What to do to address the causes of anorexia

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Anorexia child is one of the biggest obsessions of mothers having children in the developmental stage. Children's anorexia not only affects the psychology of parents, but most importantly, it causes a lot of consequences for children's health and comprehensive development.
Video content is professionally consulted by MSc. Dr. Nguyen Nam Phong - Pediatrician - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital

1. Causes of anorexia in children

There are many causes of anorexia in children, pediatricians divide the main types of anorexia to determine treatment directions: including physiological anorexia, pathological anorexia and psychological anorexia. However, psychological anorexia only occurs in older children (7-12 years old) or in adults, so solving nutritional and treatment problems only needs to be done with the first 2 groups of anorexia causes. first.
For children, anorexia is divided into 7 main groups of causes
Anorexia caused by pathology Anorexia caused by physiological Anorexia psychological Anorexia hereditary Anorexia due to lack of nutrition Anorexia due to food Anorexia Eating due to other causes When properly understanding the cause of anorexia, parents will find the right way to solve the problem.

Việc nắm rõ được nguyên nhân sẽ khắc phục được tình trạng lười ăn ở trẻ
Việc nắm rõ được nguyên nhân sẽ khắc phục được tình trạng lười ăn ở trẻ

2. Note when supplementing micronutrients for anorexia children

In the above-mentioned groups of causes, the role of micronutrients in children can be clearly seen, so it is possible to prevent and solve the situation of anorexia children by supplementing with micronutrients through circulation. The following notes:
Micronutrient supplementation is extremely important, should be done from the time the mother is pregnant. During the breastfeeding process, it should also be supplemented through the mother's eating and breastfeeding When the child begins to enter the stages developed separately, supplemented by determining the required amount of micronutrients, thereby providing through menus and recommended micronutrient-containing products. In particular, important micronutrients such as zinc, magnesium, calcium... which directly affect metabolism, cell creation, and neuroderivation... need to be supplemented properly and sufficiently through easily absorbed food.
As zinc participates in the structure and function of more than 300 different enzymes. Zinc is also a catalyst for various types of energy-generating reactions and biological processes in the body, participating in the synthesis of proteins, DNA... For young children, taste and digestive system are 2 the most important factor in reversing anorexia. Parents especially note that the lack of micronutrients such as zinc has a direct effect on children's taste and digestive ability.
Because zinc is involved in the structure of digestive enzymes, the structure of taste buds, sensing the deliciousness of food, and helping to maintain the intestinal mucosal barrier, providing enough zinc in particular and micronutrients In general, it helps children eat well and digest well.
In addition to enriching the menu from familiar foods such as meats, seafood, eggs, milk, grains, nuts, parents can also add vitamins or synthetic nutritional products according to their advice. consultation of medical specialists. The advantage of these products is that they combine many micronutrients, are prepared in an easily absorbed form to help children absorb maximum, have clear quantification, so they provide enough micronutrients needed for the day for children.

3. Children need to form healthy eating habits

In addition to the above supplement, it is also very important to form a healthy eating habit for children:
Make children enjoy food: tell them funny and vivid stories about food, about the color of vegetables because when young children are greatly influenced by color. At the same time, also change dishes, diversify foods with many types and colors for children to be curious and explore. Eating utensils such as dishes, cups, spoons... with funny images will also make your baby's mealtime really fun. Do not use food for other purposes: Do not use food for purposes such as reward or even punishment. Because gradually in children's thoughts and behaviors, eating becomes negative and causes resistance against parents from an early age. Do not force children to eat Pay attention to children's preferences: choose foods according to children's tastes Do not give children snacks before meals In short, as long as parents are patient, their child's anorexia problem will be solved. significantly improved. In the case of prolonged anorexia, parents should consult with doctors and experts to have the most effective adjustment for the current condition of the child.

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