What is micro-oncology radiofrequency ablation?

Cancer treatment has always required a combination of different treatment methods such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery or the use of targeted drugs. Currently, with the great development of science and technology, there are new options with outstanding advantages and high efficiency in cancer treatment, including immunotherapy and especially: high-frequency burning.

1. Definition of high frequency wave

Radiofrequency (RF) is the rate of oscillation of alternating current or voltage or electromagnetic with electromagnetic wave frequency in the range from 3kHz to about 300GHz. This is the range of values ​​between the upper limit of the audio frequency and the lower limit of the infrared frequency, the frequency range at which energy from alternating current can radiate through a conductor into the surrounding medium. around.

2. Microwave ablation of cancer

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) uses high-frequency alternating current (range 400 to 500 kHz) to be inserted into the small tumor through a thin needle (usually 21 to 14 gauge in size) equivalent to 0.723 to 1.628 mm) insulated except for its end from 1 to 3 cm.
The current creates resistive friction in the tissue that is converted to heat, similar to the process of heat generation from resistance in a circuit. From here, heat will cause cell destruction or can denature proteins, losing water in cells, shrinking tumors. Depending on the nature of the tumor, the technician can adjust the burning temperature at the burning center to range from 60 to 100°C.
Currently, there are two techniques that are commonly applied in treatment: the unipolar technique (using single needles, multiple needles (clusters) or beams) is the most widely used. The multipolar technique is less commonly used because of its technical complexity.

3. Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Extremely effective pain relief: More than 70% of patients treated with radiofrequency ablation have markedly reduced pain. Thereby reducing dependence on pain relievers after treatment. Safe and Few Side Effects: This is a safe procedure with little risk of serious complications. Quick recovery: This is a minimally invasive measure, fast treatment, small skin lesions, so the risk of scarring is reduced. At the same time, patients can be discharged after 1 hour of treatment without having to stay in the hospital for long-term monitoring. Reducing the risk of surgery: This therapy is also considered a decompression treatment similar to surgery. However, surgical removal of the tumor can lead to a long recovery time and a higher risk of complications such as postoperative infection or bleeding. Cons:
Micro-oncology radiofrequency ablation is a method that doctors have to perform on very small tumors, which can be up to millimeters, so it requires experienced and highly specialized people. In addition, this is a modern and recently developed treatment technique, so it is widely developed in the community and the treatment cost is high. A small number of people may experience mild complications as the heat released accidentally destroys surrounding healthy tissue causing signs such as bruising or swelling at the injection site, mild localized pain, numbness in the hands and feet after injection. perform therapy. However, most of these cases clear up in 2-3 days. Currently, this method is only indicated for solid lesions (these organs have good electrical and thermal conductivity) and are small in size. Large tumors treated with radiofrequency ablation are often ineffective, accompanied by high costs.

4. Indications and contraindications of micro-oncology radiofrequency ablation

Common indications of radiofrequency ablation include:
Early stage cancers. Inoperable primary solid organ cancers. Early treatment of small tumors. Treatment of newly detected metastatic tumors at an early stage. Use for patients with underlying medical conditions or advanced age who cannot perform anesthesia or are not suitable for surgery. Cases of contraindications to performing therapy:
Patient refuses to perform. Large number of tumors, multi-organ metastasis, large size. Pregnant. People with bleeding disorders. Currently suffering from skin diseases. There is currently a local infection. People with mental disorders

5. Cancer treatment apps

Types of tumors that have good results after radiofrequency ablation include
Liver tumors, breast tumors, kidney or adrenal tumors. Tumors in the head, face and neck, especially thyroid nodules. Tumor in the lung. Software metastatic tumor such as: ovarian tumor, colon tumor, rectal tumor, bone tumor... In addition, this method is also used to treat lower extremity vein disease or relieve pain related to the cord. trigeminal nerve.
In summary, the method of radiofrequency ablation is highly effective in cancer treatment. Currently, radiofrequency ablation has been used to successfully treat solid tumors in the liver, lung, kidney, thyroid, uterine fibroids, and bone. However, to ensure effectiveness, patients need to choose reputable medical facilities to perform this technique.

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