Uses of Abab 325mg

Abab 325mg is a medicine indicated to relieve pain, reduce fever in mild to moderate cases. To use the drug to achieve the best effect, users need to know the information about the use, use and note when using the drug below.

1. What is Abab 325mg?

Abab 325 is a drug belonging to the group of analgesics, antipyretics, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs for the treatment of Gout and bone and joint diseases.
Abab 325mg with the main ingredient is Acetaminophen 325mg. It is used to relieve pain and reduce fever in mild to moderate severity.

2. Uses of Abab 325mg

2.1 Indications: With the effect of the active ingredient Acetaminophen, Abab 325mg is often used to indicate:
Pain relief in the treatment of mild to moderate pain such as headache, toothache, menstrual pain, pain joint pain ... The drug can replace salicylate to relieve pain, reduce fever for cases of intolerance or contraindications to salicylates. The drug is used to reduce fever in cases of hyperthermia such as: fever, teething fever in children, dengue fever, fever after vaccination, cases of fever due to infection,... 2.2 Contraindication Abab 325mg drug containing Acetaminophen is not recommended for use in the following cases:
People who are hypersensitive to Acetaminophen (paracetamol) or any of the excipients in the drug. People with anemia many times or a history of heart disease, severe hypertension. People with lung disease, kidney disease (interstitial nephritis, renal artery stenosis, impaired renal function, chronic renal failure), or liver disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure...). People with deficiency of the enzyme G6PD (glucose - 6 - phosphate dehydrogenase). People with a history of alcoholism or unexplained abdominal pain. To know if you can use the drug or not, you need to tell your treating doctor or pharmacist about the diseases you are experiencing for advice and appropriate indications.

3. Usage – Dosage of Abab 325mg

To use the drug Abab 325mg to promote maximum effectiveness, the patient needs to take the drug exactly as directed by the doctor on how to use, how much to use. Here is how to use, reference dosage:
How to use:
Abab 325mg is made in the form of film-coated tablets that should be taken orally with water. Should be taken after meals or away from meals to avoid stomach irritation.
Do not break or crush or disperse the tablet, which may affect the effect of the medicine.
Should take the medicine with cooled boiled water or pure filtered water. Do not take the medicine with alcohol, beer, tea, coffee, soft drinks, fruit juices... can reduce the effect of the drug.
Adults and children over 12 years old: take 2 tablets / time, 4 - 6 hours apart / day and do not take more than 12 tablets / day.
Children under 12 years old: take 1 tablet / time, at least 4-6 hours apart and do not take more than 6 tablets / day.
Note: This dosage is for reference only, the dose may be changed according to the doctor's prescription after assessing each person's medical condition. Therefore, to have the most appropriate dose, patients should consult a specialist doctor or pharmacist.

4. Side effects of Abab 325mg

Abab 325mg may cause some unwanted effects during use such as:
Digestion: loss of appetite, abdominal pain, digestive disorders, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Nervous: headache, dizziness and fatigue. Cardiovascular: a slight decrease in blood pressure followed by an increase in blood pressure, a slight increase in heart rate. Sometimes there are allergic reactions such as: red rash on the skin, rash. Hypersensitivity reactions to the drug are a rare side effect. In the process of using the drug, if you experience the above side effects or other unusual signs, you should immediately notify the treating doctor for advice and appropriate treatment.

5. Drug interactions Abab 325mg

Acetaminophen contained in Abab 325mg may interact with some other drugs and active ingredients such as:
Do not combine Acetaminophen with drugs that increase liver metabolism such as: carbamazepine, phenobarbital, rifampicin... may increase hepatotoxicity. Acetaminophen causes increased liver toxicity if Acetaminophen is taken at a higher dose than recommended when taking anticonvulsants or isoniazid.. Do not combine Abab 325mg with other drugs containing paracetamol and pain relievers of the drug class. other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Do not take the drug with alcohol or alcoholic beverages to limit the risk of liver damage To avoid drug interactions that affect the effects of Abab 325mg and other drugs being used by the patient, please list and notify Tell the treating doctor about all the medicines you are taking, including prescription and non-prescription drugs, traditional medicines, herbs, dietary supplements... for advice and prescriptions best fit.

6. Notes and Precautions Abab 325mg

To ensure safety and help the drug Abab 325mg promote its full use, users need to note and be cautious about the following issues:
Use the drug exactly as prescribed by the treating doctor, pharmacist and manufacturer. Do not arbitrarily increase or decrease the dose, suddenly stop taking the medicine or stop the course without consulting the doctor. People with liver failure, severe kidney failure need to be careful when using the drug. Acetaminophen should be used with caution in people with pre-existing anemia. Drinking a lot of alcohol can increase the liver toxicity of the drug, so do not drink alcohol while taking Acetaminophen. Do not take Abab 325mg at the same time with other medicines containing Acetaminophen. Do not take medicine for self-treatment of pain for more than 10 days in adults, more than 6 days in children, and more than 3 days to relieve persistent high fever unless directed by a qualified physician. Pregnant women need to be careful when using the drug, only use it when it is really necessary and must be prescribed by a doctor. The drug does not affect or significantly affect the process of driving and operating machines, so these subjects can use the drug.

7. Handling missed dose, drug overdose Abab 325mg

Missed dose: Take the missed dose as soon as you remember, but if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and take the next dose as scheduled. Never take a double dose to make up for the missed dose to avoid overdose.
Overdose: When an overdose of Acetaminophen, the patient may have skin rash, itching, nausea, vomiting... When an overdose occurs, the patient should be taken to the nearest medical facility for examination and treatment. timely treatment with specific antidotes, combined with symptomatic and supportive treatment, detoxification by inducing vomiting, gastric lavage, drinking activated charcoal,...
Above is all information about Abab 325mg drug that everyone needs to know so that it can be used safely and effectively when prescribed to use this drug.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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