Measures to help children eat delicious food, increase resistance

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Helping children eat well to increase resistance is the desire of many parents. Therefore, the measure to help children eat well with a nutritious diet made from clean, natural foods will be the best solution to help mothers improve their children's health. Let's read more articles below to understand more about measures to help children eat well and increase resistance.

1. Measures to help children eat well, increase resistance

For children, the immune system is not yet complete, so the child's resistance is still weak. Even the children are of the same age, have the same care and living environment, but when faced with external influences such as epidemics, changes in weather,... There may be different reactions, some children get sick while others have absolutely no problem. It is due to differences in the child's immune system.
Children are often sick, susceptible to respiratory diseases such as flu, colds... are manifestations of a weak immune system and inadequate nutrition. That means that children with good resistance will be less affected and have better conditions for physical development.
If parents do not help their children build a good immune system, increase the child's resistance, children will be susceptible to infectious diseases such as: Hand, foot and mouth disease, measles, chickenpox, ... and other diseases. respiratory diseases such as colds, sneezing, allergic rhinitis, sore throat, ... especially in the situation of respiratory infections caused by new strain of corona virus (COVID-19) is complicated.
Besides protecting children from outside such as wearing masks, it is advisable to limit taking children to crowded places, wash hands often, ... parents also need to pay attention to increasing resistance for children. children from the inside through a reasonable daily diet and healthy lifestyle. It is very important to ensure that children eat well to increase their resistance. However, making children want to eat naturally without forcing is something that not all young parents can do.

Cởi bỏ áp lực trong khi ăn là biện pháp giúp trẻ ăn ngon miệng
Cởi bỏ áp lực trong khi ăn là biện pháp giúp trẻ ăn ngon miệng

1.1. Take the pressure off while eating

Parents forcing, urging children to eat "one more bite" or flattering children to eat with televisions, smartphones is no longer a rare problem nowadays in every family with young children. In fact, these actions are completely wrong and can lead to harm that many parents cannot foresee.
When being forced to eat, children will form a feeling of fear, making them more and more anorexic. Eating without interest for a long time will reduce the absorption capacity of the child's body, making the baby stunted and slow to grow. Some studies have shown that families where parents tend to force their children to eat for a "full meal" are more likely to grow up with eating disorders such as poor appetite or overeating. out obesity. The reason is that forcing children to eat foods they do not want will make them lose the ability to self-manage their eating habits, from which children eat too little or eat too much when they grow up.
Moreover, if children are forced to eat, children will form bad habits, such as "bargaining" with their parents about meals to buy gifts, watch TV or use smartphones. Gradually, as children grow up, children continue to view their learning and independence as a condition for "bargaining" with their parents.
Another potential danger of forcing children to eat that many parents do not anticipate is that being forced to eat a lot will lead to overnutrition, increasing the amount of hormones in the body, causing them to wake up. premature birth, even limiting the height growth of children. At the same time, nutrition experts also make the point that, when parents force a child to eat with a whip or scold, the child will eat porridge (rice, flour...) with cortisol, causing the baby's brain to secrete a type of food. "stress hormone" makes children tired, bored, slow growth, calcification of joints, depression, appearance of aggressive and violent behavior... This will greatly affect children's psychology and even is that as adults they may tend to live more isolated lives - this is also one of the causes of autism.

1.2. How to help children eat delicious food to increase resistance

Children after 1 year old begin the process of learning new life skills, from walking, standing, running, speaking, communicating to "understanding". Therefore, at this stage, children tend not to focus on eating anymore, but mainly focus on discovering themselves, discovering the world. This is also the period when feeding children becomes "torture" for parents.
For children, eating has become secondary, a new "I" is beginning to form, the more the child is forced, the more resistant the child will be, but conversely for adults, eating is still placed first. optimal critical goods. Parents should learn the needs of children through each stage of development, and then change the way of processing, decorating dishes with eye-catching, varied foods, do not mix types together to understand their child's preferences, then know what kind of food your child is excited about.
At the same time, parents need to be resolute not to compromise with children about the habit of snacking before meals, eating too late, eating fried foods and eating sweets. Do not arrange the main meal and snack too close together, let the food have time to digest, only then will your child be excited about the next meal.
When children start to eat solids, to help them eat well and increase their resistance, let's practice the habit of sitting down to eat from the first days, avoiding street eating, which will form bad habits for children later this. In addition, it is also necessary to arrange a reasonable time so that the child can be physically active. Letting your baby have fun or participate in exercise will be a way to help them get stronger, limit the time they spend watching TV or sitting in one place.
Parents should also remember, creating a healthy, natural appetite in children is the most important thing. To do this, give your child a full range of micronutrients, both stimulating appetite and good for the digestive system, helping to strengthen the immune system, improve physical fitness such as L-Lysine, zinc , iron, B vitamins, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin D, manganese, Iodine, Magnesium...
If the above are met, the child will gain weight sustainably, without the risk of obesity, because Having enough nutrients, the body will be "nourished" from the inside, helping children eat well, sleep well, be healthy enough to cope with disease-causing agents from the harmful effects of the outside environment.

