout and joint diseases. Alloflam is prepared in the form of tablets packed in boxes of 10 blisters x 10 tablets.
Each Alloflam tablet contains:
Active ingredient: Allopurinol USP 300mg. Excipients: Lactose Monohydrate, Maize starch, Povidone, Sodium Starch Glycolat, Colloidal Silicon Dioxide (Aerosil 200), Maize strarch, Magnesium stearate.

2. Indications for taking Alloflam 300

Allopurinol 300mg is used to reduce urate/uric acid formation in diseases caused by urate/uric acid deposition such as urate calculi in the skin, gouty arthritis, kidney stones or other clinical risks associated with predict. Alloflam 300 is used in the following cases:
Treatment of diseases caused by urate/uric acid deposition such as:
Idiopathic gout Measles uric acid acute uric acid kidney disease Cancer and hyperthyroidism bone marrow generation with a high cell turnover rate, where high levels occur either spontaneously or following cytotoxic therapy. Treatment of some enzyme disorders that lead to overproduction of urate:
Hypoxanthine - guanine phosphoribosyltransferase, Lesch - Nyhan syndrome. Glucose - 6 - phosphatese, glycogen accumulation disease. Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate aminotransferase. Adenine phosphoribosyltransfase. Control of Ca regressive stones in patients with increased urinary uric acid excretion.

3. Dosage - How to take Alloflam 300

Alloflam 300 is to be taken orally with water.
Dosage of Alloflam 300 refer to the following:
Mild gout: 200 - 300 mg Allopurinol/day, severe: 400 - 600 mg Allopurinol/day, Acute exacerbation: minimum effective dose: 100 - 200 mg Allopurinol/ Day, maximum dose: 800 mg Allopurinol/day. Prevention of uric acid nephropathy during cancer treatment 600 - 800 mg Allopurinol/day, for 2 or 3 days. Control of Ca regressive stones in patients with increased urinary uric acid excretion 200-300mg Allopurinol/day, divided into several times. Pediatric dosage for the treatment of hyperuricemia associated with cancer or chemotherapy for the treatment of enzyme disorders and cancer. The recommended dosage is 150mg Allopurinol/day for children under 6 years old and 300mg Allopurinol/day for children 6-10 years old. The dose can be adjusted after 48 hours if necessary. Dosage in patients with hepatic impairment: Oral Allopurinol dose should be reduced in patients with hepatic impairment and liver function should be checked periodically during the initial phase of treatment. Dosage in patients with hepatic impairment: Allopurinol dose should be reduced based on creatinine clearance. If creatinine is 10-20ml/min, use 200mg Allopurinol/day. Creatinine from 10ml/min, dose not more than 100mg Allopurinol/day and Creatinine <3ml/min should consider prolonging the time between dosing.

4. Contraindications to taking Alloflam 300

Alloflam 300 should not be used in patients who are sensitive or have a history of allergy to allopurinol.

5. What side effects does Alloflam 300 cause?

During the use of Alloflam 300, patients may experience some unwanted side effects such as:
Rash (the most common unwanted effect). Typical symptoms include: rash or pruritus, sometimes purpura, sometimes more serious hypersensitivity reactions including toxic epidermal necrolysis, exfoliative rash, Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Therefore, patients should stop using Alloflam 300 as soon as the rash appears. Other signs of hypersensitivity such as: Chills, fever, lymphadenopathy, eosinophilia, leukopenia or leukocytosis, arthralgia and vasculitis leading to liver and kidney damage, seizures (rare) Hypersensitivity reactions can be serious and even fatal, and patients with hepatic and renal impairment are at particular risk. Hepatotoxicity and signs of altered liver function may be: detected in non-hypersensitivity patients. Hematological effects such as: Hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, coagulation abnormalities, red blood cell aplasia. Other rare adverse events have been reported such as: alopecia, paresthesia, peripheral neuropathy, gynecomastia, increased blood pressure, taste disturbances, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea. bleeding, headache, fatigue, dizziness and visual disturbances. Gout patients may experience an increase in acute attacks when starting treatment with Allopurinol, which usually subsides after several months. Eye effects such as cataracts. Skin rash with eosinophilia, exfoliative dermatitis with eosinophilia, complications of interstitial nephritis and hepatitis. Patients should inform their doctor, pharmacist of unwanted effects while taking Alloflam 300.

