The effect of the drug Acefalgan 500

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Acefalgan 500mg supports the treatment of symptoms caused by fever such as: runny nose, stuffy nose, rhinitis, sinusitis. Besides, the drug also contributes to the relief of headaches, toothache, pain relief after surgery.... Let's find out the information about the drug acefalgan 500 in the following article to understand more about the drug acefalgan 500 is What drugs and what does acefalgan 500 do?

1. What is acefalgan 500?

Acefalgan 500 is an over-the-counter drug with the main ingredient being Acetaminophen (paracetamol), whose main effect is pain relief and fever reduction; manufactured by Euvipharm Pharmaceuticals. Each tablet contains Paracetamol 500 mg, which are the active ingredients. As well as the active ingredient, the tablets also contain improved corn starch, sodium metabisulfite (E223), magnesium stearate.
Package includes 16 or 32 tablets, white, round in shape with a line on one side and plain on the other side.
Acefalgan 500 is used to treat many conditions such as headache, muscle pain, arthritis, back pain, toothache, cold and fever. Pain relievers in mild arthritis but have no effect on the underlying inflammation and swelling of the joint.
Paracetamol may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.

2. The effect of the drug acefalgan 500

Acefalgan 500 contains Paracetamol belongs to the group of analgesics and antipyretics, has mild to moderate pain relief and antipyretic effects.
These pills provide effective pain relief from: mild to moderate pain including headache, migraine, sharp neuralgia (neuralgia), toothache, sore throat, menstrual pain, aches and pains, relieves aches and pains caused by rheumatism, flu symptoms, fever and cold fever.
Acefalgan 500 is an effective pain reliever - antipyretic. Drugs acting on the thermoregulatory center in the hypothalamus have hypothermia, increase thermogenesis due to vasodilation, and increase peripheral blood flow thereby reducing body temperature in febrile individuals, but it rarely reduces normal body temperature.
Acetaminophen has no effect on inflammation.
At therapeutic doses, the metabolism of acetaminophen is primarily through conjugation of sulfate and glucuronide. In small amounts or metabolized to a toxic metabolite, N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine (NAPQI). NAPQI is detoxified with glutathione and excreted in the urine and/or bile.
When the metabolite is not conjugated with glutathione, hepatocellular toxicity and cell necrosis. Acefalgan 500 is safe if taken at the usual therapeutic doses, because the amount of NAPQI formed is negligible and the amount of glutathione formed in hepatocytes is sufficient to conjugate NAPQI. However, if used in excess or sometimes with doses normally used for some people such as malnutrition, drug interactions, alcoholism, genetic predisposition, NAPQI concentrations can accumulate and cause hepatotoxicity.
Acefalgan 500 is rapidly and mostly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (the rate of absorption of acefalgan is reduced in the presence of carbohydrate-containing food. Within 30-60 minutes of oral administration, peak plasma concentrations are reached. . Acefalgan is rapidly and uniformly distributed in most body tissues About 1⁄4 of paracetamol in the blood is bound to plasma proteins
The metabolites of acefalgan 500 are eliminated mainly in the urine. In adults, approximately 90% of the administered dose is excreted within 24 hours as glucuronide conjugates accounting for about 60%, and sulfate conjugates accounting for about 30%, and less than 5% excreted unchanged as unchanged drug. excreted in plasma about 2 hours.

3. How to use acefalgan 500 effectively

3.1. Usage and dosage of acefalgan 500 Check that the foil is not broken before use. If so, don't take that pill.
Adults, elderly and children 16 years of age and older: Take one to two tablets every 4 to 6 hours, if you need to. Do not take more than 8 tablets in any 24 hours.
Children 10 to 15 years: Take one tablet every 4 to 6 hours, if you need it. Do not take more than 4 tablets in any 24 hours.
Do not drink more often than every 4 hours.
Swallow each pill with water.
For children under 10, consult a doctor or pharmacist. Because depending on the condition and the progression of the disease, the specific dose will be different. So consult your doctor or pharmacist for the right dosage. The drug should not be used arbitrarily to avoid unwanted effects.
If you overdose ?
Some symptoms usually occur if you take an overdose within 2-3 hours after taking it, appearing in the first 24 hours such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, blue-green skin.
If taken in excess of 10g (in children over 150mg/kg) can cause liver cell destruction, can lead to irreversible complete necrosis with liver dysfunction, encephalopathy can lead to coma and die. Transaminases in the liver are increased, bilirubin is increased, and prothrombin is decreased.
Call 911 or get medical help right away if you overdose
What if you forget a dose?
Since paracetamol is usually used only when needed, you may not be on a dosing schedule. Take the missed medicine as soon as you remember. If it is time for your next dose, skip the missed dose. Do not take the medicine twice in one dose.
3.2. Warnings/precautions when using acefalgan 500 This medicine can be used by adults and children 10 years of age and older. However, some people should not take this medicine or should consult a pharmacist or doctor first.
Do not use the drug:
If you are allergic to paracetamol or any other ingredients Take special note and talk to your pharmacist or doctor before taking this medicine if you: have liver or kidney disease (including alcoholic liver disease) or G-6-PD deficiency (an inherited condition that results in a low red blood cell count). Taking other medicines
Do not use this medicine if you are taking medicines that decrease blood clotting (e.g. warfarin). Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking certain antibiotics (chloramphenicol), anti-sickness medications (metoclopramide, domperidone), certain medications for diarrhea caused by gallbladder disease, or lipid-lowering medications (cholestyramine). .
For pregnant, lactating and reproductive women
If you are pregnant or nursing, or are planning to become pregnant or plan to have a baby, consult your doctor or pharmacist. your doctor before using this medicine. If necessary, paracetamol can be used during pregnancy. You should use the lowest possible dose to relieve pain and/or fever and use it for the shortest possible time. Contact your doctor or midwife if the pain and/or fever does not subside or if you need to take the medicine more often.
Driving and using machines
Paracetamol is not known to have any effect on the ability to drive and use machines.
3.3. Possible side effects with acefalgan 500 Like all medicines, acefalgan 500 can cause side effects, although not everyone gets them.
You can reduce your risk of side effects by using the minimum dose needed. Side effects may be more severe in elderly patients.
If you experience any of the following serious effects STOP taking this medicine immediately and contact your doctor or pharmacist:
Serious allergic reaction: difficulty breathing, skin rash, swelling facial or runny nose Very rare cases of skin disease reactions have been reported. Symptoms can include skin redness, blisters, and a rash. Other possible effects:
If any of the following side effects become serious or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist. your doctor knows:
Sometimes the blood does not clot, which may bruise or bleed easily. Rarely, the white blood cell count is severely reduced, making the chances of infection higher. Other rare side effects include difficulty breathing. 3.4. Storage Instructions Do not store above 25°C. Store in original packaging away from moisture Keep this medication in a safe place out of sight and reach of children, preferably in a locked cabinet. Use by date on the end cap of the carton.

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