Tập cho con thói quen ngồi ăn tập trung là biện pháp giúp trẻ ăn ngon miệng
Tập cho con thói quen ngồi ăn tập trung là biện pháp giúp trẻ ăn ngon miệng

2. 6 best methods to help strengthen children's resistance

2.1. Building a healthy diet for children

Nutrition is a measure to help children eat well during their development. Accordingly, parents need to pay attention to supplementing their children with all the necessary nutrients.
At each age, the nutritional needs of children will be different, so parents should learn carefully about the diet for each age. Especially with children between 2 and 6 years old. Because this is the age when babies develop very quickly and absorb well.
The full addition of 4 food groups: Starch, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals not only helps the baby have good resistance but also helps the baby continue to maintain good development momentum. Not only need to make sure about how to feed children, parents need to practice feeding children on time, regularly, with absolute focus on meals. At the same time, change the menu to create excitement and appetite for your baby. A perfect meal for your baby needs to ensure the necessary nutrients, not just focus on one type of substance.

2.2. Give your child enough water to drink

Water is an important component in the body that helps to carry white blood cells throughout the body, excreting toxic substances through sweat glands, urination, and at the same time contributes to increasing metabolism. young, providing essential nutrients for cells. Therefore, drinking enough water is also a way to help children eat well and increase resistance.
Children are the target group that rarely drinks water on their own and only drinks water when thirsty. To change this, parents need to practice for children in the habit of drinking enough water every day depending on the age, weight as well as the intensity of activities and play of each child.

2.3. Fortifying foods to help improve resistance in children's menus

Food provided daily in each meal will have a direct impact on the child's immune system. Therefore, young parents need to add a variety of foods to help improve resistance in their baby's diet. The following foods are considered to have many effects on the resistance as well as the development of children:
Fish: Contains large amounts of antioxidants that help strengthen the ability of the immune system. Foods rich in zinc such as animal liver, shrimp, crab, beef, cereals, nuts, ... not only provide a lot of zinc for the body, but also help increase resistance and help the baby fight against diseases. disease viruses. Not only that, zinc also helps increase appetite naturally in children. Sweet potatoes: are rich in beta-carotene and vitamins C, E to help strengthen the immune system, fight inflammation, laxative, avoid constipation in children. Fruits such as: Bananas are rich in vitamin B6, potassium and fiber; oranges and tangerines provide abundant vitamin C; Grapes enhance antioxidants, ... actively support the immune system.

2.4. Ensure children's sleep

A good night's sleep is very important for the baby's development and helps to increase the child's resistance; increase intellectual development, height, weight. Because when sleeping well, the baby has a comfortable spirit and plays well all day.
Children's sleep experts say that, at different ages, the total amount of sleep in the day is also different, specifically:
Children from 4 to 12 months: Need 12-16 hours of sleep/day Children from 1-2 years old: Need 11-14 hours of sleep per day Children from 3-5 years old: Need 10-13 hours of sleep per day Children from 6-12 years old: Need 9-12 hours of sleep per day Children from 13-18 years old: Need to sleep 8-10 hours/day 18-year-olds and older: Need 7 hours or more sleep/day

Đảm bảo giấc ngủ cho trẻ cũng là một trong những biện pháp giúp trẻ ăn ngon miệng
Đảm bảo giấc ngủ cho trẻ cũng là một trong những biện pháp giúp trẻ ăn ngon miệng

2.5. Vaccinate your baby fully and on time

Young children, especially infants, need certain vaccines to prevent illness. Therefore, parents need to ensure that their children fully participate in the compulsory vaccination series according to the national immunization program. As for the service vaccines, parents can completely consider depending on the family's conditions.

2.6. Teach children how to maintain personal hygiene

Young children in this stage often focus on exploring the world around them, so they often do not pay too much attention to maintaining personal hygiene if not guided by their parents. Therefore, from a young age, parents should set an example and teach children the habit of washing hands before and after eating or after playing and especially when returning home.
Resistance is like a layer of armor that protects the health of both adults and children in the most effective way. They have the ability to resist the invasion of pathogenic factors from outside the environment. Therefore, ensuring that children have a good resistance will help their bodies prevent some harmful agents from the environment.
In addition to proper nutrition, adequate vaccinations, and sleep for children... parents need to add essential micronutrients such as zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, Ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C),... for children to improve their taste, eat well, reach the correct height and weight, and exceed the standard, have a good immune system and strengthen resistance to reduce illness easy, less likely to have digestive problems.
The improvement of symptoms can take place for a long time, so it is recommended that parents need to be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients for their baby, either through food or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose types of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not give children multiple types or change continuously.
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the National General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.
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