What problems does anemia cause in children?

The article was consulted with Master, Doctor Doan Ngoc Quynh Tram - Pediatrician - Neonatologist - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Children with anemia are dangerous or not is a matter of concern for many parents. Anemia in a child means a low red blood cell count or low hemoglobin level due to various causes. With anemia, children often have no symptoms, and treatment will depend on what's causing it.

1. What is anemia in children?

Anemia is a common problem in children. A child is anemic if there are not enough red blood cells or hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein that allows red blood cells to carry oxygen to other cells in the body.

2. Some types of anemia in children

There are many types of anemia in children, including:
Iron deficiency anemia : This is a condition in which there is not enough iron in the blood. Iron is needed to form hemoglobin. Giant cell anemia: When the red blood cells are too large due to lack of folic acid or vitamin B12, it will cause giant cell anemia. One type of megaloblastic anemia is pernicious anemia. In this type, there is a problem with absorbing vitamin B12, important for making red blood cells. Hemolytic anemia: This is when red blood cells are destroyed. There are many different causes, such as a serious infection or certain medications. Sickle cell anemia: This is an inherited type of hemoglobinopathy with abnormally shaped red blood cells. Cooley's anemia (thalassemia): An inherited form of anemia with abnormal red blood cells. Aplastic anemia: Depletion of bone marrow to make blood cells.

3. What causes anemia in children?

Anemia has 3 main causes:
Loss of red blood cells. Inability to make enough red blood cells. Destroy red blood cells. Decreased red blood cell count or hemoglobin levels can be caused by:
Inherited red blood cell abnormalities. Infection. Some diseases. Certain drugs. The body is lacking in certain types of minerals and vitamins.
trẻ bị thiếu máu có nguy hiểm không
Việc trẻ bị thiếu máu có nguy hiểm không còn phụ thuộc vào những gì gây ra nó.

4. Which children are at risk of anemia?

Risk factors for anemia include:
Prematurity or low birth weight. Live in poverty or immigrate from developing countries. Early use of cow's milk. Diet low in iron, vitamins or minerals. Surgery or blood loss accident. Long-term illnesses, such as infections, kidney or liver disease. Family history of an inherited type of anemia, such as sickle cell anemia.

5. What are the symptoms of anemia in children?

Most of the time, the symptoms of anemia in children are caused by a lack of oxygen in the cells. Many symptoms do not occur with mild anemia.
Here are the most common symptoms:
Increased heart rate. Shortness of breath . Lack of energy or getting tired easily. Dizziness, especially when standing. Headache . Irritability. Irregular menstrual cycle. Absence or delay in menstruation. Pain or swelling of the tongue. Jaundice of the skin or eyes and mouth. Enlarged spleen or liver. Slow or slow growth and development. Poor wound and tissue healing. The symptoms of anemia in children can resemble blood problems or other health conditions. Anemia is often a symptom of another disease. Be sure to report any symptoms to your child's doctor.

6. Is anemia dangerous for children?

Whether a child has dangerous anemia no longer depends on what caused it. Some types have few complications, but others have frequent and serious complications. Some cerebral ischemia can cause:
Growth and development problems. Joint pain and swelling. Bone marrow failure. Leukemia or other cancers.

7. How is anemia diagnosed in a child?

Because anemia is common in children, doctors will check it periodically for it. Plus, it's often asymptomatic. Most childhood anemia is diagnosed with the following blood tests:
Hemoglobin and hematocrit: This is usually the first screening test for anemia in children. It measures the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood. A complete blood count checks for red and white blood cells, clotting cells (platelets), and sometimes young red blood cells (reticulocytes). It includes hemoglobin, hematocrit and more details about red blood cells. Peripheral smear: A small sample of blood is examined under a microscope to see if they are normal. To collect a blood sample, technicians insert a needle into a vein, usually in the child's arm or hand. The blood test may cause some discomfort while the needle is inserted. It may cause some bruising or swelling. After all blood is taken, the medical staff will remove the tourniquet, press on the area, and bandage it. Depending on the blood test results, your child may also have a bone marrow aspiration, biopsy, or both. This is done by taking a small amount of bone marrow fluid (aspiration) or solid bone marrow tissue (core biopsy). The fluid or tissue is checked for the number, size, and maturity of blood cells as well as for abnormal cells.
trẻ bị thiếu máu có nguy hiểm không
Tương tự như việc trẻ bị thiếu máu có nguy hiểm không thì việc điều trị cũng tùy thuộc vào các triệu chứng.

8. How to treat anemia in children?

Similar to whether anemia can be dangerous, treatment depends on your child's symptoms, causes, age, and general health, and in some cases no treatment is needed. Some types may require medication, a blood transfusion, surgery, or a stem cell transplant. Your health care provider can refer you to a hematologist. This is a specialist in the treatment of blood disorders. Treatment may include:
Vitamin and mineral drops or tablets. Change your child's diet. Discontinue the drug that causes anemia. Surgery to remove the spleen. Blood transfusion. Stem cell transplant.

9. What to do to prevent anemia?

Whether a child has dangerous anemia no longer depends on what caused it. Some types of anemia are hereditary and cannot be prevented. Iron deficiency anemia, a common form of anemia, can be prevented by making sure your child gets enough iron in his diet. To do this:
Breastfeed your baby if possible, he will get enough iron from breast milk. Give an iron supplement if your baby is on formula. Do not give cow's milk until after the age of 1, because cow's milk does not have enough iron. Give your child iron-rich foods when they are weaning. These include iron-rich cereals and grains, egg yolks, red meat, potatoes, tomatoes, raisins. In short, whether a child is dangerously anemic no longer depends on what causes it. Some types have few complications, but others have frequent and serious complications such as effects on growth and development, bone marrow failure, leukemia, or other cancers.
Iron deficiency anemia can cause dangerous complications for children's health and mental health, so parents need to observe and timely supplement this important source of vitamin.
In addition to dietary supplements, parents can give their children supportive foods containing iron and essential micro-minerals such as zinc, lysine, chromium, selenium, vitamin B... to help meet their full needs. meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well.
>> Parents can learn more: What disease can iron deficiency cause? The article was professionally consulted by Dr. Phan Dinh Thuy Tien - General Internal Medicine - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Please regularly visit Vinmec.com website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.

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