6. Precautions when using Alloflam 300

Be careful when using Alloflam 300 for children, people with severe kidney or liver failure.
Use during pregnancy: There is no adequate evidence for the safety of allopurinol in pregnant women, although Alloflam 300 has been used for a long time without significant adverse effects. Alloflam 300 is used during pregnancy only when prescribed by a doctor in the absence of other safer drugs.
Lactation: Allopurinol is excreted in breast milk, therefore caution should be exercised when allopurinol is administered to a nursing woman. Although oxipurinol has been detected in the plasma of nursing infants, no adverse effects have been observed in infants during 6 weeks of maternal treatment with allopurinol.
Because of the undesirable effects of Alloflam 300 such as drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness and visual disturbances have been reported in patients taking Allopurinol. Therefore, caution should be exercised when driving and operating machinery or engaging in hazardous activities.

7. Alloflam 300 . drug interactions

Drugs that can increase uric acid levels may decrease the effect of allopurinol. Aspirin and salicylates also have this effect, so should be avoided in cases of hyperuricemia and gout. An increase in hypersensitivity and other adverse reactions has been reported in patients receiving allopurinol concomitantly with ACE inhibitors or thiazide diuretics, particularly in patients with renal impairment. The metabolism of mercaptopurine and azathioprine is inhibited by allopurinol and the doses of these drugs should be significantly reduced when co-administered with allopurinol to avoid potentially life-threatening toxicity. Allopurinol has also been reported to increase the effects and possibly increase toxicity of many drugs, including some antibiotics, anticoagulants, anticancer drugs, Eielosporin, sulfonylurea diabetes drugs, Theophyllin and Vidarabin. ACE inhibitors: A clear interaction between allopurinol and captopril has been reported in patients with chronic renal failure. Fatal Stevens-Johnson syndrome following allopurinol administration in cases where the cause is thought to be Captopril. Therefore, caution should be exercised when Ailopurinol is co-administered with captopril, especially in patients with chronic renal failure. Antacids: Allopurinol when used at the same time as Aluminum hydroxide did not reduce blood uric acid levels when used in 3 chronic hemodialysis patients. However, if allopurinol is used 3 hours before taking aluminum hydroxide, it still has the effect of reducing uric acid. Antibiotics: There may be an increased incidence of rash when allopurinol is given with Ampicillin or Amoxicillin. Antiepileptic drugs: Allopurinol may inhibit the metabolism of Phenytoin. Drugs for the treatment of Gout: Drugs that cause uricuria often increase the renal elimination of Oxipurinol (the main metabolite of Allopurinol). For example, Benzbromaron reduces the plasma concentration of Oxipurinol by 40% when co-administered with Allopurinol. Although, plasma concentrations of allopurinol remained unchanged. This interaction is not of concern because combination therapy is more effective in reducing serum uric acid than Allopurinol alone. The dose of Allopurinol should be re-evaluated on an individual basis when an additional uricosuric agent is used. There are data indicating that Probenecid reduces the clearance of Allopurinol when administered orally. In a pharmacokinetic study in healthy subjects, co-administration of Allopurinol with Probenecid resulted in a significant decrease in purinol oxygen concentrations. However, this combination is more effective at reducing uric acid than when used alone. Immunosuppressants: Allopurinol inhibits the metabolism of mercaptopurine, azathioprine, so it is recommended to reduce the oral dose of Azathioprine by 1⁄4 - 1⁄3 if used with Allopurinol, the same should be applied to mercaptopurine. Alloflam 300 belongs to the group of analgesics, antipyretics, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs for the treatment of Gout and joint diseases. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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