Avelumab: Uses, indications and precautions when using

Cancer is a very dangerous disease, a disease with a high mortality rate due to the appearance of abnormal cells that divide and multiply uncontrollably, thereby invading healthy tissues or metastasizing away. Currently, there are many groups of drugs to treat cancer, including Avelumab. So what is Avelumab?

1. What is Avelumab?

What disease does Avelumab treat? Avelumab is a drug used to treat various types of cancer. The cancer drug Avelumab works by altering the body's immune system to attack cancer cells. Avelumab is a monoclonal antibody used to treat cancer.
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2. Instructions for using Avelumab

Carefully read the medication instructions provided by the pharmacist when the patient receives avelumab for treatment. However, this cancer drug needs to be taken by a healthcare professional. The drug is given by slow intravenous injection over 60 minutes, usually every 2 weeks.
Infusion reactions can occur while a patient is taking avelumab. Your doctor may then prescribe other medications (such as diphenhydramine, acetaminophen) before treatment to prevent these side effects. Tell the doctor right away if the patient has any symptoms of an infusion reaction such as: flushing, shortness of breath, fever, chills, rash, abdominal/back pain or dizziness.
The dose of the drug is prescribed based on the patient's medical condition and response to treatment. The doctor may recommend stopping treatment for a while if the patient experiences serious side effects. In addition, your doctor may also prescribe another medicine (corticosteroids such as prednisone) to treat the side effects of this medicine.
To get the best treatment effect, the patient must not miss any dose of Avelumab.
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3. Side effects of Avelumab

Side effects of Avelumab that can be encountered during treatment are fatigue and dizziness. If either of these effects persists or gets worse, you should tell your doctor or pharmacist right away.
Avelumab can cause serious side effects, patients need to pay close attention to report to the doctor promptly such as:
Signs of infection appear (such as fever, runny nose, stuffy nose, new cough). worse cough); Diarrhea with blood, mucus; Mouth ulcers, throat ulcers; Severe abdominal pain; liver disease warning symptoms (nausea/vomiting that doesn't stop, loss of appetite, yellow eyes, jaundice, dark urine); signs of kidney problems (such as change in the amount of urine, pink/bloody urine); Easy bruising, bleeding; Swollen hands, swollen ankles; Unusually weak feet, stiffness/joint pain, muscle weakness/pain; Red eyes, eye pain, sensitivity to light, vision changes. Avelumab can cause problems with hormone-producing glands in the body (such as thyroid, pituitary, adrenal glands, pancreas). The body can make too much or too little hormone. Tell the doctor right away if the sick person has any of the following symptoms:
Inability to tolerate cold or heat; Unexplained weight loss/gain; thirst/urinating more; Changes in mood or behavior (such as decreased libido, irritability, forgetfulness); Slow/tachycardia, irregular heartbeat; Unusual fatigue; Constipation. Very serious side effects of Avelumab that can occur are chest pain, difficulty breathing.
Avelumab can cause itching or a rash but is usually not serious. However, patients may not be able to distinguish between a rare rash - a sign of a serious allergic reaction (rash, facial swelling, itching, dizziness, trouble breathing). So it's best to get medical help right away if a person develops a rash or itching.
Tác dụng phụ của thuốc Avelumab
Loét miệng là một tác dụng phụ của thuốc Avelumab

4. Notes when using cancer treatment drug Avelumab

Before using avelumab, tell your doctor if you have had previous allergies to this or any other allergies and your medical history.
Drugs can cause dizziness, the use of alcohol or marijuana can make the patient more dizzy. Do not drive, use machines, or do anything that requires alertness until the sick person can be sure it is safe. In addition, it is necessary to limit alcoholic beverages while taking the drug.
Tell the doctor if the patient is pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Avelumab should not be used during pregnancy because it can harm an unborn baby. Patients should learn reliable methods of contraception while using this medicine and for 1 month after stopping treatment. If you become pregnant, tell your doctor right away to weigh the risks and benefits of taking the medication.
There are no studies on whether this medicine passes into breast milk, however to prevent possible risk to the infant, the manufacturer does not recommend breast-feeding while using this medicine and for 1 year. months after stopping treatment. If necessary, consult your doctor before breast-feeding.
Make a list of all the products the patient is taking (including prescription, over-the-counter and herbal products) for the doctor and pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dose of any medication without your doctor's approval.
Liver, kidney, thyroid, and blood sugar function tests should be performed before and during treatment with Avelumab.
Avelumab is a medicine used in a hospital or clinic, do not store it at home. In order to achieve the best treatment effect, patients need to adhere to the treatment dose according to the doctor's schedule. If you miss a dose, you should contact your doctor or pharmacist immediately to set up a new dosing schedule.

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Reference source: webmd.com
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