Stomach cancer survival rate

Stomach cancer how long to live is a question of many patients, especially when the disease is in the final stage. In fact, the survival rate of stomach cancer mainly depends on the stage of the disease and the treatment method.

1. Five-year survival rates for stomach cancer

The survival rate of a cancer is a relative statistic, comparing people with the same type and stage of cancer with the overall population. Example: If the 5-year survival rate for a particular stage of stomach cancer is 70%, that means that compared with healthy people, about 70% will live at least 5 years on average. after being diagnosed with the disease.
How long to live for stomach cancer depends on many different factors, including:
The type and stage of the cancer Levels of exercise Treatments These are general statistics based on large numbers patients and are approximate only.

2. How long does stomach cancer live?

2.1. Early gastric cancer (stage 1) Early gastric cancer is divided into two sub-stages, 1A and 1B, with different 5-year survival rates.
Stage 1A At this stage, cancer cells have just appeared, have not spread into the main muscle layer of the stomach wall or lymph nodes (also called lymph nodes). The 5-year survival rate for stage 1A stomach cancer is about 71%.
Stage 1B Stage 1B is when cancer has spread to one or two nearest lymph nodes or has moved into the main muscle layer of the stomach wall. The 5-year survival rate when stomach cancer is stage 1B is about 57%.
Bệnh ung thư dạ dày sống được bao lâu là thắc mắc của nhiều người
Bệnh ung thư dạ dày sống được bao lâu là thắc mắc của nhiều người
2.2. How long does stage 2 stomach cancer live? Similar to stage 1, stage 2 stomach cancer is also divided into 2 smaller stages, 2A and 2B.
Stage 2A The patient has stage 2A stomach cancer when the cancer cells belong to 1 of the following 3 cases:
Has metastasized to 3 - 6 surrounding lymph nodes. Has spread to the main muscular layer of the gastric wall and to the nearest 1-2 lymph nodes. Has not migrated to lymph nodes but has passed through the main muscular layer of the gastric wall and has invaded the subserosal layer. The 5-year survival rate for stage 2A stomach cancer is about 46%.
Stage 2B Stomach cancer is considered stage 2B when the cancer cells satisfy 1 of the following:
Has metastasized to at least 7 regional lymph nodes, but has not invaded the main muscle layer of the stomach. stomach wall. Has spread to the main muscle layer of the stomach wall and is present in 3 to 6 lymph nodes. Has crossed the main muscle layer and invaded the subserosal layer, and the malignant cells have also spread to 1 or 2 adjacent lymph nodes. Has invaded the serosa (the outer covering of the stomach) but has not spread to regional lymph nodes. The 5-year survival rate for stage 2B stomach cancer is about 33%.
2.3. How long does stage 3 stomach cancer live? Stage 3 stomach cancer is divided into 3 stages, 3A, 3B and 3C with different survival rates.
Stage 3A A patient with stomach cancer is diagnosed at stage 3A if the cancer has progressed into one of the following three categories:
Has spread to the main muscle layer of the stomach wall and at least 7 lymph nodes surrounding blood. Invades the subserosal layer and migrates to 3 to 6 regional lymph nodes. Invasion to serosa and 1-2 regional lymph nodes. The 5-year survival rate for stage 3A stomach cancer is about 20%.
Stage 3B For stage 3B stomach cancer, the malignant cells will have one of the following characteristics:
Has metastasized to at least 7 lymph nodes but has not spread to the serosa. Has spread to the serosa and 3 to 6 regional lymph nodes. Has invaded through the serosa and has metastasized to nearby organs (eg, spleen, liver, pancreas, small intestine, or large blood vessels), and may be present in 1 or 2 nearby lymph nodes . Stage 3B stomach cancer has a 5-year survival rate of about 14%.
Stage 3C For stage 3C gastric cancer, the malignant cells have invaded the serosa and at least 7 lymph nodes. Stage 3C is also defined when the cancer has spread to organs near the stomach and is present in 3 or more lymph nodes. The 5-year survival rate for stage 3C stomach cancer is about 9%.
Bệnh ung thư dạ dày sống được bao lâu phụ thuộc vào từng giai đoạn và hiệu quả điều trị của người bệnh
Bệnh ung thư dạ dày sống được bao lâu phụ thuộc vào từng giai đoạn và hiệu quả điều trị của người bệnh
2.4. How long do you live with late stage stomach cancer? End stage (stage 4) stomach cancer is when cancer cells have spread to distant organs (such as liver, lungs, brain, and bones). The 5-year survival rate for end-stage stomach cancer is 4%.
Thus, how long gastric cancer lives depends on many different factors. In order for the treatment to be effective, the patient must be persistent in following the doctor's instructions. In addition, patients need to adjust their lifestyle, build a scientific diet, live a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly. Besides, the mental factor is also a very important part that directly affects the treatment process.
For early detection of stomach cancer, it is best to perform regular screening. Each person, especially those prone to stomach cancer, should have regular check-ups and cancer screening twice a year so that they can promptly detect the disease and treat it early, to avoid stomach cancer. If it progresses to the end stage, it will be very difficult to treat.
At Vinmec International General Hospital, gastric cancer screening is done through gastric endoscopy with NBI (Narrow Banding Imaging - endoscope with narrow light frequency band). The mucosal pathology analysis image gives clearer results than conventional endoscopy and is considered as the NBI narrowband endoscopic technique, which is evaluated as the best method to help screen cancer of the gastrointestinal tract. the earliest to date.
Besides, with the system of Laboratory Departments - Vinmec International General Hospital is a synchronous testing center with a full range of medical fields: Biochemistry, Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Microbiology - Parasitology Infectious Diseases and Pathology and 3 majors: Biochemistry, Hematology - Blood Transfusion, Microbiology - Parasitology all achieved ISO 15189:2012 certificates. The Research Institute of Stem Cells and Gene Technology at Vinmec also screened 15 common cancers in men and 17 common cancers in women with only one gene test. Thanks to the good medical quality, customers can rest assured when making a visit at Vinmec.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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